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Posts posted by fred110

  1. At breakfast I saw an older waitress filling bottles from a pot using a cup, excess water running over her left hand. I've seen them take uncapped bottles to customers. I can't say they are selling re-filled bottles, but you might want to ask for unopened water, just in case.

  2. Aren't grandparents cherished and loved by their children and grandchildren in any country or culture the world over? What's the point of this thread?

    As for acceptance, if you're bankrolling everyone's happiness, of course they'll love you; take a gander at photos of President Bush hugging,kissing and holding hands with Saudi leaders - that too is universal.

    You missed the point. You are not an old guy I take it.

    No, it's not the same. In the West you are a grampa at 40. It's the youth culture. Families don't go to concerts together. Families don't go out dancing on a Friday night together.

    It is not a matter of bankrolling everyone's happiness. Sometimes I pay but if we go out with a more senior more important person he pays.

    Age was once upon a time respected in the West. If you are old you realize this. It still is in most parts of Thailand not Bangkok or Phuket.

    So there are a number of things going for the old guy here. One is Thailand is still culturally 100 years behind the West in some things, respect of age being one of them and the Asian respect for ancestors thing.

    Add that to the Asian religion stuff about old guys and it's a trifecta.

    You're generalizing. When I go to the US we all go to the American Legion on Fridays, dinner, live band, pool, etc. My mom is 80, cousins bring their babies. You need to go to the 'hinterland'.

  3. Thank you for this nice short recapitulation which shows clearly that the Chakri dynasty was born by acclamation of the people and at that time quite revolutionary by its pragmatism. The Thais were ahead 7 years to the French revolution 1789 which is certainly interesting.

    The descendants of "Chakri", many of them outstanding personalities, continued with wisdom and dedication to lead Thailand towards a modern democracy. It is certainly not their fault if Thai people lack the maturity to take these opportunities. Thailand without them would be even a bigger mess.

    I am not sure why we need a "recapitulation" -- I am not even sure what was the original capitulation that you refer to -- just who was it that surrendered to whom ? when and why ?

    However, it is an excellent precis of the official Chakri Dynasty history as regurgitated and taught for memorization in all Thai schools. Any negative comment regarding the veracity of this history could, of course, result in lese majeste charges against the writer.


    [ree-kuh-pich-uh-ley-shuhn]   Example Sentences Origin


       [ree-kuh-pich-uh-ley-shuhn] Show IPA



    the act of recapitulating or the state of being recapitulated.


    a brief review or summary, as of a speech.

  4. Only 25 years after all the people who have been murdered with illegal weapons that he sold?

    Are you kidding me??? This guy has sold weapons for the U.S where the U.S couldn't be seen selling weapons to certain countries. He's been in business with them all along, and now they crucify him for whatever reason! Besides how many people are killed by American soldiers on a daily basis all over the world in the name of OIL!!! The American government has killed more people than any other nation on this planet!!!

    No, I think Germany, Russia, China are ahead by millions.

    • Like 2
  5. A mini van leaves every 30 minutes just North of Pattaya Klang and goes to Victory Monument in Bkk for 70 baht.

    It is even a better kept secret that the price is 97 baht instead of 70.

    It's no secret that mini vans are death traps!

  6. Suvarnabhumi Airport is already 3 mio passengers over its capacity. They cut themselves off of 2/3 handling capacity of immigration counters.

    They start renovations and have no timeline for completion.

    They propose a bus service between DM and Suvarnabhumi Airport while the average speed on Bangkok’s roads is less than 15 km/h.

    The road connection was partly flooded during last monsoon and there is no guarantee it will not happen again. Distance between the airports 45 km (official driving time 50 mins)

    Let’s estimate 40 mins arrival procedure at Suvarnabhumi add cueing up for the bus shuttle and driving time 65 mins. Plus 60 mins prior to check in at DM comes close to 3 hours. If you have a death wish in jour job as a travel agent try to sell this to a family with two kids and luggage for 3 weeks holiday in the Thai Light Zone.

    This is what you get, if the clowns run the circus!

    Shuttle flights between airports! :)

  7. Tony's on the corner of South and Third roads is 39 baht a visit. It is open-air, which I prefer to air-con. I've never been as I have a gym at my condo. Probably need to bring your own towel too.

  8. I just cant get it out of my head that he is recommending The Boat.

    It's kind of totally irrelevant; you don't know if he was actually there or just repeating what someone else said to people who complain he doesn't serve Thai food (and why should he!). Not to mention the Boat is not at all bad for basic cheap Thai food like pad krapaw, fried rice, and Thai salads. I recommend Boat, btw, for their pad krapow.

    The Boat has very good Pad Thai.

  9. There was a report of a jet ski hitting a russian female tourist swimming today. The photo and description can be seen on Pattaya Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome's facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/PattayaFuture

    Just went over there to check the page out. WOW. How he is flat out ignoring all of this is just beyond words. ignoring it looks really bad. He ignores every issue that is posted there be it a trash issue, scams, violence, child abuse, or anything else. Not sure what the purpose was of that page. Good you guys keep posting there. The more who see it the better.

    He is up for reelection in May(?). Can you bet who his donors are???

  10. Drunks will do strange things but of more interest to me is that no ID was found on him.

    I feel I should point out that unlike many other countries, Thai law says one must carry a copy (at least) of a passport or a Thai ID card - if not the original. I recommend that all foreigners get a credit card size copy of front passport page and latest visa. Costs about 60 baht to get done in plastic and easy to keep in a wallet.

    Are you for real??

    I guess this was the first thought on this guys mind prior to jumping/falling off a bridge onto railway lines. Shame on him for not having any I.D on him.

    If I was to jump off a bridge onto a railway track to end my life I would (try to make sure it was higher than 6 metres and ) not care if I was anonymous or not.

    Silly response soihok. That's not what the poster was saying, and he was saying that Thai law required foreigners to carry ID..

    He merely pointed out that foreigners should carry ID in Thailand. If this guy had killed himself, and he had ID on him, imagine how much easier it would be for authorities to find family.

    Or if you are in an accident or mugged and knocked unconcious.

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