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Posts posted by Higgins

  1. My 5yr old boy was bitten by a neighbours dog close close to our home in Dec. It was a puny little mutt and it did him from behind. The subsequent injection hurt the boy more. I need to teach the boy to be more careful..... he was on the dogs manor. He's been around the ones on the beach quite alot and they've never bothered him, but you always have to keep an eye on things.

  2. Oh, yes... the wall. We are building in Samui and the wall costs surprised me... so much so that i'm thinking of naming the new home 'Pink Floyd' :o

    Haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, but so far its about 75m long and painted on the inner. We called a temporary halt to the wall proceedings to concentrate funds on the electric supply, water and a roof. The roof will no doubt prove invaluable when it rains. I'm off out there next week for phase 2 of the wall.

    We are paying 2,200 bht per metre as a basic rate. With some discounts. It's a local firm my wife knows thru family.

    Maybe a stupid question , do you refer to 2200 baht linear meter or square meter. How high is your wall ?

    Linear. As i say, i havent actually seen it.... my wife has gone over to sort things. However, as she explains it... its 9 bricks/blocks high which i think is a standard 2 metre height. We have some sections to the wall which are lower and costed less. As i recall, the price started at around the 2400 - 2600 mark, which we (she) negociated down. It looks in line with the price Lite Beer mentions as a rate from 2 years ago... given things generally are more expensive now. And that price excludes painting.

  3. Oh, yes... the wall. We are building in Samui and the wall costs surprised me... so much so that i'm thinking of naming the new home 'Pink Floyd' :o

    Haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, but so far its about 75m long and painted on the inner. We called a temporary halt to the wall proceedings to concentrate funds on the electric supply, water and a roof. The roof will no doubt prove invaluable when it rains. I'm off out there next week for phase 2 of the wall.

    We are paying 2,200 bht per metre as a basic rate. With some discounts. It's a local firm my wife knows thru family.

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