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Posts posted by PETDCAT

  1. Gee why to I get the feeling that some family somewhere has probably been busy buying up land in the last few years to lease back to the Government for a project such as this? I would not be surprised if they also have a construction company that could provide construction services as well as a management company that could manage such businesses. Of course they would not be profitable for some time.Or should I say for all time. What a cash cow. Bugsy Siegel would be proud.

  2. Can we see the original packaging? I can read Thai. I suspect they're mung beans.

    Definitly not gecko turds. I regularly clean those up from under the artwork hung on our walls. That's where the geckos live. Apparently it's a great place to hide from the cat. I've seen them running under a framed piece of art when the cat spots them on the wall. Must be a successful strategy because a few have grown to a large size. Good to know someone likes our artwork.

    When I first started eating them my girlfriend would bring them over and they came in a clear plastic bag about 2inches wide and 6inches long,I don't think there was any label or writing on the bag.Recently We went to Tannin market and they have them there in much larger bags also with no label. Maybe the next time you go to Warorot for cashews you will notice them and find out their true identity.

  3. According to the Bangkok Bank web site you can do this with a Tourist Visa. It also says you have to provide an address other than a hotel, P.O. Box, etc.

    You can also apply if you have a Bangkok Bank issued card which can access a Bangkok Bank ATM. The web page for ATM application states that if you visa type is "Touist" you may not be able to apply by ATM.. I am not sure what the "may" actually means in this case.

    At any rate, you should be able to apply with a Tourist Visa. The bank for sure reserves the right to deny your application.

    The procedures for both are on their web site.


    Thats great. I have both, a bank issued card and valid address. I haven't looked at their website,only applied at the bank. I will check the website and Thanks for the info.


    Curious. Which branch told you that you are unable to have online access to your account? I want to be certain to avoid them. My guess is that the bank employees at that particular branch just don't want to bother.

    It is the branch on Sridornchai Rd, between Pantip plaza and the moat. They were helpful when I was setting up a paypal account a few years ago but this last time,not so much. I was with my Thai gf so I am sure nothing was lost in translation. Maybe I shouldn't have gone so close to lunchtime.

  4. According to the Bangkok Bank web site you can do this with a Tourist Visa. It also says you have to provide an address other than a hotel, P.O. Box, etc.

    You can also apply if you have a Bangkok Bank issued card which can access a Bangkok Bank ATM. The web page for ATM application states that if you visa type is "Touist" you may not be able to apply by ATM.. I am not sure what the "may" actually means in this case.

    At any rate, you should be able to apply with a Tourist Visa. The bank for sure reserves the right to deny your application.

    The procedures for both are on their web site.


    Thats great. I have both, a bank issued card and valid address. I haven't looked at their website,only applied at the bank. I will check the website and Thanks for the info.


  5. I have a savings account at Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai for about 3 years now. When I inquire about online access to my account I am told I cannot have that with a tourist visa. Without trying to debate the logic of this I would like to know if anyone has an account in Thailand with any bank that has online access with just a tourist visa.Thanks

  6. On Huay Kaew Road there is a Mac repair store. I brought in a 3Gs that needed the charging port changed. He put in a new one for 300Baht. Last year, i brought my Mac Book Pro to the Mac authorized shop near Hillside condos. The screen was partially blacked out and they charged me 800 baht to diagnose it. They said screen needed to be replaced for a cost of 30000Baht. I brought it to the place on Huay Kaew and he fixed it for 1000 Baht. Pinched cable. Coming from the moat go up Huay Kaew and go past the Nimmenhaimen intersection, it will be on your right hand side next to Tsunami sushi.

  7. Reading some of the comments, I am struck by the common characteristic of resentment and bitterness. The article is about the PM stating that she plans to meet with the news media 2X a week. The PM has been accused of not being accessible by the same people now ridiculing her for being accessible.

    If one finds the sexist and ignorant remarks about "flouncing" and "lipstick" acceptable it explains why some people have failed marriages, have failed in the workplace and failed at managing or leading.

    Grow up. It's 2011 and outside of the beer bars, women are not chattel nor domestic servants anymore.

    Oh right,she is not chattel. She is a clone

  8. Thanks Nancy,I tried an ip cloak and it worked for me also. It seems rather odd that the Govt would block a Social Security website from access from overseas. I thought I was able to access this site a few months ago with no problem. Maybe I am mistaken.

  9. each tablet will cost no more than Bt3,000 and its use-life should range from three to four years.

    How many times can it be dropped before it breaks? How long before water damage occurs? For the price I don't think there is going to be the durability and build quality that is needed for daily use by young kids. Mobile phones are pretty rugged and can take a lot of abuse. Then again there has been a lot of r&d over the years to get to this stage. The tablets are still relatively new and delicate. I will be surprised if 50% are still working after 1 year.

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