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Posts posted by motoyen

  1. You're probably in the Thai iTunes store so all you are seeing is Apps, Podcasts and iTunes U. Like prism said scroll to the bottom and click on the flag icon in the lower right. If you have a US credit card open a US account and you'll get full access.

  2. I had the same issue as the op. I was on the AIS 99Baht plan and never had any issues until a few months ago when suddenly my internet usage started going through the roof. Some people said it was Push notification but push has never worked on my 1st gen unlocked/jailbroken iphone.

    However when I switched to their unlimited plan my internet usage suddenly dropped dramatically! Even after I sold my 1st gen iphone and bought a 3GS and turned every push/internet option on. Something very strange with their billing system. unsure.gif

  3. I want to mount a GoPro camera to an RC helicopter to add a new dynamic to my videos. Are there any RC enthusiasts here who would be interested in piloting the helicopter or can point me in the right direction to purchase one? How good are the ones in MBK?

  4. Video Camera Operator Wanted

    Description: Responsible and reliable video camera operator required for short web video features.

    I run a video website that focusses on expat life in Bangkok. You can find the link to my website in my profile.

    My videos are usually 3-5 minutes in length and are posted to my website.

    My current cameraman is heading back to OZ so I'm looking to find a replacement to work with.

    My shooting style is very casual so you don't have to be an Oscar winning videographer but some knowledge of shot composition, cutaways, camera equipment, etc is a must.

    Email me for more details. Compensation will be discussed based on experience.


  5. Hello,

    I have a 1 yr multiple entry non-b that expired on September 10. On September 9 I went and did a visa run to get an additional 90 days, which gave me until December 7, however my plans are to leave Thailand for Japan on December 25. What are my options for the 3 weeks between when my visa expires and my departure date?

    Can I get an extension?

    If I did another border run would I get 2 weeks or can I apply for a tourist visa?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. I run a weekly podcast and I'm having a heck of time getting getting my audio sorted. I'm having some sound issues and I don't know if it is hardware, software or even the location I record at. Every time I seem to have one problem solved a new one pops up and leaves me scratching my head wondering where do I start.

    I am looking for someone who can sit with me and explain to me exactly what I need to do to get the best sound from my setup. I've had lots of suggestions from my audience but some of the suggestions counter each other and many times I'm not sure how to implement them. I use Soundtrack Pro to record the podcast so you must be familiar with that program.

    I am offering 1000Baht/hour to anyone who can help me get this right. I am only interested in working with someone who is actually here in Bangkok.

  7. Isn't that the chappy that made a report from the Red zone?

    Dont you guys remember?...he's the one that appeared in the clip with the brit idiot talking about looting and burning central...?

    Show me where I appear on the video of Jeff Savage ranting about burning down Central World. I neither shot nor had anything to do with that video but I'd love to see your footage since you are so sure that was me that filmed it.

  8. Yeah I have push turned off for each account, notifications turned off, location turned off and yet somehow my phone must be going online. I first noticed this when I got to Thailand back in December and was using 12Call cards and couldn't understand why all my credit was disappearing overnight! So I switched to the AIS monthly plan that gave me 140 hours of internet because I wasn't sure how much I was using but in the first 2 months I only used 7 and 9 hours respectively. So I went back to AIS and switched to their 99Baht 30 hour plan and the very next month I got a 1600 Baht bill with a huge internet charge.

    That bill came during the height of the red protests and I was using twitter and email a lot so I thought maybe I had used a lot of internet time. However the next month I made sure I cut way back on my online time and still my bill was for 1800 baht. So last month I cut out almost all internet use and I get a 6000Baht bill! The irony of my bill increasing while my usage is decreasing! I've now given up trying to turn off the internet on my phone and have switched to their unlimited plan. This problem only seems to affect iPhone 2G owners so I'm hoping I won't have this issue when I upgrade to the iPhone 4.

  9. I just got hit with a 6000 Baht phone bill because of my pos 2G iphone leaking internet. I've got everything turned off and short of leaving it in airplane mode all the time I'm not sure what to do. I've phoned AIS and asked to to cancel EDGE on my account while I wait until the new iPhone either gets released in Canada or in Thailand. Either way I'm buying an official unlocked phone because dealing with the pineapple guys is too much of a pita.

    Motoyen this has been discussed time and time again on this forum. I would have argued about that bill though, I think they would have compromised if you pushed it.

    Assuming you are smart and know how to turn off all the push and location and all that, then what your problem is, is that you installed a cydia app that leaks. This has happened to me many times, install one bad app from cydia and it eats minutes even with everything turned off, you have to uninstall your cydia apps and reinstall them one by one checking your edge usage every 10 minutes to see which app is leaking. You check on AIS by dialing a *911*1#

    Well what's strange about my phone is that even though I've turned off all push/alert notifications it occasionally goes online and downloads my email. I've even installed the SB setting thing to turn off EDGE but sometimes I check it and EDGE is turned back on. The only Cydia app I have on the phone is winterboard and OpenSSH. The weird thing is this really only started to be a problem when I switched to a new AIS package that gave me 30 hours for 99 Baht. Ever since then my bills have gone through the roof and the minutes showing on my phone by dialing that AIS code doesn't match what is shown on my bill. I've tried to argue it with AIS but I might as well be talking to the wall. So with this 6000 Baht bill I'm going to cancel my account and switch back to 12call cards until the iphone 4 comes out.

  10. I just got hit with a 6000 Baht phone bill because of my pos 2G iphone leaking internet. I've got everything turned off and short of leaving it in airplane mode all the time I'm not sure what to do. I've phoned AIS and asked to to cancel EDGE on my account while I wait until the new iPhone either gets released in Canada or in Thailand. Either way I'm buying an official unlocked phone because dealing with the pineapple guys is too much of a pita.

  11. Video Camera Operator Wanted

    Description: Responsible and reliable video camera operator required for short web video features.

    I run a video website that focusses on expat life in Bangkok. My videos are usually 3-5 minutes in length and are posted online.

    My current cameraman is heading back to the US so I'm looking to find a replacement to work with. You don't have to be an Oscar winning videographer but some knowledge of shot composition, cutaways, camera equipment, etc is a must.

    Email me for more details. Compensation will be discussed based on experience.


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