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Posts posted by dumball

  1. Anyone who has been to an Arabic country can imagine what it is going to be like on an Emirates flight now! The Arabs I know in Dubai love to SHOUT DOWN THEIR PHONES AS LOUD AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN.

    Visiting a village in northern Thailand , i asked a Thai why they shout so loud into thier cell phone "My friend lives a long way away , in Bangkok" , go figure .

  2. Had a touch recently and popped into Boots/Watsons etc, but to no avail, in fact nowhere seemed to stock Gavisgon or Rennie which are so widely advertised in the UK, maybe because of a different diet Thais don't get it?

    :D Not only do they get heartburn....but they get Ulcers as well. I know, as my Thai girlfriend suffered for many years with severe stomach pains caused by Ulcers. It took an operation to remove them from her stomach.

    Also remember that Asians, including Thais, are much more prone to be Lactose intolerant which means that diary products, especially milk, can cause them to have heartburn/upset stomach.

    There is a very obvious and easy answer to most or all problems caused by certain foods you eat , listen to what your body is telling you "I hate this S##T and you will suffer so i can prove my point " Do not eat food that causes you and your body problems no matter how much you think you enjoy them , you only have one body , listen to it !!! :o

  3. I was buying water in the big translucent plastic bottles for a long time. One day I discovered mosquito larvae swimming around in a bottle that I had just taken the seal off of.

    No thanks. I'll just keep using my water filters.

    Ah bottled water , you have absolutely no idea of where the contents come from or the actual purity of the contents , too many companies just run water from the tap through a common filter system , it's all about PROFIT . Reverse osmosis on the other hand does an excellent job , my daughter in Canada has used this system for years , but to play safe has the water quality checked every few months . The word incompetence comes to mind , the quality control at water bottling plants is only as good as the intent and compliance of testing , e-coli is a dangerous , life threatning end product of incompetence , check Canada for the Walkerton incidence of water management incompetence ! Incompetence: the failure to bring the expediant measures and knowledge to the operation at hand .

  4. How is this?

    As far as I know thai farm workers aren't overpaid yet. So, where this lots of extra cost coming from then? :D

    Answer in the article :

    Kingkorn said farmers were trying to improve garlic yields by using fertilizers and chemicals, but this affected quality.

    This is a classic quality vs quantity battle... And as usually, quantity wins... :o

    Same old-same old , how can i get rich quick ? In the long run , quality will and often does , overcome quantity , North Americans are already realizing this and paying more for organic foods , nutrition=health=quality of life=longevity in a healthy way .

  5. Some operators opposed the proposed 10-baht charge, which he said would help pay the monthly bills for water and electricity and finance the building of facilities such as toilets and rest areas. He said it currently costs the airport 1.7 million baht a month to hire a private company to manage the taxi queues.

    Continued here:


    And the 50 baht we pay now, where does it go? Not to pay the monthly bills then? To fill who's pocket then?

    To the driver someone mentionned? Really, that would be nice if true :o or too good to be true :D

    Would like to see these 1.7 million bills also.

    Whilst I don't mind paying what's on the meter, and an increase of the meter per km is overdue, I would hate to pay more than the 50 baht for whatever service is offered through the actual system.

    I do have 14 in/outs of Savanaboum planned in 2008.

    These minivans and 554/555 depart form level 1 now?

    You need to take the FREE shuttle bus to the bus terminal to take advantage of the B35 to On-Nut , i am aware that money matters , but i feel this rip off by the airport taxi service needs to be curtailed sooner than later .

  6. "Garlic from Cambodia, Laos, Burma and some parts of China is similar in size to Thailand, so it's difficult for consumers to tell the difference. The point is, imported garlic is a lot cheaper than local garlic," she said.

    How is this?

    As far as I know thai farm workers aren't overpaid yet. So, where this lots of extra cost coming from then? :D

    Some years ago i asked this question of a Canadian fruit grower , he said"It costs more to grow in Canada " My response " Am American and a Canadian plant apple trees on thier farm , it rains and the sun shines in both countries , fruit finaly grows on both the American and Canadian trees , people pick the fruit and you offer it for sell ouside your farms , why is yours more expensive ? " "Well , i uh "" . Then it costs the American farmer to send it to Canada , who is trying to get rich quick ? I think this also applies to Thai garlic growers , drop the price and the Chinese will be gone . :o:D

  7. Bad weather forced a boat from Krabi to Phi Phi Island to capsize yesterday evening but all passengers and crew were rescued, while tourists on another boat from Phuket were brought back due to safety fears.

    <p> The first incident occurred at around 5 pm yesterday when Krabi Marine Office was notified that a passenger boat capsized near Pai island in Ao Nang sub-district of Krabi. After receiving the report, all responsible agencies including over 5 boats rushed to the scene. The rescue team found all 36 passengers were floating in the water with life jackets on and they all were brought back to shore safely with no one seriously injured. Some are famous local businessmen. The group was reported to be going for a merit making ceremony and planned to stay over night in Phi Phi island. The boat left Krabi's Klong Jilad pier where they were brought back to. During a live phone interview with Channel 11 Krabi Governor Siwa Sirisaowaluck said he had instructed all piers or ports not to allow tourist or passengers boats plus small boats to go out to sea during the bad weather; and asks business operators not to take risks during bad storms; and that they carefully check weather conditions before making any sea journey.

    Meanwhile on the same day, Phuket Marine police rushed out to assist a speed boat carrying 12 Chinese tourists with 4 Thai nationals on board. The boat requested assistance after they departed Phi Phi Island en route back to Phuket and faced heavy storms, forcing them to seek shelter at Green Island. Being a small boat with one of the passengers having a heart problem, the crew decided to seek assistance in fear of harming the tourist passenger. All passengers were brought back safely to Rassada port in Phuket despite difficult operations due to high waves.

    Draft of text to be broadcast on Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) 8.30am + FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, both broadcast from Phuket City to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, Mazz Radio FM108 at 7.30pm in Phuket & maybe later on Phuket Cable TV Channel 1, Wednesday 22 August 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com

    Did channel 11 ask any of these owner/operators at an time if they considered profits above safety when there was a notification of dangerous seas ? Where was the police control on the docks at the time of departure ?

  8. Well said nyles - I was thinking exactly the same thing! But you know, it's not new, racial prejudice of this type has been going on ever since the West discovered the East. Yet, if only these critics could see that their constant critcisms only really exposes their own lack of humility - if not humanity. If you notice, the main critics seem to be the beer-swilling, testosterone-charged xenophobic cranks - not your average holidaymaker or awestruck visitor - nor the world-travelled expats who have assimiated themselves into Thai culture to their own benefit as well as that of their Thai friends. Those brainless critics, whose over-riding purile wish is to attempt to impose their own questionable morals and customs onto a proud people (who need absolutely no lessons from the West on how to run their own country) are the worst possible ambassadors the West has and the sooner they are shut up the better for everyone - including themselves. The only problem with Thais as I see them - and their main weakness - is that they are, if anything, far TOO tolerant of foulmouthed farangs and their sneering comments and general rudenesses.

    What a curates egg of a post!

    Criticising aspects of Thai life does not amount to racism. The superior attitude of many Orientals towards Westerners does. Thai racism and misplaced ideas of superiority gives rise to the arrogance that is the root cause of the problems in the southern provinces. If the hill tribes in the far north got their act together to fight injustice and maladministration in their corner of the country, Thailand could face the problem of dealing with an uprising at each end. On my visits to Cambodia and Laos I have been aware of the contempt that many hold for Thailand on account of such arrogance.

    You need to understand that nothing in this world would have been improved upon unless somebody gave birth to a better conception or practice. Very often that idea was the child of a legitimate complaint. We, from the first world, are not content with mediocrity and our technological superiority and standard of living is a result of this. The majority of Thais, it seems to me, live in constant fear and have neither the originality, thought processes nor courage to stand against the status quo. It seems that everybody is scared of 'big boss' who in turn is scared of his 'big boss' and the whole thing snowballs into the oligarchy that is Thailand. Furthermore since everybody is so concerned with 'face', nobody admits to an error so locals see little point in complaining - or even suggesting better ways of doing things.

    I have lived in Thailand for some time now, I have a wonderful Thai wife and rejoice in the warmth and brotherhood of my Thai family. They no longer survive on handouts and such work as they could find. No longer does their roof leak, no longer do they go to bed hungry or live hand to mouth, their medical needs are taken care of and the children are gaining the benefits of full time education. I have ensured that they will not require a calculator to perform simple arithmetic and their English vocabulary grows with time . My family acknowledge that I have done more for them than several Thai Governments. I claim to have made an investment in Thailand and accordingly demand a voice to be heard. I was born free, I grew up during a war that Britain and its allies fought at great sacrifice to guarantee freedom for myself and others. I hold that freedom dear and if a few Thais get upset when I exercise my preogative to complain or make adverse comment, then so be it.

    This is not to say that there isn't plenty about Thailand that agrees with me, and other farangs, since quite obviously this is not the case. However equally obviously Thailand is not perfect and we are not blind nor inclined to obeisance. In my book the lack of criticism indicates self satisfaction and complacency and the slippery slope beckons. Perhaps you will find it within yourselves to ask the true reasons for any criticism and seek clarification and,hopefully, possible alternatives. I suggest that that is a more positive thing to do, especially for those subject to misplaced nationalistic emotional outbursts.

    I have not hitherto noticed that most of the critics are beer swilling, xenophobic cranks. I venture that few of that ilk come to this board. To offer comment indicates to me a concern and a caring attitude towards Thailand whereas those you describe couldn't really give a pig's butt for the country. Their concerns centre on the price of their favourite tipple and cigarettes, the availability of a comely lass and spectacles that used to be sport but no longer are. Not too different from many Thai men maybe. The converse of love isn't hate, it is indifference. Would you prefer that we farangs become indifferent to appease your tendency to jingoism? The gross characters to whom you attribute a degree of interest in Thailand are indeed an embarressment to any sentient being and I for one would welcome their removal from the scene. Perhaps if what attracted them to Thailand were to be removed, they would move on to despoil somewhere else. I understand that Cambodia and Vietnam would welcome lots of lovely hard foreign currency.

    I have to assume that you were well into your cups to write such drivel about morals and the ability to govern a country. Are you suggesting that the published results of a recently conducted survey which stated that over 60% of Thai women had admitted sleeping with men for pecuniary or career advantage was way off beam? So all elections are not rigged and subject to the bribery of ignorant peasants who wouldn't know democracy if it bit them in the butt? That the police do not practice extortion? How many governments and coups has Thailand experienced in recent years? I suggest that to echo sentiments of clean government and high moral standards in the same breath as Thailand would invite much ribaldry. As for being proud many would hold the view that Thailand can boast of some of the most beautiful women in the world, being beautiful both inside and out, and producing a handful for excellent boxers at the lighter weights. Granted Thailand exports more rice than any other country but is nowhere as efficient in growing the cereal as neighbouring countries are whose yields per acre are far higher. Hardly a success story is it?

    Well said Bagwan , most countries of the world are probably criticised in a similar manner , the best customers a buisiness has are those that complain ( criticise ) because it gives the owner (government ) the chance to rectify that which could be putting the buisiness at a dissadvantage . How many expats/tourists have changed thier venue to countries like Cambodia etc due to the attitude of the Thai buisness consortium , hey , even huge super-markets are going elsewhere because of this "I know "attitude . Everybody has the right to complain about poor service or shoddy goods etc , even if he should have been the odd one that has consumed alcohol , who sold him the alcohol in the first place and for what purpose ? So the Thai learn English to placate us , i learned it was to tell us 100 Baht was not enough , but then , i only put up with them ripping me off for 7 years before i quit , even down to my travel bags as well as the fridge and micro . Please do not quote the better rules of Thai behavior , i try to do as the Romans do and rest assured , your spouted etiquete comes nowhere close to even decent behavior in many instances .
  9. Overcrowding and poorly enforced safety standards mean accidents are common, especially during the rainy season.

    Overcrowding and poorly enforced safety standards add up to criminal negligence NOT accidents.

    We will see when the 'factual evidence' comes in.

    ONE OF THESE DAYS, Thailand will learn to implement some safety standards@!!! :o

    Remember the Thai motto "Don't fix it 'til its broke " or dead ?
  10. My experience is that in Thailand some kinds of trees have roots that rot and/or get eaten by termites within a few years...and some have roots that last for decades. If you are in a hurry then dig them out....if you are not in a hurry then just wait.

    We certainly have LOTS of termites but it appears that they don't find ANY of our tree stumps tasty. I have been happy just to keep them from sprouting. Building a fire on top of the stump is the best way I have found to kill it but the termites refuse to cooperate.

    When a tree is first cut down , you drill a large hole about 1 foot into the stump , fill it with salt peter , plug the hole and give it a few months to eat its way well down into the stump as the sap recedes , then set fire to it .In your case you may need to add water to get the salt peter down into the roots and do a couple of applications about a month apart , good luck .

  11. There are a number of excellent hospitals in BKK. My own, personal, choice would be BNH (Bangkok Nursing Home.) It is clean, modern, well equiped, and the staff all speak good English. Unlike Bumrungrad and other international hospitals, BNH is not so busy that the doctors can't take time to explain things to you. The atmosphere is not so impersonal as Bumrungrad and I've never spent much time sitting around waiting to see the doctor (like I used to at Bumrungrad.)

    Bnh is fantastic , very clean , very efficient , excellent staff , more like a hotel for accomodation .I spent 5 days there for a heart attack 3 years ago and the after treatment to get the medicine correct for "You " not what a journal tells the doctor , I stopped medication over 2 years ago ( Doctors advice ) and have not had a recurrence , touch wood .Cost was $1,400.00 CDN

  12. thankyou for your succinct answer. so how does that work then.

    I don't know how you claim if you are living overseas when you become eligible to claim but if you are claiming for pension while you are in the UK, you don't even have to married, you just need to have a partner to be eligible.

    If you know how you would claim should you have a UK marriage certificate then it will be exactly the same because, as already said, the Thai marriage certificate (with a certified translation) is recognised worldwide.

    Living outside of the UK You need to apply for the neccessary forms at :Departmentfor work and pensions and they will need your National Insurance number , look in Govrnment of UK for address as I only have the old one . To obtain a pension for your wife you will need to be legally married , they do not accept 'Common law arraingments , hope this helps .

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