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Posts posted by Aladdin

  1. I have always been looking for Made in NW Europe, USA and Thailand when I buy stuff. But I gave up the Made in Thailand quite some time ago.

    I sent the following to Thai Airways on the 31st of March and still no answer

    Dear Thai Airways

    I’m a business class passenger and Thai gold card member. Can you please answer me why I should continue to use your service? I’m a foreigner and I have to pay much more than Thai people when I visit your national parks, museums etc. It is what I call a scam from you!

    So I really would appreciate a few reasons for me to continue using Thai Airways. And especially after the news about “Soldiers given police powers of arrest, search and seizure” and “Govt critics risk 1 month 're-education' Army boss says recent detentions a 'warm up'” kind of alarming news since a long time back.

    And how do I know that you are not pricing me as a foreigner when I buy a ticket with Thai Airways? I have been in the business class department several times when all of the sudden there are several “new” passengers just showing up with Economy tickets

    I use other airlines from now on even though it means some inconvenient stop overs. I will gladly come back when you have put my worries straight again

  2. Great idea! Let's see how this works out.

    I agree, PTP seem to be everywhere.

    So millions of tourists are roaming around the country on motorbikes or in private cars.

    Yes, and if you bother going to the neighbour countries you see a lot of Thai cars and motorcycles. I even saw 2 beautiful Thai girls in Vang Vien on a Scooter with Bangkok plates. Doesn’t mean that they drove from Bangkok, but you never know.

    A lot of adventures Thai people and I have meet a lot of them. So I can easy think of millions of cars and motorcycles with tourists on the roads, go to any National park during the weekend. Or any of the popular tourist places/ beaches and there is mostly Thai tourists

  3. Not too many years ago most of the tourists you met in Cambodia and Laos were there for a few days only and they would return to Thailand.

    Last year I did a Mekong Christmas cruise in the North and South of Mekong. None of my fellow travellers had been to Thailand during the holiday. They flew in to Malaysia and did a SE Asian tour skipping Thailand. Some of them had been there before and never again.

    The rest had heard about how bad things were, scams and pollution and they had no wishes to visit.

    Back packers will of course always be attracted to Thailand, but now it is getting expensive. 200 Baht for a beer at a normal pub, this is if not more expensive than Europe at least as expensive.

    People for Europe I work with comes to Thailand, young single people. But the old married/ living as a couple skip Thailand as they have heard about all the scams and the pollution.

  4. As this is a country with a judicial system and laws making sure there is a justice and equity for all people alike I don’t think there is any, but I can’t help pondering on the below:

    How many innocent people in the prison? How many in prison just for being poor? How many scapegoats? How many put in prison just because it is convenient to keep them there? And if we can answer ONE to one single question above, then, how many people disappears?

    Foreigners complaining (and rightly so) about how they are discriminated. Then imagine being a pi** poor Thai citizen being taken advantages off

  5. Yes,you're right. But telling me how stupid this Thai people are,cannot do the simpliest thing, well, then I expect more

    Proud to be working, most of us work. But never mind how proud you are you cannot be blind to the fact that there are jobs that require more than other. Especially if complaining about others ability

    I'm not sure, but given the subject and submitted posts I think you missed my point.

  6. I was having a beer or two at World Trade Center beer garden a few years ago. I ended up with 2 couples from Europe on holiday.

    The guys were working together as garbage collectors. They complained on how stupid the Thai was.

    Jeeze, I told them that if the Thai would have had the same opportunity to education as they had they might have been flying the "space shuttle" while they would still collect garbage for a living

  7. I’m going to stick out my head. It is impossible to comparing suicide by sticking a head in a bucket of water and a plastic bag. Drowning, a reflex making us breath, even when under water, makes it impossible to drown yourself. You are going for air.

    Suffocation, a plastic bag over your head (execution style) and you get in panic grasping for air. Not a way to commit suicide for sure, same success as trying to drown yourself in a bucket of water. They said it was a black plastic bag so I guess it is a bigger size.

    We need 21% oxygen and we can breath down to 19% or a little less. I use to test gas alarm with my breath. I will not go in to what happen during the different stages we go through when we don’t get oxygen. But a small plastic bag, maybe a comfortable way to go?

    21% in and 19% out. 19% in 17% out and so on. You breath and you will soon reach 10% and you will fall asleep/ coma and you never realise when you die

    EDIT!!! DON'T TRY THIS. People are doing this to get a rush and yes, people are dying

  8. They cannot even verify the driving skills before handing out driving licenses which should be quite simple at a driving school. And most important, the attitude. “HOKUS POKUS” decorations hanging from the rear-view mirror blocking the sight is more important than to have working brakes, safety belt, stopping for red light and driving sober etc.

    • Like 2
  9. We have exactly the same problem in EU, or the NW part of EU. Lack of skilled workers, truck drivers, Waiters in restaurants and Handy Men ETC. He** we don’t even have skilled people to dig a hole in the road. So now the companies are allowed to bring in people from the rest of the world. Of course, they don’t need to pay NW European salaries.

    We are so short of skilled people so we even need to import workers to pick berries. This is a so advanced job so we can’t use the uneducated and illiterate Rumanian beggars claiming that they hate to beg and can do any job.

    • Like 2
  10. I made the below comment in Bangkok Post but they never posted it:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we heard more than one Thai politician saying that the people are too stupid to vote. Citizen too stupid too vote would have been a national emergency in most other countries.

    Now we expect the very same (too stupid) people to have an opinion about other countries understanding of Thai politics

  11. I have segregated (cleaned cans etc.) my garbage for years. Different bags for plastic, glass, metal/cans and paper. To make it easy for them to sort the garbage and to minimize the risk for them to miss something that can be recycled.

    The cleaning staff at the condo are very happy to see me every time I go to the garbage room.

    There is a truck coming once a week to buy paper, metal, plastic etc. and it is quite a heap the collecting from our condo. And it is the same at every condo along the Soi

  12. I was going to India and after 2 weeks in Amsterdam I went to the airline to buy a ticket. They told me that they didn’t fly to India and I bought a one way ticket to Singapore. (We made a stop in Bombay and I was not happy as I was not allowed to leave the flight)

    I took the train to Bangkok and I meet a guy in Kuala Lumpur and he recommended Miami Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 13 as the very best hotel in Bangkok.

    I stayed for one night and I left, hot water, only if I sat down in the bath tub as there was not enough pressure on the water for me to stand up taking the shower. I left for Malaysia Hotel at Ngam Duplee as this had been recommended to me on my first evening. First beer at Landmark Hotel. I ordered a beer and the Waitress asked what kind of beer I wanted. I asked what kind of beers they had in Thailand.

    - Singha and Kloster

    - Which beer is the most popular?

    - Singha

    - OK, I take a Singha

    I started to cry, it was the worst beer I have ever had. But Kloster was very good and it was 2 or 3 Baht more than the Singha. If I remember it right Singha was 20 Baht. Back then there were only 2 beers available in pubs and restaurants and Chang was something the bums bought a the MOM & POP shops drinking from brown bags on the streets.


    Miami Hotel


    Light traffic on Sukhumvit


    We recognise Landmark Hotel


    A bit of wildlife on Ngam Duplee, not far away from the classic BLUE FOX back in the days


    I'm pretty sure this is Satorn close to Malaysia Hotel

  13. Nothing to do with the topic. Well, I guess we have all forgot CP Food by now. Not surprised, this is how it works, we’re all upset and demand justice etc. For a week or so, as soon as it is out from the news we forget.

    Well, anyway, I have changed from True to TOT because CP Food owns True. TOT works good so far and even if it is a wee bit slower it is worth it.

  14. I sent the following inquiry to 7 Eleven today. So let’s see what they reply and if I can continue to be a customer at 7 Eleven or to buy any other CP products

    From: Aladdin
    Sent: 23 June 2014 22:34
    To: 'FAQ(at)7eleven.co.th'
    Subject: Concerned customer

    Dear Madame/Sir

    As I understand it 7 Eleven Thailand is a brand owned by Charoen Pokphand Foods. I have read a lot in the newspapers and on the internet about Charoen Pokphand Foods and slavery/ human trafficking

    I’m concerned as people using slaves, exploiting people and having a total lack of respect for other people just because they are poor and uneducated makes me cringe. I find it beyond comprehension how people can use other people like this. Sell their children as sex slaves and then force them to work where ever. How is it possible to live with themselves and how can these people, after having sold children and performing other atrocities come home to their children in the evening, looking them in the eyes pretending to have done a good day’s job. And what will become of these children when they grow up? They will most likely just continue as these atrocities are just BUSINESS as usual as mommy and daddy have thought them.

    I feel bad just thinking about it, no, I get sick just thinking about it. Maybe it is a cultural thing as I’m from a country where we look down on people using other people like this. And they end up in prison. Of course, there is human trafficking and slave workers all over the world, so I’m not sitting on any high horses here. But where I come from they get caught when the Police finds out. Severe punishment, also for any Police and Politicians involved if that would be the case

    And as a long time customer at 7 Eleven in Thailand I need some clarifications so I can continue making business at 7 Eleven. I have one 7 Eleven store just outside my condo but I have another convenient store just 50 meters further up the road.

    I have found the service at my local 7 Eleven excellent and I want to continue doing my shopping at 7 Eleven. And I really hope that you can guarantee that Charoen Pokphand Foods are not involved in this atrocities. Or ever have been, just coming with a last minute “we’re so sorry it will never happen again” will not do it for me. If Charoen Pokphand Foods have ever been involved in any slave business it is already too much.

    Please return with the good news that neither Charoen Pokphand Foods and 7 Eleven is involved as soon as possible

    Best regards

    7 Eleven customer 94629 5100 4584 5329

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