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Posts posted by teatree

  1. I would think twice about flying through India.  Their security when transferring are the rudest, most unprofessional and over zealous I have ever encountered.


    Jet airways are ok, but I would rather pay extra to avoid the hassle of flying through India.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, ozfarang said:

    According to info on their web site you can submit your visa application up to 1500 and pick up visa the next afternoon.






    Hope this helps.

    Thanks.  I saw this on the website and it implies that applications can be made in the afternoon.  This is both supported and contradicted by posts in this thread, so I am a bit confused!


  3. 7 hours ago, khundon said:

    So, in your opinion, it takes more skill to find and load certain boxes of products onto a pallet in a wharehouse, than to find certain boxes of products on a pallet in a shop, unpacked them and put them on a shelf.



    Your  “Risks to health” won’t fly either. 

    A central warehouse needs teams of forklift truck operators.  The responsibility is far greater - if you put a stack of pallets on the lorry to Glasgow instead of Guildford then there is a big logistical problem.  If Mavis puts the wrong box on her trolley in the store all she has to do is spend 2 minutes going round back to change it.  And how many of the staff in a store are sitting on down in a comfortable environment scanning barcodes at the checkout instead of doing heavy lifting?


    The central warehouses are far bigger, with far higher stacks of goods and forklifts whizzing around all the time and therefore pose a great risk to injury.  Plus, they are not air conditioned in the same way a store which are made very comfortable for the customers benefit.


    Women are not barred from working the warehouses and the stores do not employ exclusively women, so I don't see how legal action will go anywhere.

  4. I have noticed that at ARL stations fans have been fitted all along the platforms.  They have been there for months now.  Are there any plans to switch them on?  Or are they for ornamental purposes?


    Given that most stations have about as much ventilation as a cow shed, it would be nice to get some air flowing through while waiting for a train.

  5. 16 minutes ago, attrayant said:

    The Trump/orangutan thing works only for Trump, so again somebody doesn't understand the difference between a caricature and a racial stereotype.


    It would be like comparing Manute Bol to a giraffe. It's a caricaturization. They're both tall, get it?  Ha ha!  But compare him to a gorilla and you're skating on the thin ice of racial stereotyping.

    The tweet by Barr was referring to one single individual who happens to look a little like a character in a movie.  Where in her tweet was she referring to all black people?



    • Thanks 2
  6. 31 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    Oh, the best you can find is a comedian, okay. So, I see your legitimate ape and raise you Trump mocking the handicapped reporter?   Your turn. Wanna bet who runs out of material first?

    I was referring to the hypocrisy and selective outrage whereby Barr immediately suffers repercussions but Mahr doesn't even cause the bat of an eye lid.  Both Comedians.



    • Thanks 2
  7. 5 hours ago, DefaultName said:

    There is a simple reason why governments across the world don't want to legalise weed.  It isn't taxable.  Alcohol takes time and equipment to make, tobacco needs fairly specific conditions and processing, for weed, a few seeds, some soil, and you have an easy, recurring, supply.

    Colorado Cannabis Sales Hit $1.49 Billion In 2017: Taxes Up To $247 Million



    This is in a state with a population of around 5 million and no way near the number of visitors Thailand would attract if it legalised weed.


    It is reasonable to say that Thailand could receive over a billion USD in tax per year.

  8. On 5/11/2018 at 7:20 AM, geronimo said:

    No matter how fruitful legalising weed might be, taking away BIB tea money is definitely not on the menu, and being as they and other boys in brown and green are running things, I'm not holding my breath.


    Until they realise how much money can be made legally and choose to legalise weed and give out licenses to themselves to grow and sell it.

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