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Posts posted by Higgins

  1. Drive slowly people.

    Don't get all superior about western driving standards

    Keep an eye in the rear mirror for Taxi, Concrete and Water truck, Minibus & Jungle Tour 4x4 (with cocky good looking types with sharp sunglasses in the back... wanting a thrill)

    In the foreground keep an eye out for the dithering tourists on motorbikes.... cos they do dither and cause issues. If you drive slow it aint a problem... so drive slowly people. Not everyone has been here for 20 years... so give a bit of slack to those that have been here for 20 hours

  2. I had 7 kids round at my gaff near Lamai last week (kids of friends) and they all squatted down in a room playing iPads. Not talking to each other. No Sir. Then.... one lad opened his Papa's laptop to play summink called “minecraft” and he was joined online by a few friends and a crowd formed by that said laptop for a while to watch the “minecraft” activity

    I tried to encourage em to go out and climb some trees or play football but they looked at me with strong incredulity

    My recommendation is to purchase "minecraft"

    • Like 1
  3. An attempt at a positive thrust on things - makes a refreshing change to the mindless 'wear-a-helmut-cos-its-the-law' brigade

    Driving slowly is the key to it all and the new roads don't contribute to that. Hard to get people to drive more slowly especially the youngsters and those paid to get from A to B quickly ... and i dont have the answer to that. I hate speedbumps and i'm a slow driver. Maybe the roads need a downgrade to slow everyone down

    Like the Hi-Viz thing - my bike raincoat is bright orange for that reason. It does make a difference

    Agree fully on the traffic lights - some road markings around them would also make things clearer for those new to driving here

  4. Please consider that it might be yet another straw on the camels back for the Thai shop owner... Samui used to be a nice peaceful place with lots of room to park... now at times it resembles a London suburb in terms of the challenges faced to park your car. For example... Long time Samui people who have land round airport or other popular place nowaday bark very very loudly at anyone parking on their gaff... including Thai's. Before no problem.

    Don't take it so personal Falang

    You should have offered (nicely) a parking fee... cos that is the direction we are heading. Sadly.

    Just did'nt fancy walking 100 mtrs in the pissing rain at 9 pm. and why should i.

    Cos this aint your manor?

  5. Please consider that it might be yet another straw on the camels back for the Thai shop owner... Samui used to be a nice peaceful place with lots of room to park... now at times it resembles a London suburb in terms of the challenges faced to park your car. For example... Long time Samui people who have land round airport or other popular place nowaday bark very very loudly at anyone parking on their gaff... including Thai's. Before no problem.

    Don't take it so personal Falang

    You should have offered (nicely) a parking fee... cos that is the direction we are heading. Sadly.

    • Like 1
  6. Can't you sensible bores just leave it for once? This island used to be great until you lot came along trying to change stuff for the better. Leave the 'law' the way it is ... if you want western grind then go back to it.... but leave things be here before we are all having to swallow health and safelty guff on a daily basis

  7. Be prepared for waiting lists they are very popular. Get in early when you make yer choice

    Consider what age each school runs to cos once your kids are in a school they get mates and dont want to change

    Only one i heard bad things about is Bluewater (its now called summink else now)

    Hear good things about the Lamai one and the Panyadee one. The Oonrak one doeasnt go to age 15 ? Is that correct?

  8. That OP made me laugh

    Lots of really poor driving to be seen by falangs unsure about the rules... they are also often the cause of accidents. Thai's scorn at the standard of falang driving.

    IMO its best if everyone can drive slowly - that will help

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