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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. 1 hour ago, WDSmart said:

    If Prince Harry were to kill the King, Prince William and all his children, would Harry then become the King? And if he did that, would he be prosecuted because, after all, that's one of the ways the crown has been won for hundreds of years?

    What most likely would happen is similar to James II when they put his daughters husband on the throne (Prince William) and brought in the act of settlement barring any Catholics or English aristocrats with a better blood claim but technically illegitimate being born out of wedlock to the throne.


    So clean pair of hands Princess Anne and King Timothy Laurence!!!  

    Royalty needs safe hands and Andy is definitely not pristine goods (What else is in the cupboard) Royalty do whatever is needed to survive even killing their own....


    They did it once and got away with it calling it the "Glorious Revolution"

    • Thanks 1
  2. Ten years ago met a lady now my wife.  To marry I went out with all immediate family for a meal, asked her Dad if I could marry her, said 'Yes' but, you need take care my granddaughter who were aged 8.


    10 years later daughter is at university in Bangkok, never gave her mother or myself a sleepless night.

    Meeting a woman from a good family helps, her family have bent over backwards to include me in all functions and 'No' I am not expected to pay.  Wife only has sisters and they all have good jobs.


    Want a good Thai wife.......... Check out her family

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  3. On 3/30/2024 at 3:24 PM, eumenades said:

    It will take a heck of a lot of patience to deal with Russians in Thailand. But we have to bear in mind that they have a very difficult history in terms of tolerance and oppression. Their government treats them like <deleted> and they can do the same to other people. Physically, Russians resemble Europeans, but psychologically there are tremendous differences. Be patient and try to explain things. Probably, you will find them isolationists at first sight. But show an appreciation for their history and, especially their famous writers. Tolerance is a keyword, but don't accept chauvinistic bull<deleted>. Solzhenitsyn is probably the best, and most readable, Russian writer. Remember he suffered tremendous persecution and was sentenced to the Gulags. But he got out of it. We can get out of it too!

    Well said, well put. 

    Two of Solzhenitsyn books should be in the curriculum 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & Gulag Archipelago" showing mans inhumanity to man  

  4. On 3/30/2024 at 3:24 PM, eumenades said:

    It will take a heck of a lot of patience to deal with Russians in Thailand. But we have to bear in mind that they have a very difficult history in terms of tolerance and oppression. Their government treats them like <deleted> and they can do the same to other people. Physically, Russians resemble Europeans, but psychologically there are tremendous differences. Be patient and try to explain things. Probably, you will find them isolationists at first sight. But show an appreciation for their history and, especially their famous writers. Tolerance is a keyword, but don't accept chauvinistic bull<deleted>. Solzhenitsyn is probably the best, and most readable, Russian writer. Remember he suffered tremendous persecution and was sentenced to the Gulags. But he got out of it. We can get out of it too!

    Well said, well put. 

    Two of Solzhenitsyn books should be in the curriculum 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & Gulag Archipelago" showing mans inhumanity to man  

  5. 5 hours ago, MrPancake said:


    No you are not a boring old fart 😄

    Some areas in Pattaya just have an unusual feel to them.

    Some pubs / bars look like retirement homes. You know.

    Not very stimulating. But that's alright.

    As for me, I'm not a clubber nor am I young (40).

    I am a young 68 and avoid like the plague old guys bars.  Vests, dirty toenails and nasal hair (inside and out) are not my scene....... 

    Plus forest eyebrows and comments like "It's like nothing like back home" 


    Tongue in cheek...... 

    • Thumbs Up 2
  6. On 3/9/2024 at 2:54 PM, Hamus Yaigh said:

    Just tell her to walk around with a wider gait or the marriage is over. Lets hope the kids understand.

    You want see that gap again, get her sat in a saddle, the bow legs are an unfortunate side effect (Unforeseen consequence)

  7. On 3/6/2024 at 1:41 PM, WDSmart said:

    Well, that depends on what you mean by "surrender."

    If you mean that Hamas agrees to...
    - return all the hostages;
    - commit to a ceasefire also;
    - engage in talks to establish a two-state solution;
    ...then, I think Israel might not accept that. 

    If you mean that Hamas agrees to...
    - return all the hostages;
    - commit to a ceasefire also;
    - accepts living in a one-state solution under complete Israeli control;
    ...then, I think Israel would gladly accept that.

    The Oslo Accords gave Arafat a two-state solution, he agreed to it, once back amongst his "Folk" decide to start the infidata.

    Google Oslo Accords.  "One thing about Yasser, he never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity"

  8. On 3/9/2024 at 11:37 AM, WDSmart said:

    That list of countries was not meant to be "examples of Democracy and unfettered freedom of press and human rights." It was a list of countries that have accused Isreal of abuse, including rape, of Palestinian women.

    Giving a list of countries that have been caught out for lying, state sponsored murder, interference in other countries and their affairs does not help or support your argument, it hinders and makes your stance as strong as if you are standing in cow <deleted> on top of quicksand. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

    You only deal with the "facts" that support your alternative reality...

    "Countries that have condemned Israel's role as a perpetrator of state-sponsored terrorism or state terrorism include Bolivia, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen."
    Israel and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

    Which list of states do you think is more in the position to know because of their own worry about the topic and their geographical location to the conflict?

    Where taking you seriously until you put down that list of countries that are brilliant examples of Democracy and unfettered freedom of press and human rights.

    Iran....... Saudi Arabia......... Lebanon.......  Syria........ Turkey and I seen you left "Yemen" at the last addition....  


    Not one of those countries have UN recommended human rights for females let alone a free press

    • Sad 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

    "Also arrested were Russian nationals Tatiana Zaichkina and Timur Tuktalov who have been on overstay since February 1.

    In Karon, Australian Carl Ken Haddad was arrested for illegal possession of diazepam, a Category 4 narcotic, while Russian Andrei Alexandrov was arrested at Nai Yang Beach after it was discovered he had overstayed by just one day."


    Organised crime most evidently. 

    If that is organised I shudder to think what would happen if "Dis-organised"

    All said in jest with tongue pressed firmly into cheek.......

  11. 2 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Why on earth are you the cook?

    One of the reasons I married a Thai was to avoid these tiresome household chores that Thai woman still regard as their territory!


    But seriously, some observations.

    Most Thais I know wouldn't touch that western style meal you expect her to enjoy. They much prefer their traditional rice and spice themed dishes. She is probably binge eating separately.


    Thais consume more sugar in their food than most other cultures (US is one major exception) They either over sweeten or over salt most of their food with little thought of the health risks. Liver, kidney disease and cancer are rife in Thailand. 

    I think this diet catches up with many as they age. Most of the older women I see in my part of Thailand are spreading.  It's disappointing to see, they should retain their youthful figures in the same way as we western men! 

    Disagreed with all you had written until your last sentence....... So true.....  We Adonis lookalikes 

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