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Posts posted by sk1max

  1. My step daughter who is 14 was out yesterday evening with a school friend at some concert by Tops, informed me on the way home that some 50 yo + farang pervert had approached her and asked her "go back my room" as well as asking for her number..... she actually looks about 12 so no way could she be mistaken for 16 let alone 18.. she has been warned about these leeches so ran away....i was having dinner with the mrs a few sois away so had left them alone for a couple of hours..

    Well, i was (am) absolutely fuming and looking back if i had been there i would have definately kicked the living sh*t out out of him.... i mean it !!!! just wondering what kind of support i would get from the local police if i was arrested ?? especially wouldn't want any immrigration issues but some scum like that just makes my blood boil.. preying on kids at Thai concerts .. :)

    Calm down and take a step back, don't let her out of your sight. I moved from Phuket for this reason

  2. Hi all,

    I've got a Non-Immigrant 'o' visa and I need to do my visa run to get my next 90 days. Thinking of going to Chaing Rai for a few nights and crossing over into Burma, Laos or Cambodia at the 'Golden Triangle' just for the day.

    Anyone know if I can do this/what options are there and how much will it cost?


    You need to get the bus to Mae Sai and cross there, (obviously) if you take a brand new unused and I mean unused unmarked $10 bill you can use that instead of 500bht. say a few baht. Mae Sai is much easier than the other places you mentioned.

  3. What utter crap!!! I agree London has now most certainly become better value. Things are much cheaper in comparison to Thailand. Thailand is fast becoming a major rip off! People are still living in the past and still believe the old crap. So what is better value in Thailand?

    It was only a matter of time before the idiots turned up.

    Cheaper in Thailand:


    -Public transport

    -Eating out

    -Most groceries (apart from imported western items)

    -Health care (apart from NHS)



    -All kind of taxes

    Do I need to go on.........

    Well said Sir!


    How would Microsoft or Apple ever have gotten out of the garage if everyone had continued buying IBM. Indeed many smaller companies are making headway's in all different industries. All WE say to people is have a look with open eyes and make a decision. If you are not equip to make a good judgment about what you see (like the OP) then stick with tried and tested.

    GeeWee... Companies in Asia rarely answer emails quickly. That's why they have telephones and telephone numbers :D


    So I should buy a machine that I consider to be inferior for what reason? Closed minded? You mean only take advice from people like yourself? Opinions are like ass&*%$@ we all have one and they usually stink! :) Relax my friend. Advice asked for and given.

    BTW I don't think much of CBRs either

  5. People jumping to the defence of tiger and using the tiger top end models as reference would do well to look at the build quality on thier cheap scooters, the joker etc.

    Those tiger machines had the same rot and fail rates as many other in that kind of price, the platinum and JRD type cheapies.

    The Tiger Joker is an older Bike and i seen quite a few here well over 60000km on the clock-doens't look bad to me..

    The retro is a cheap and new scooter from tiger -wait up for the posts on those bikes before talkin c#@p here. I mean who are you to tell us over rot and fail??? Are you "Mr. I-know-it all" but just post hearsay? Low quality of what you posted thats for sure :) !


    I hate to descredit motorcycles such as Tiger, they have made some shocking bikes. JRD Platinum (what's the difference really?) are rubbish, sure some people have a decent experience, are trained mechanics or are use to fixing the crap they buy, Tiger may be better now but WHY O Why take the chance? Honda makes some of the best machines in the world, Yamaha Kawasaki Suzuki etc are all huge manufacturers of machinery. This forum is to give constuctive advice, buy a recognised brand would be my advice. So go ahead and by a Tiger if you like, that's your right as a consumer, I wish you with the very best of luck. :D

  6. The plating was tearing.

    What does that mean?! :)

    There is some truth to the saying, "You get what you pay for" :D:D:D

    Unfortunately that seems to be right in this case, a look at who JRD is prior to buying would have prevented this, but with 21000 thb for a bike. some may get the "it's cheap- you can't do wrong -nor loose much" approach.If i was you i do the following (besides of the municipal office visit)

    1) Try to get the current problems sorted

    2) Sell it

    3) Buy another bike but you will have to top off a bit, some good deals can be had from Suzuki, Yamaha ,Honda & Tiger

    4) Be happy :-)


    Throw the JRD away, and buy a Honda or Yamaha they will last forever, have a warranties and decent resale value, unfortunately you were duped like many other people so don't feel too bad. Put it behind you and move on, we can't all be experts. JRDs manage to be less than the sum of their parts and are truly awful machines. Do not buy a Tiger, not far behind JRD in the quality department. Chok Dee Na :D

  7. I have been going to the immigration office in C/May for many years and I would not describe those people as being obnoxious, to be obnoxious is indicative of being very unpleasant, offensive, objectionable, insulting, wishing to cause harm, etc ...

    Yes, some people show nervous conduct, are confused, don't understand the procedures, don't know which forms to fill in, which documents to copy, afraid their request might not be granted, don't like the long waiting, etc, and the longer they have to wait in the queue they more nervous and stressful they get, as a result they can be a bit of a nuisance.

    However, Immigration staff understand that perfectly well, they have been trained to deal with this in a respectable and polite manner, and that is what they do, but as in every walk of life there are limits and should applicants at the immigration office behave in a obnoxious manner as outlined above, then the office staff would consult their office superior who would then deal with this by having the applicant removed from the premises, or even arrested for insulting a police officer.

    Thus to refer to those people as being obnoxious is well over the top, and to say that you are amazed at the tolerance shown by the immigration office staff seems to indicate that you basically expected them to be dictatorial and harsh, well they are not, so do not be amazed anymore when you see immigration staff show tolerance when dealing with foreigners under stress in a respectful and polite manner.

    Impressed not amazed.

  8. I was at the CMI the other day with my ticket in my sweaty hand waiting patiently for my number to be called. A loud 50 ish American (what a shock)

    Over many years, I have seen idiots of every nationality making fools out of themselves at immigration - most of us have. There is no need to join their ranks by broadcasting your petty bigotry on the internet by insulting a whole nation of people - most of who you have never met.

    In this particular instance it was an American I was exposed to for thirty minutes, I was sharing my experience not my petty bigotry, I am an American. :)

  9. I was at the CMI the other day with my ticket in my sweaty hand waiting patiently for my number to be called. A loud 50 ish American (what a shock) biker type ( harley t shirt) was arguing with 2 senior Im. officers, they spent 30 minutes explaining what he he needed to do, never once did they raise their voices or appeared to get angry, even when the man in question got very loud quite obnoxious and acted like a complete fool. I was very impressed with the officers patients and professionalsm. So two thumbs up for CMI. :)

  10. Some friends and I plan to cycle to the peak of Doi Inthanon later this year and would like to get some feedback on the ride from the main road to the peak, especially the tough higher parts and decent. Anyone care to share their experiences doing this? We regularly do the Samoeng Loop, Doi Su Thep etc. and are looking for a challenge. Times & tips greatly appreciated. :)

    Have never done this myself by bike so can't say anything about it. Saw last year or so on the Thai TV a program about a race up the mountain. Many did not make it as they found it very difficult as the versy steep parts are on the end and it is almost all uphill. I do have a GPS track from the turnoff on Rd 108 (at Chomthong) to the top which shows the elevation profile over distance. Not sure if this would help but attach it here as it will show you where the difficult parts are.

    Thanks for the GPS, would you send me a full size version of elevation profile. Thanks.

  11. Some friends and I plan to cycle to the peak of Doi Inthanon later this year and would like to get some feedback on the ride from the main road to the peak, especially the tough higher parts and decent. Anyone care to share their experiences doing this? We regularly do the Samoeng Loop, Doi Su Thep etc. and are looking for a challenge. Times & tips greatly appreciated. :)

  12. Sorry, gotlost.

    CM Imm has accepted, and will accept term deposit accounts.

    Immigration changed the law on this years ago. I believe Oct 2006.

    When one gets a bank letter, the letter clearly states "Khun Zed has 2 accounts at Nakhon Nowhere Bank, one a fixed deposit account, number 00088999XXX with 657,894.25 THB. Other account savings, number 00008975XXX with 405,899.75 THB."

    I actually had 4 accounts, at 2 banks when I went in 22 Sept 2009 (last week). Each bank had a fixed deposit account, and a simple savings account.

    Absolutely no problem. And this is the 4th year I have used fixed deposit accounts as part of my retirement extension requirements at Chiang Mai Immigration.

    Of course I had all my copies of passbooks, establishing the "seasoned money" requirement.

    You need copies of more than your face page, and last year's extension.

    A copy of your original VISA (pasted in page, issued outside of Thailand) on which the extension is based.

    A copy of your most recent entry stamp, in your passport (not the duplicate that is stamped on the arrival and departure card).

    And as mentioned above, the copy of the page with the last extension, if you have one.

    And the departure card.

    New system at CM Imm- a queue ticket machine.

    Far left corner.

    Hit the UK flag logo for English menu.

    Select appropriate desire: Matrimonial Visa, 90 day check in, etc.

    Do not approach the windows without a ticket being called- they will politely point at the machine.

    Hope this helps.

    BTW, I was in and out in 2:15 for annual retirement extension, and multi-entry permit (a separate transaction).

    Busy day, but OK. :)

    Thanks for sharing that, I was a little stressed for a while, I'll do what you suggest and get an all encompassing letter regarding my accounts and of course plenty of copies :D

  13. The last time I extended in CM I brought the bank letter written a few days prior stating that I had 800k in the account, along with the bank book showing same. The immo guy did not accept it because the book had not been updated since the initial 800k had been deposited (it was a 6 month term account). Fortunately I had brought other bank books along just in case that had been recently updated which had the necessary funds, which he reluctantly accepted without the accompanying letter. So be sure to get the book updated at the same time you get the letter, even if it is a term deposit account. You can never bring too much stuff to these guys...

    I did not think they accepted term deposit accounts - not 2 years ago anyway

    But I would be grateful for clarification.

    They do not accept term deposit accounts. Has to be in an accessible accont

    Bangkok (Blue Pass Book)

    Can someone clarify this for me please. I have my money in a term deposit which is accessible at any time with penalties of course, but it's still easy to withdraw the money (SCB) It says in the book fixed deposit. I don't have another 800K floating around, does this mean even though I have the money in a fixed account I'm not eligble for an extension? :)

  14. A friend of mine just did it a few days ago (Chiangmai). For whatever reason they weren't interested in his bank letter and just handed it back to him. They just wanted copies of his bank passbook. However, still a good idea to take it as that may have been a fluke.

    Thank you, I'm so happy we have Thai Visa. :)

  15. I'm off to apply for my first retirement visa next week at the CM office. I have a letter from the bank with the 800K, pictures, completed application form, do I need anything else? Recent experiences and advice will be much appreciated.

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