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Posts posted by fred110

  1. Arresting this individual is certainly overdoing it. Probably has his passport at his residence, but the law I believe requires that you have it with you...certainly when a check is done for some reason.

    In Phuket, the tests appear genuine, many have to go for a retake after a failure.

    But then, a mechanical check of a vehicle older than 5 years, is simply a document filled by an accredited shop. No checking whatsoever. In many instances, regulations appear to exist just to create red tape.

    The problem that I have with this, is that these policemen would be better off on the road controlling the careless driving and speeding.

    They should have sent this guy home, simply. Show just a bit of compassion for the stupid behaviour.

    No I think the law says you must be able to show your passport if it is at your residence. You don't need to carry it.

  2. BREAKING NEWS: Michelle Smith killers get life in prison

    Phuket Gazette


    Surasak Suwannachote (left) and Surin Tadthong: sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of Australian tourist Michelle Smith in Phuket on June 20. Photo: Gazette file

    PHUKET: The two men charged with killing 60-year-old Australian tourist Michelle Smith in a bungled bag snatch in Phuket on June 20 have been sentenced to life in prison.

    The sentences were handed down at Phuket Provincial Court this afternoon. The judge presiding over the three-day trial commuted death sentences to lifetime imprisonment after both men pleaded guilty.

    Surasak Suwannachote had confessed to stabbing Mrs Smith during a gang robbery, hence causing her death.

    Surin Tadthong had confessed to operating the motorbike used in the attack and to disposing of the knife used to stab Mrs Smith.

    The Phuket Gazette will release more details as they become available.

    Source: http://www.phuketgaz...ticle16614.html


    -- Phuket Gazette 2012-08-08

    No bail for them? That must just be for cops.

  3. EDIT: My apologies to the Russians, by the way. Most of the former Soviet Republic ladies that I have met in bars around the world were from republics other than Russia. I should know better, having been called English so often. Again, my apologies. And also to the ladies from other republics.

    Do you really think any of them are on here reading this crap?

    • Like 1
  4. I recall some catch to this? Like you have to inpur an id card number to use the wifi so anyone without an id card can't access, I wonder if that will still be the case.

    There is registration on the internet ... http://www.thaivisa....25#entry5544550

    Given that, I wonder how you register for it if you don't have internet access?

    You have 2 choices:

    -your very own smartophone!you are proud owner of HTC?

    -internet cafe

    sorryMate!,but I still suspect,that you come from the Moon?may be from USA?In USA internet cafes are not so common,like in



    In the USA he can use free computers and/or wifi at any public library. And most airports.

  5. Sorry, I am in Baltimore now, the kitchens are staffed mostly by blacks.

    You're obviously not looking behind the closed doors.
    Twelve years ago, in A Cook’s Tour, Bourdain (at right) identified Mexico as the country “where cooks come from.” Not France or Italy, but Mexico. He explains: “If you’re looking for a line cook who’s professional in his work habits, responsible with your food, dependable, a guy with a sense of humor, reasonably good character, and a repertoire of French and Italian standards, and who can drill out 250 meals without going mental or cutting corners too egregiously, chances are you’ll go to Carlos, your grill man” and ask him for a recommendation. And Carlos will have a cousin or a brother for you. In 2007, Bourdain told the Houston Press’ Robb Walsh, “The bald fact is that the entire restaurant industry in America would close down overnight, would never recover, if current immigration laws were enforced quickly and thoroughly across the board.”


    You obviously have never been to the US.

  6. ...

    Can you imagine what the outcome would be if you reversed the tables and tried to get a group of Mexicans to run a Thai

    restaurant in Mexico!

    Easy to imagine and easy to imagine it being done well. Mexicans are the backbone of the majority of kitchens of all kinds of ethnic restaurants in the U.S. This isn't the time and place to diss Mexican workers!


    im not dissing Mexicans at all, i just wouldn't have thought they would be involved in the Asian cuisine in the US,

    as you suggest.

    In the UK there are thousands of Chinese&Thai restaurants but they are always run by Thais & Chinese therefore

    very successful.

    Well, you're wrong. In US kitchens, Mexicans are literally EVERYWHERE. The U.S. restaurant industry basically couldn't exist without Mexicans.

    Sorry, I am in Baltimore now, the kitchens are staffed mostly by blacks.

  7. Seriously man, where are you from and just how much Thai do you speak. I have travelled over most of Thailand and yes, many people don't speak anything other than Thai, but most people don't need to. Then there is also a huge number of people that speak English and also many other languages as well. If you are married to a Thai then there surely is one that speaks two languages. Be fair when you comment about this as there are more Thais than can speak English than there are English speakers that can speak Thai.

    Who the h$$ll is speaking in this country more than two languages(except issan and Thai )????and what they would be willing to pay them???? As my old father was always saying: first thinking- then talking .

    The article said '7 languages', which Chef is referring to. Calm down.

  8. Yes and unfortunately there is no support for your premise....it has no logical merit. You are saying that al to of poor people eat dogs - this is probably true but your conclusion flies in the face of both experience and logic.

    I think you are blinded to reality. Filipinos have been eating dogs for a long time. The human population density of the Philippines is high and dogs have never had a chance to breed. The only dogs you will see are family pets. Any strays are quickly eaten. The family lost a number of dogs who made it out onto the streets. If you don't lock them in at night they will quickly be taken and eaten.

    Dogs are sought after for food. They have a price on their head. You can sell a dog in 5 minutes. With a price on their heads and poor population they are a commodity. You can get 500 to 1000 baht for a dog, instantly. They can't get enough. The family sold a squashed dog for 250.

    If soi dogs became a commodity and could be sold, they'd all be gone in a month.

    In Pattaya, when construction workers set up camp, stray dogs in the area disappear. I hope they have a quick painless end.

  9. http://notthenation....-for-motorists/

    Police Launch New EZ-Bribe Card For Motorists

    15 Jul 2012

    BANGKOK – Drivers in the capital will now enjoy the convenience of paying bribes to police electronically, according to a new system unveiled by the Bangkok Metropolitan Police yesterday.

    The EZ-Bribe card is modeled after the EZ Pass that motorists have been using to pay tolls without having to stop. Similar to the EZ Pass system, the EZ-Bribe card is a stored value card that instantly deducts the price of a single-trip police bribe from the user’s account whenever the car passes a police checkpoint.

    Please note SATIRE

    You just gave the bib an idea! :)

  10. Why not employ a competency test for the Thai guides in the language of the tourists? If they can pass a reading and speaking test in Russian, Mandarin, or Korean, they're hired. I think the reason why these groups use their own tour guides is they can actually speak the language, not a few basis words as is the case of most Thai tour guides.

    It would be easier to require all tourists to Thailand to speak English. :)

    • Like 1
  11. Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

    Psst... It may shock you to realise that when they are sending a message to him it actually has more meaning to their own lives. Is this not the whole point of talking to the dead?!

    Yes, I am well aware that I was one of the posters...

    They are doing it to be seen as compassionate people on TV. Attention getters.

    • Like 1
  12. What a ridiculous article!

    I think these countries would be much better served, if they urge there citizens not to come to Thailand at all. Now that will get some reaction from these children (Thai Government).

    Are you going to recommend a destination that has the same things to offer as Thailand and no scams.

    What is it that Thailand has to offer that is so great?

    Is it all the polluted beches and national parks?

    Is it the easy transportaion, that you take your life in own hands every time you step into a bus, van or taxi?

    Is it getting poisoned in your hotel room?

    Maybe getting food poisoning, thats always worthy of a return trip.

    You tell me and I will give you a list of other places.

    I am not saying there is not scams everywhere. Of course there is. is what I am saying is trying to get this government from the local to executive to do somthing. Maybe just try and enforce a law that is inplace.

    I think he meant cheap hookers and cheap beer?

  13. .

    From above, KeyserSoze01, I really appreciate the time that you took in answering my question.

    A lot of the things you talk about above ... I can relate to.

    Must admit though, I had to goggle the term 'Crab mentality'.


    from Wikipedia -

    Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise.[1][2] The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy,[3] conspiracy or competitive feelings.

    This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life", but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success.[4]

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