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Posts posted by dumball

  1. 'phuketrichard' timestamp='1314868889' post='4666166']

    My gf uses an SCB atm to pull money from an account i fund here and she pulls $600/trip (Cambodia)

    charge is 150 baht but exchange rate sucks (thai baht to us$)

    I use Canadia in Cambodia , no ATM charge , $800.00 limit and good exchange rate , my bank charges $5.00 for off shore ATM use .

  2. To cheep is to go on endlessly a-la-chicken , to be cheap is to get the best bang for your buck , see the difference ? IK am neither , I tend to be frugal at times dependent on what is on the menu .

  3. One thing I notice is missing amongst all of the sage advise on the who ,what, and whys of food contamination that cause diners to become sick with various maladies , THE MENU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thought provoking method furnished to help appease the appetite of discerning diners is more than likely the scourse of more germs than is given consideration , how many previous diners have leafed through the menu with their germ laden fingers that have been in contact with god knows what array of sickness causing bacteria ? Do restaurants clean the pages on regular occassions , i doubt they give it nary a thought, many do not even maintain toilets in a healthy state , beware the menu , wash your hands with soap and water after perusal if only for peace of mind .

  4. I m oved over almost seven years ago , could not put up with all that is discomforting about the Thai and their country , the place I am in was not a whole lot better at frst but has been steadily improving as time has gone by . I have helped many move on with both advise and finding apartments etc , not even able to guess the numbers that have left in that time for a multitude of reasons , are we all then complainers or those that figure there is more than putting up wih what ails Thailand and its people , not to mention the government and the various waring factors raising hell all to often . Takes all kinds to make this world I guess , not much place else to go when you have burned your bridges or had them burned for you .

  5. Age is a case of mind over matter , if you do not mind it does not matter , my far younger wife and I have been together going on 6 years , no one of consequence has passed comment other than to tell us we look good together because we act like most other couples they know . Do not worry , you can be as doomed if you do as if you do not , just be happy .

  6. All you need to do is take your phone to a phone shop and have the third wave band installed , you only have two in your western phone . I had mine done in Cambodia , it cost me $9.00 which included a sim card and $2.00 worth of phone time , your way would work out more complicated for no real reason , it will still work normal in your country with the appropriate sim card .

  7. Many bottled ' Waters ' are a farce unto themselves , but then again , many people are searching for a cure-all in as easy a way as possible , what is noted as being added to water is usually in miniscule amounts , do not believe everything you read or hear about bottled water , use a ceramic filter system and take your vitamins in supplimentary form , that way at least you will know what is going into your sytem .

  8. 'Moonrakers' timestamp='1306146888' post='4443339']

    edwinchester' timestamp='1306146703' post='4443329']

    Sore not saw.

    Source not sauce.

    Seem not seam.

    How can I be happy with so many spelling mistakes on TV?

    Yeah. What loosers!


    That is much more pleasant than how many express that particular bodily function , a single dose of Loperamide usually makes life somewhat more pleasant to endure , some posters spell as they pronounce , I personally find that quite amusing at times .

    A little Bristolian for you " Oo bist de , wur bist goin , casn't see fer dust ' , sort that one one out if you are able .

    Seven different dialects in the city of Bristol , England .

  9. 'whybother' timestamp='1306024579' post='4440054']

    So, they already have Nok Air. AND they have an agreement to run Thai Tiger Airways. AND they're starting up another NEW low cost airline?

    Great business plan. :blink:


    They have obviously taken this plan from the hotel business , when there are not enough clients to fill what is already there , build some more , as mentioned above , it would be far more pertinent to improve existing services with the monies it will take to start yet another airline . That being said , first they appear to have the need to reconnoiter what the word ' Service ' with all of its aspects , means to the people who avail themselves of these purported ' Services ' , an attitude improvement would go a long way to achieve this aim .

  10. 'Lickey' timestamp='1305999285' post='4439788']RS1' timestamp='1305997301' post='4439746']

    'dumball' timestamp='1305989364' post='4439562']

    There is no engine oil , that is a separate system , the transmition oil will enter the lower end through a leaking crank case seal , a very common problem on 2 stroke engines , no way jetting of any kind can cause all of the excess oil you have entering the combustion chamber . I suggest you take the machine to a competent mechanic who works on 2 strokes and have that seal replaced , it should not be expensive as it is a straight forward job . Too many cooks in the kitchen .

    Of course not , but a mechanic could have changed the jets in an attempt to lean the bike out when the smoke first started to occur, which results in a hot cylinder, which could then lead to a cracked head, cylinder, toasted gasket which leads to water coming in.

    Gotta check everything ! ;)

    Gotta check everything,, OP already said the rad coolant is clean and temp shows normal,,,

    Gotta read everything too...

    Any competant mechanic worth his salt would not change jetting to solve an excess oil feed problem , before the cylinder head would crack from a lean mixture , the piston would have a partial seizure in the cylinder as it it the most vulnerable for overheating problems , put it all back to stock and change the cause of the excess oil , the crank case oil seal which is allowing transmission oil to be drawn into the engine compartment , simple job , simple fix .

  11. 'Lickey' timestamp='1305999285' post='4439788']RS1' timestamp='1305997301' post='4439746']

    'dumball' timestamp='1305989364' post='4439562']

    There is no engine oil , that is a separate system , the transmition oil will enter the lower end through a leaking crank case seal , a very common problem on 2 stroke engines , no way jetting of any kind can cause all of the excess oil you have entering the combustion chamber . I suggest you take the machine to a competent mechanic who works on 2 strokes and have that seal replaced , it should not be expensive as it is a straight forward job . Too many cooks in the kitchen .

    Of course not , but a mechanic could have changed the jets in an attempt to lean the bike out when the smoke first started to occur, which results in a hot cylinder, which could then lead to a cracked head, cylinder, toasted gasket which leads to water coming in.

    Gotta check everything ! ;)

    Gotta check everything,, OP already said the rad coolant is clean and temp shows normal,,,

    Gotta read everything too...

    Any competant mechanic worth his salt would not change jetting to solve an excess oil feed problem , before the cylinder head would crack from a lean mixture , the piston would have a partial seizure in the cylinder as it it the most vulnerable for overheating problems , put it all back to stock and change the cause of the excess oil , the crank case oil seal which is allowing transmission oil to be drawn into the engine compartment , simple job , simple fix .

  12. 'Willeyeam' timestamp='1305982999' post='4439393']

    'Bowery99' timestamp='1305979790' post='4439288']


    Is there a way to delete this thread? I seem to be finished here.I suspect that Thai authorities would frown on it and just wanted an opinion about it.

    Contact one of the mods, they may be able to help you.

    As far as any work goes here you need a work permit, even for voluntary stuff.

    If you take a look at the Thai work laws, it is almost classed as working if you simply breathe air.

    I believe that the description of "work" here is described as something that requires EFFORT, whether paid or unpaid, so be carefull inhaling or exhaling, you might be in breach of their work description.

    Quite the wit arn't you ? Read your comments on another thread , keep it up , it is good to have a chuckle now and then

  13. 'Richard-BKK' timestamp='1305960919' post='4438690']

    Milky-colored fluids suggest a gasket is leaking... cooling liquid mixes with oil and create the milky color you see... As the two-stoke oil mixed in the petrol is probably not enough to create the milky looking fluid you likely have also engine oil leaking... Time to split the engine and replace all gaskets...

    There is no engine oil , that is a separate system , the transmition oil will enter the lower end through a leaking crank case seal , a very common problem on 2 stroke engines , no way jetting of any kind can cause all of the excess oil you have entering the combustion chamber . I suggest you take the machine to a competent mechanic who works on 2 strokes and have that seal replaced , it should not be expensive as it is a straight forward job . Too many cooks in the kitchen .

  14. 'Semper' timestamp='1305921628' post='4437749']

    Interesting. My money is on the RC Valve.

    80% for sure it is the crank-case seal , easy to replace if you have the tools and some idea of how to use them , all of the symptoms point to it including the black heavy oil coming out of the exhaust exit .

  15. ='Richard-BKK' timestamp='1305817031' post='4434972']

    Check for broken gaskets, it's not uncommon that a "higher" performance two-stroke is blowing a gasket, and I not necessarily mean a cylinder gasket. A two-stroke also creates high pressures under the piston to push out the exhaust... if somehow that pressure is not enough a two-stroke engine will have performance problems in the high revs...

    I am afraid your diagnostic skills are a little amiss , the engine in question is suffering from excess oil in the cylinder and combustion chamber , which in turn alters the stoiciometric balance of the fuel mixture and also lowers the octane value of the fuel being burned . Just because the engine is of a higher performance character , it in no way entails it will be more susceptible to blowing a gasket in any particular joint on the engine , I have built literally hundreds of high performance engines of an extremely high standard during my 60 + years in the racing circles of several countries with multiple provincial and national champion riders . It is obvious that without the particular machine within at least ear shot , true diagnostics are or can be a little hazy .

  16. To me this sounds like you have a common 2 stroke problem when too much oil is getting into the cylinder , the rings have nothing to do with this as there is no oil in the crank-case other than that fed by the oil pump , unless the oil pump is stuck in the fully open position , leave it alone . It is not normal for changes to be needed in the carb if the machine was running satisfactorily prior to the onset of your current problem , changes will not affect the oil contamination on the spark plug .

    The problem is most likely to be a worn or broken crank=case seal on the clutch side of the engine , I have even found them blown out of position , this will allow transmition oil to be sucked into the engine , hence the increase of smoke from the exhaust system .

  17. 'lovelaos' timestamp='1305613030' post='4429517']

    and have you ever tried to peel the Thai label off to read the English one underneath?

    Super strength industrial glue is used by that little bastard in the stock room.:annoyed:

    Send an e-mail to the manufacturer , they are usually only too pleased to keep things up front and informative , there are additives that can be hazardous to some peoples heath such as peanut of gluten , they may even bring the Thai to task about it , after all is said and done , they are the ones who get sued .

  18. 'StreetCowboy' timestamp='1305563645' post='4428533']

    Most posters here air their prejudices and bigotry on line, do all their whinging and grizzling on this forum, and are thus cleansed of negativity and ill-will, and hence enjoy an ecstatically blissful homelife of mutual satisfaction and fulfillment. You just have to read their threads about their wives' cleaning cloths, and charming conversational wit, to see the joyous life to which we could aspire


    Well said , I think you have covered things in a nutshell , I have often wondered how people can be happy together when for much of the time they do not understand each other , some say " Well , you have to learn Thai " , not as easy as it sounds as that can take many years and you cannot get it right then in most instances , even Thai have problems with their language .

    Do yourselves a favour , in the long run it is more advantagious for the wife to learn English in a logical sense . I realise I have opened the flood gates to abusive criticism , but you have to be logical in an approach to a union of two people , a little late for many as once you have set a pattern it is difficult to change .

    I would say that by and large my wife is a happy soul , she was given free range to run the household on an agreed ' Allowance " with enough extra to help her family when NEEDED , not just when a hand was held out , many upsets come from this " I have to have " attitude extended families can have . What is not understood is talked about at the time it occurs , compatability by meeting somewhere in the middle is imperative to enjoy each others company , maipenrai is not an alternative to honest discussion .

  19. Those rings do not work as people believe anyway , the only place a mosquito will not bite is where the smoke is actually in contact with the skin , swirling in the air and making your breathing difficult , the smoke does not kill the mosquito . A fan blowing across your body can be just as effective without the hazard , I use the mosquito bat to zap them but use an over the bed treated net to sleep under at night , very effective .

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