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Posts posted by technologybytes

  1. Its interesting that this is reported as a "claimed robbery" and not just a robbery.

    To be honest I'd be surprised to be robbed at knifepoint in Thailand, but its not impossible.

    It seems that robbers may see an opportunity here, rob young drunk foreigners and it will not be treated as a crime because the police will blame the victim for making it up.

  2. Can we have a card to put in our passports saying that in the event of accident we want government ambulance and government hospital -- before one of the privateers gets hold of us... ?) wink.png

    another free loader! you should not be granted permission to enter Thailand unless you have travel insurance! even when I go to the United States I have "Travel" insurance!

    why do tourist feel that they are entitled to anything free from a third world country which is doing everything it can for it's own people! if you can't afford insurance keep your free loading ass home!

    I think he only means that he would rather go to the cheaper hospitals.

  3. Travel insurance is for travellers, so its OK for tourists but will not cover expats or typically anyone who leaves their home country for more than 3 months .

    Proper medical cover is expansive here, and in the 13 years that I have been here I repeatedly see people WITH health cover who are asked for lots of money in the hospital because the insurance company will not pay. In fact I have yet to EVER hear of a case where a serious matter does not end up with the holder of a Thai medical insurance having to pay up a percentage. Often because the hospital does stuff that the insurance feels is not necessary or because the room was to a higher standard than the insurance will pay (hospitals often lie and says cheaper rooms are unavailable).

    The Thai private hospital scams can sting any of us at any time, be aware.

    Having said that, even some insurance is better then none.

  4. Funny how we are so quick to assume that he has actually admitted this offence just because its reported that way. The Koh Tao boys admitted the offence but so many were quick to believe the police tortured them to get the confession, but we are prepared to believe that this guy just said "ok, you got me, i did it" without any assistance from the officers in the room.

    I am not saying he is innocent and I am not saying he is guilty, It is far too soon to make assumptions. I am saying that either we trust the police and the judicial system or we don't, if you want to say that the police and judicial system is corrupt and fit up innocent people then by extension you have to apply that to this man... if not, then you must accept the Kho Tao judgement!

    Sure - no difference getting caught red handed vs. the farce so widely distributed in the media facepalm.gif

    Hmmm let me see, on what evidence do you assume he was caught red handed.... the media !

  5. The difference would be if all police became a booze bus , by that I mean every police officer can stop anyone at random and do a breath test , they also need to introduce a highway patrol nation wide , that are dedicated to speeding and D & A testing, drug testing is also need alongside alcohol, until the RTP have a dedicated squad that are properly trained, the fast track ad hoc Thai way is the Highway.................................................coffee1.gif .

    Yes, but then it wouldn't be Thailand, and we would all go home.

  6. Funny how we are so quick to assume that he has actually admitted this offence just because its reported that way. The Koh Tao boys admitted the offence but so many were quick to believe the police tortured them to get the confession, but we are prepared to believe that this guy just said "ok, you got me, i did it" without any assistance from the officers in the room.

    I am not saying he is innocent and I am not saying he is guilty, It is far too soon to make assumptions. I am saying that either we trust the police and the judicial system or we don't, if you want to say that the police and judicial system is corrupt and fit up innocent people then by extension you have to apply that to this man... if not, then you must accept the Kho Tao judgement!

  7. The brother of one of the victims was in court, he is satisfied that guilt was proven. As none of us were in court, why do so many posters feel they know more than the people who were in court and actually saw the case against these two. ??

    and that means what exactly, this case has been followed very closely in the media and through other information sources, the brother has simply passed his laymans opinion - nothing more than that and it means nothing more than that, as I have said before, I suggest the MIllar family consult with an expert back home who might be able to give them some unbiased expert guidence before they make any more public statements, and I say that with the utmost sympathy and can not imagine what pain they are experiencing right now

    I accept that the brother is a layman and not an expert in Thai law, but neither are all the comments on this forum from people who were not in court and just "know" the truth about this case.

    The big legal questions are "were the suspects tortured by the police" and "did the police handle DNA samples properly". I guess its easy to forget the real question should be "did they kill the couple on the beach"... Im guessing the family will be less concerned with the former and more concerned with the latter. Legal experts may be concentrating on the former in an attempt to ignore the latter.

  8. I totally agree with JackThompson and Ubonjoe, it would have been much more likely that you could have exited with no fuss at all if you left before the 23rd, leave asap and if you go via the airport that stamped you in then you may have a better chance of paying less.. but make sure you have the 20k and of course don't get angry and argue with an immigration officer. Best results are obtained when you keep smiling and act confused, do not let on that you already know there is a bigger problem than a couple of days overstay.

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  9. I live not far from that road and yesterday we saw all the emergency vehicles heading north along the highway 118, my first thoughts on seeing so many emergency vehicles was "another bus crash".

    There have been an incredible number of lives lost on that road on bus crashes. Its not the road that is at fault though, its the inexperience and aggressive driving of the bus drivers.

  10. Well it seems that when a plane allegedly hits the pentagon the cameras there do not get anything either, or in London when alleged terrorists plant bombs on trains or busses. It seems the things never work when you need them to!

    However, I think in this instance its not a big conspiracy. ATM was probably not closed properly and it sprung open, there is nothing in there of much value as the money is in a different part of the ATM.

  11. "While police were looking for evidence in the rape and murder of an 11-year-old girl last weekend in Trang's Muang district, a neighbour of the girl and a person of interest was granted bail for a drug abuse charge."

    ​you think she was abducted to play tiddlywinks? I urge you to do more RESEARCH before posting and criticising another poster.

    So, back to reality, do you think raping and murdering an 11 year does not warrant a death sentence (assuming, as i said in another post, all the evidence DNA, semen, blood is 100%)? it's yes or no


    It wasn't my post you're commenting on above.

    But, I think the point was, there was no mention of sexual assault at all in the OP news report that launched this thread. And no mention of that being among the charges the guy was convicted of, those being murder, abduction and attempting to cover up a murder.

    I wondered the same myself when I read this OP, wondering, what else would the likely motive be for abducting and killing an 11 year old girl. But for whatever reason, the ThaiPBS report is silent on that point.

    Click on my link? anybody with half a brain would check before attacking another poster (not you). It is obvious why someone would abduct a child and before berating another poster they should CHECK (it's in The Nation) and then APOLOGISE but neither of those two things will happen on TVF of course!

    Well I did click on your link and it's not relevant really.

    You were not berated at all, I simply pointed out that the discussion here on Thai visa is about a man convicted of kidnapping and killing a girl. Your own link actually says police were LOOKING FOR evidence of rape, its anyones guess if they found it.

    You know what, I know you don't care. You want the guy to be killed anyway, no matter what. For many of the hang em high brigade a mere accusation is enough to put a man to death, never mind the evidence or lack of.

    For the record, in Thailand a man who appeals a conviction becomes an appellant rather then a convicted prisoner (of course he may usually stay in prison awaiting the final ruling). Until the final outcome of that he should be considered potentially innocent.

    When you post on a public forum you need to accept that others won't always agree with you. I know a good percentage totally disagree with me but I don't get upset about that. Don't be offended by others not being in agreement, I am not berating you I am simply stating my opinion.

  12. So, back to reality, do you think raping and murdering an 11 year does not warrant a death sentence

    The thing about people like myself who oppose the death sentence is that we oppose it in all circumstances. I appreciate that can be difficult for you to understand.

    So, for the avoidance of doubt let me be clear. I oppose the death sentence in ALL circumstances.

    That does not mean that I am defending a rapist or murderer, it just means that I think the death sentence is wrong.

    Additionally, I think that the evidential standards required for a conviction in Thailand are too low and that everyone no matter what they are accused of and no matter how strong the evidence apparently is does deserve a full and fair trial, including the right of appeal.

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