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Everything posted by PREM-R

  1. Trump is not without his own 'A' List supporters. This picture of the crowd at a recent Trump rally shows several 'movie stars' enjoying themselves.555
  2. Step 5: Redefine Thailand as Chinese Southeast Asian Autonomous Zone
  3. I am not thinking of visiting Thailand at the moment, I am quite happy in Laos. However, I receive regular emails from UK.Gov regarding the latest information regarding both Thailand and Laos. The email I quoted was received this morning and does not match the information elsewhere on this forum. I suspect that someone has made an error in the UK. The 60 day 'multi-entry' visa mentioned in the email also is something I have not heard of before.
  4. I have received an email from UK.Gov with the following information. It seems to be very different from the 'visa free' information as discussed on this forum, recently. Visa requirements You can visit Thailand without a visa for up to 30 days, twice in one year, under the visa exemption scheme. You can make one extension of up to 30 days. You can also apply in advance for a multiple-entry visa for up to 60 days. For work, study or other reasons, you need a visa before you travel. https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/entry-requirements
  5. "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Americans to Vote for Trump". (Anon.)
  6. As DJ (Delay Justice) Trump awaits his anointing as King Donald, he will presumably adopt the title 'Prince of Wails', (It's a witch hunt, its so unfair, the FBI are out to get me, the left are out to get me. Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!
  7. Since 'throwing a rock into a pond creates big ripples' Controversial subjects attract more 'clicks' and responses. Very useful when you are trying to sell your website. Nudge,nudge, wink wink. Say n' more.
  8. When I saw that 'mugshot' I immediately heard a Charlie Daniels Band song in my head.
  9. I was just trying to be helpful to the OP, what is your motivation?
  10. From the content of your posts in this thread I think you do not currently have a Wise account. If there is a danger that your present UK bank will 'shut you down' it may be worth getting a Wise account now. As I understand it, to open an account with Wise you need to deposit a small amount of money from an account in your name, not a third party, which may prove difficult if your UK bank account is closed to you at short notice. I am not sure about the amount needed, I think about 20 GB pounds, but as I opened my Wise account a long time ago and the deposit was not required at that time, I am not fully 'up to speed' on what is required now. Better to be prepared for the worst case scenario!
  11. I just did a google and I found this on the Wise website:- Who can I send GB pounds to? Any UK bank account connected to the Faster Payments Scheme or CHAPS. You can’t send to accounts that only support Bacs or cheque payments It looks promising if that is what you want to do.
  12. I have two private pensions paid into my Wise account directly from pension providers in the UK. I do not know if all private pension schemes will allow this. However, the Royal Mail Statutory Pension Scheme and Prudential have both allowed my payments to Wise. I have also recently been speaking, by phone, to the UK Gov. pension office in Newcastle to arrange my UK pension, which I will be eligible for in October. They were quite happy to accept my Wise bank details. I asked if there was likely to be any problems in using Wise as my receiving bank and they said they were not aware of any such problems. These are my personal experiences, it may be different for people in different circumstances. (I know that Wise is not 'a bank' but they provide all the information such as sort code and account number to be able to use a Wise account as 'a bank')
  13. However, if you are a customer of SCB you will not be able to use online banking on a desktop or laptop after 14th July 2023. Only the app will be available (sometimes?)
  14. Eatigo offer lunch and evening buffets at discounted prices.... worth a look. https://eatigo.com/th/bangkok/en
  15. ''It's like.....aaarm.....oh my gaard.....aaarm.....it's kinda like....''
  16. https://laotiantimes.com/2022/12/26/laos-scraps-covid-vaccination-proof-and-test-to-enter-the-country/
  17. Does the 45 day visa free entry qualify for a further 30 day extension or is the Maximum limited to the initial 45 days?
  18. https://laotiantimes.com/2022/05/07/laos-drops-testing-for-vaccinated-tourists-announces-full-reopening/
  19. Confusion has ensued at border checkpoints between Laos and Thailand this morning following regulations reopening Thailand but leaving Laos closed. https://laotiantimes.com/2022/05/02/confusion-ensues-as-thailand-opens-land-borders-but-laos-remains-closed/
  20. She explained that there are currently four steps in the “Thailand Pass” application process, namely checking of vaccination certification, checking of the evidence of advanced hotel bookings, checking of proof of insurance coverage while in Thailand and proof of booking for RT-PCR testing. Didn't they cancel the need for hotel bookings and PCR testing as of midnight Friday? (Thailand Time)
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