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Posts posted by motoyen

  1. I mean sold officially unlocked. I've got an unlocked 1st gen phone but getting tired of playing the cat and mouse game with apple. I know in Italy you can buy official unlocked phones and never have to worry about them getting bricked. Buying an unofficial unlocked phone from mbk is risky.

  2. Maybe bring some kind of gift as a peace offering...carefully explain the situation...you can save them loss of face by saying you are sensitive to sounds like their beautiful wind chime, that you are very sorry to bother them and you feel terrible that your work requires quiet.

    After all, it really is kind of an odd request....it's not a blaring stereo.

    Perhaps offer to beautify their balcony in some other way...with plants or some furnishings as a gift.

    Be humble,

    Good luck.

    Good idea, I'll give it a shot.

    himachal typical useless TV response.

  3. I live on the 28th floor of a new condo building. I like this building because it is relatively quiet and being on the 28th floor I am relatively insulated from the street noise. I am a writer so when I am working I need peace and quiet and minimal distractions. Recently my neighbor above me has installed a wind chime on their balcony and needless to say it is driving me nuts! My peace and tranquility has been shattered by the constant pinging of this wretched device.

    I've complained to the building management twice and both times they have smiled and done nothing. I'm tempted to go pay my neighbor a visit in person. What do you think the outcome of such a meeting would be? Would they be embarrassed and take it down or will they freak out at the loss of face and go berserk?

  4. I'm having the same problem with TOT. Internet has been on and off now for the past few days. On for a few minutes then off for hours. Some Thai sites will load but most international sites won't. I tried calling TOT and they said they would look into and call me back, that was 3 days ago and still no call. :o

  5. I currently live in BKK but am returning home in June but before I do I wanted to spend a few days relaxing in Hua Hin. Checking online it seems that many hotels are booked on those dates and some hotels even have the first week of June listed as peak season. I thought that June was the slow season and was hoping for a relaxing few days away from the crowds. Is there some kind of holiday in June that I am unaware of?

  6. Hey way2muchcoffee thanks for the info! We actually live near Saphan Kwai as well, in Lumpini Place on Thanon Pradipat. So the program your wife went with was once a week and took 4 years to complete? Do you happen to recall the total cost? Is this different than the gov't sponsored one? If you come across any phone numbers or school names please pass them along.



  7. My girlfriend has her ป๖ education. She wants to finish her schooling and get her ม๖ certificate. Is there a program here in Bangkok similar to the GED program in the US? Or are there private schools that specialize in helping Thais continue with their education?

  8. My thai gf has been spending a lot of time at my house lately and while I'm working she likes to watch Thai TV. Now I can't understand a think that is going on but one thing I have noticed is that they like to play a lot of theme music from American TV shows during the show. So far I've heard the theme music from The Andy Griffith show, Love Boat, the Dating Game and today I heard the theme music from The Matrix. What else have you heard?

  9. The simple non-geek answer is you can't. Apple chooses to limit the installation of their OS to their hardware. So if you really want to run Leopard then buy a Mac. If the current ones are too expensive then look for used but before you buy make sure you can install Leopard on it. I would avoid anything less than a 1GHz G4 chip and less than 512MB of ram. Ideally you would want a G5 or Intel chip with 1GB of RAM.

    Now having said all that you CAN install Leopard on non Mac computers but unless you are technically inclined it can be difficult and troublesome to use.

  10. I got there on Monday. It took almost an hour to get to the desk where you hand the guy your passport. It seemed that a lot of people were not applying for the tourist visa and maybe that's what caused the delay because when I got to the desk I was done in under 5 minutes. The guy asked me if I wanted a double entry tourist visa, I said yes and then he told me to go pay inside room. The room where you pay was full with about 20-25 people and I waited for maybe 30 minutes. I also noticed that around 11:40 they closed the gate and I saw people outside trying to show their paperwork to the immigration staff inside the gate.

    Thanks Motoyen. I was always curious about what happened if you came late....so it would seem that if you get in before they close the gate (11:40) they will still process your application even well after noon.

    If you'd arrived earlier it may have taken longer to process your application.

    Yeah I wondered about that too as it got closer to 12:00 and I was still waiting in line but everyone who got in before the gate was closed had their applications processed.

  11. I got there on Monday. It took almost an hour to get to the desk where you hand the guy your passport. It seemed that a lot of people were not applying for the tourist visa and maybe that's what caused the delay because when I got to the desk I was done in under 5 minutes. The guy asked me if I wanted a double entry tourist visa, I said yes and then he told me to go pay inside room. The room where you pay was full with about 20-25 people and I waited for maybe 30 minutes. I also noticed that around 11:40 they closed the gate and I saw people outside trying to show their paperwork to the immigration staff inside the gate.

  12. Just got back from Vientiane and received a double entry tourist visa. I flew from BKK to VT on Lao Air. Arriving in VT I applied for the Visa on Arrival, you can't miss it as there is a huge sign with arrow pointing to the visa desk right when you enter the airport. It seemed that everyone else on the place had the same thought so I ended up waiting in line for about 20 minutes. Next time I'll get the visa at the consulate in BKK to avoid waiting in line.

    Next day arrived at the Thai embassy around 10:30 AM to about 50 people already in line. I noticed that quiet a number of people didn't have their paperwork in order. More than one person was told they could not be issued a visa for what ever reason but I also noticed that when said person started to make fuss the Thai immigration officer usually gave in. Same thing paying for the visa inside the room. I saw many people didn't have Baht and wanted to pay with dollars and usually after a bit of a fuss the immigration officer let them. I went to pick up my passport the next day around 2:00PM and there was maybe 5 other people waiting.

    I was surprised at how easy going the immigration staff were considering the STACK of passports I saw them working on.

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