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Posts posted by dumball

  1. Go to the Suvarnabhumi Airport, at Departure on the outer right side, if you head to the gates, is the Post Office. Send from there as normal parcel and it will be in Germany within one week at it's destination.

    I use that way only for to send to Europa and the USA and never had any problems. Don'y need to use EMS (terrible expensive) or registered (also terrible expensive)!


    Thank you , i learned something today , but what if you add in the cost of time and travel for the trip to Swampyboon , is it still cost effective ?

  2. maybe your problem is that you stare at the women. i have seen many farang doing this. they dont speak thai so they just spend the entire meal starring up and down at every woman at the table - trust me, its obvious and makes you look bad.

    There you go again , steryotyping instead of facing up to reality , that is life accepted by the other people , accept your fact of life , "they 'do not want to interact with you socialy , you must be an absolute bore to them .

  3. Thai military cancels talks with Cambodia on border dispute

    Amid mass protests in Bangkok, the Thai military has canceled bilateral talks with Cambodia over the border dispute near the Preah Vihear temple scheduled for Friday in Siem Reap town, local newspaper reported Thursday, citing Cambodian officials.

    Defense Ministry Secretary of State Neang Phat told the Cambodia Daily that he learned Wednesday morning of the last-minute cancellation of the talks.

    As Cambodian officials gathered Wednesday in Siem Reap town to prepare for Friday's talks, Neang Phat said they received an emergency call from the 30-member Thai delegation, which had already arrived in Siem Reap.

    The two groups held an immediate meeting at the Century Hotel, and, at the Thai military's request, agreed to postpone Friday's meeting because of the protests in Bangkok, Neang Phat said.

    Meanwhile, Thai Foreign Ministry press officer Apirat Sugondhabhirom said the military had only informed the Thai government of the canceled negotiations Wednesday, but he downplayed the Bangkok demonstrations as the reason for the delay, the newspaper said.

    The Preah Vihear Temple straddles the Cambodian-Thai border atop the Dangrek Mountain and was listed as a World Heritage Site on July 7 by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee.

    In 1962, the International Court of Justice decided that the 11-century temple and the land around belong to Cambodia, which rankled the Thais and has led to continuous disputes.

    Source: Xinhua - 28 August 2008

    Are you not a little behind the times ? The 2 sides have agreed to operate this very miniscule piece of real-estate TOGETHER to enhance tourism for both countries , what took them so long ? Thais and Cambodians both have a very prevalent problem , they have considerably dense heads that are difficult to penetrate , the inability caused by rote teaching to have even an inkling of how to think , WHAT! get a head-ache ? Give it another millenium or so , and still wonder what the answer to the 'None' problem will be .

    The REAL concern ? Did you not read about the discovery of possible oil/gas in the Adaman sea ? Just a degree or two in the demarcation can relate to multi billions in revenue , not true concern about religion or land , GREED sir , pure unadulterated GREED .

  4. being ignored by my colleagues at work has given me more resolve in deciding not to work for another thai company again.

    many of the posters who have worked with thai colleagues, in business and education, seem to suggest that this social ineptitude is quite common in thai professional life.

    yes, unfortunately it is the same everywhere, you go to work in Denmark and they are gonna speak danish, you go to France, and they are definitely gonna speak french, etc...

    Sir , with the posts i have read i have come to a similar prognosis , stop trying to prove YOUR POINT , MOVE TO ANOTHER TABLE PREFERABLY ON THE OPPOSITE END OF THE DINING AREA AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE . You have to be terribly dense despite your self proffesed inteligence not to notice that these particular Thai are not one bit interested in you as a person nor any of your input outside of 'The office ' live with it .

  5. I can't be bothered to read the Original post, let alone all the responses.

    Going by the title of the Topic, I will add this.

    Farangs think they are so superior, I would ignore them too. ( As indeed I do ). :o

    Quite acceptable comment , but , where does one learn except from those with a broader spectrum of both modern day knowledge and experience ? A little deep for you maybe , sit quietly for an hour or six , i feel sure you can work it out .

  6. Yes it bothers me, but I live here and do not want to complain. I also know that cleanliness is not a real virtue of the Thai and this especially up here in Isaan.

    And it is not only the toilets.

    I just do not understand, our Isaan counterparts are so clean on the body and cloth, but when it comes to cleanliness in the house they are indeed hopeless. When I talked with my lady about it, she said it was due to their poverty. BS was my answer.

    I don't want to generalize, but can somebody tell me why this is? I have not yet seen a household I would consider clean and surely I am not picky at all.

    Toilets in eating establishments ? Should you not want to be one of those thai WANNABEES FOR WHAT EVER REASON , it should be fairly obvious that Thais of the lower echelons are not realy into cleaning that much ,no matter what the situation is , do a general half ass brush around and sweep it out of the door . In a restaraunt , , the toilet should be the show piece , the epitome of cleanliness , every-body uses the facility so that can be the epi-centre for the spread of bacteria , especialy in the preparation of the food that you as a patron eats . Like one poster mentioned , a sip of a coffee , to the toilet , dirty ? Tell the owners and leave , it is your health that is at stake , most of them grew up in these disgusting circumstancies and have built up anti-bodies , and as to perenial defenders of the filth and squalor who have never been sick , it is common knowledge that diarhia is prevelant in Asia amongst the local populace from which many people DIE . Although the side effect is that it lowers the risk of colon cancer , there is absolutely no reason to accept a dirty toilet , and as has been stated , you contribute to that untenable state of affairs . Enjoying the food is one thing , but a day or even longer , later , becoming sick , is something you may have unwittingly brought upon your-self , totaly unaware of the cause . Your health should be your concern because nobody else gives a dam_n , especialy in this country , they are not just ill informed , they are not just of the mind 'It is not my problem", they tend to be too fíng lazy by nature to do anything about the problem , which to them is ÝOUR PROBLEM ', stupid falang .

  7. Yes you can phone for free......................... no one ever answers though but its the thought that counts! I like to help!!!

    Sounds some-what like the government e-mail system , lights on but no-one is home , replies most noticeable by thier abscense .

  8. the parcel has 2,5 kg - time is not a real issue, but it should be save to send it from thailand to germany

    any suggetions?

    if you could get the weight down below 2kg by taking some of the packaging away, then you can "small Packet" it at the post office, will cost around 1000thb and will arrive in about 7-10 days. if not then i would suggest sea-mail but it will take around 30 days but not sure on the price.

    Sent many parcels around that weight across the deep waters , Thai post office courier gives 10% discount and always arrived safe in 6 days , want to go 'Cheap ? ' send it surface mail , can take up to 3 months and no guaratee of safety , goes through too many hands .

  9. The OP asked What it takes to get them to listen? translation; Thais don't listen, well here is a good example. my 9 yr old son and I were in the states this summer and I asked him to tell the waitress we need something. He came back and said with great surprise and excitment in his voice: Dad she lsitened to me. I asked: So, what did you expect? He replied: "At home (koh samui) they don't look at me and just blow me off when I try to talk to them" from the mouth of babes! :o
    And speaking Thai dosent help,! i have a very good friend thats a doctor here and is fluent, its even worse for him as they DO understand him and still do it wrong !,.Reading some posters comments here i think they are in a different Thailand to some of us,.and its to be expected that some members have come galloping in as Thai defenders and to you i say you are lucky if you have never expereinced some of the problems others are discussing,.but to say it dosent exist is a joke,.

    maigo6 and his likes are SEXpats.

    they stay in cheap furnished studios, and only hang around bar girls, waitress and food cart vendors

    They speak thais because they dont have the funds to live the life of a farang/bkk thai/ in thailand so they try to be at the level of thai farmers, who are quite happy with 4 walls, a leaky roof and some colon meat.

    don't worry, most of the normal farangs, just read this post.. sigh in approval and keep going on.

    Normal? <deleted> is Normal?

    Guys with gals is quite normal, guys who complain about farngs hanging around with Bar girls often bat for the other side or are either jelous or just liars, :D

    roy gsd

    Jealous ? Most anybody with a few bhat in his jeans can procure a bar-lady , so what is your other excuse ?

  10. The rural ,poorly educated Thai that I mix with every day of the week dont even anticipate where their next meal is coming from until they get hunger pains.

    So you fit right in hey Ozzy ? :o

    Wow , talk about other peoples intelligence , you come on like the village idiot , no offence meant , just an observation , this is a forum of CASUAL comments and you digress too often into inane , off the top of your head insults , have a good day .

  11. "Mind the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves"........... of course I pick up all coins...... and for some people here, picking up the occasional coin is probably the most exercise they get, other than stemming their beer glasses and drawing on their fags..... :o

    I can't pick up coins. He77 I can't even bend over to tie my own shoes cause I'm so dam_n fat.... I really should exercise more...

    I enjoyed some of the comments about being a scrooge , but then are we realy when we pick up discarded/lost coins ? I pick up the same today as i did when a boy , but i also collect the washers , nuts , bolts , screws etc , i keep them all in a bag and amaze myself sometimes how usefull these 'Treasures ' can be .

    Too fat to fold eh ? Now that you have made that confession , follow it up with a daily routine , look in the mirror every day and tell yourself face to face " I am a fat-ass , what am i going to do about it today ? " when you agree with yourself the pounds (kilos) will start to diminish , most overweight people have convinced themselves they are happy as they are , BUT IS YOUR BODY HAPPY ? No offence meant , just call it concern for a fellow human .

  12. Probably one item that most Thais are not aware of let alone use , is iodized salt , lack of iodine in the body produces retardation of the brain , put that together with a diet that contains insufficient calories and you may have some answers . What i have seen is that they use mostly coarse salt of the variety and far too much sugar in most of what they consume .

    So you came to Thailand to look slightly intelligent ?

    You failed miserably. :o

    What was your first clue ?

  13. on a serious note, how do you expect these low class thai to mature and develop normal brain functioons of a 5 year old eating chicken feet/colon meat/cow's heart and other trash that has no decent nutriment add to that that most of them drink the 'cooking water' instead of bottled water...

    Im pretty sure if they were fed decent parts of animals, things would be a lot better.. thais wouldnt have one of the 10 lowest iq's for children from all around the world

    probably the same effect eating kfc on ghetto families in the usa has...

    Probably one item that most Thais are not aware of let alone use , is iodized salt , lack of iodine in the body produces retardation of the brain , put that together with a diet that contains insufficient calories and you may have some answers . What i have seen is that they use mostly coarse salt of the variety and far too much sugar in most of what they consume .

  14. Best advice i was given was ,think of them all as 5 year olds, the more i think about that it seems spot on, :o

    My children at 5 years of age were more than willing to help on a project , the only Thais i found that worked eficiently and responsibly were a crew of ladies digging a ditch to prevent THIER houses being constantly flooded in the rainy season . All of the talking and explaining by the NGO as to why the ditch was needed fell on completely deaf ears , change of strategy , inform them ,if they dig the ditch to my specs in one day they will recieve B200 for each of 10 ladies , this to dig a ditch FOR THIER BENEFIT . The next day they all turned up at first light , any problem and i was immediatly called to explain and what to do , by mid-day the work was very expertly completed and all 10 hands extended for payment .

    Moral of the story , be precise and demanding of what is needed including how and by when , but be prepared to pay for what is to THIER benefit , most Thais i wanted help from were energetically and motivationaly disadvantaged , i.e. f33333g lazy by nature .

    By the way , the drainage ditch was and still is a success .

  15. I think the guys looking for or using viagra here are too young to need it , either they have serious health problems or the twenty something G/F is not a good enough turn on for them , I can give them several years and have absolutely no need for it on a daily basis , but then , my lady turns me on just looking at her with a twinkle in her eye .

    Over indulgence in booze (brewers droop) might be contributing for some Dumball.

    Definitely a bad cocktail in the long term.

    Sorry to be a bore , but your English is not up to the par of the forum (Here ye , here ye ) , you mispelt(mispelled) the middle word , should read 'Cocks tale ' .

  16. Please drive in Houston before you come to the conclusion about Asians. In Houston a turn signal mean speed up and drive next to me so i cannot get over. I have to put on my right turn signal to merge left because the traffic will move to the right and block me when they see my blinker. As well drive in Japan where no matter how congested traffic is they allow you to merge that the whole of traffic moves more efficient. Incredibly courteous drivers in Japan that makes even the most congested traffic bearable and complete anarchy and chaos in Houston, so I don't agree.

    I think you need a little driving instruction yourself , the use of a blinker/flasher does not give you the right to just cut in front of traffic because you ARE IN THE INCORRECT LANE TO TURN .

  17. My impression over 5 years is a total lack of teaching when new to the road,and i also think the typical bad thai driver is very lazy and expects everybody to move away from his erratic driving.Without knocking thais in general but the best drivers i have seen here in Pattaya are some of my friends gf/wives who have been taught by the guys.

    Maybe that will tell a story of how to be a decent driver.I am amazed how many thais cannot reverse too.

    Personaly i think it is more a lack of concern for others , Thais tend to be ignorant of any form of ethicate , some of them just plain bloody ignorant , things like staring straight at you as you walk towards them , then stepping out right in front of you , blocking aisles and doorways in stores , pushing in front of you at the check-out , pure and simple ignorance . Bad drivers teaching others to (try) drive produces even worse drivers , add to this the Thai attitude of "I know , i know " and this should give you some sort of an answer .

  18. Hi Guys

    anyone know any Pharmacies in BKK where I can get good price viagra/cialis/kamagra?

    Amongst some of my older friends, we have had a spike in heart attacks, a couple of guys have passed away rather early (late fifties, early sixties).

    In conversations with one fellow, he is flat out positive it has to do with Viagra. He said, "Huggybear when you get to be my age (65) and you think you can have sex with your twenty-something girlfriend all the time, you are crazy. Twice, maybe three times a week, o.k.,you start popping those viagras to try and do it every night, and of course it's a load on the old ticker".

    What do you guys think?

    I think the guys looking for or using viagra here are too young to need it , either they have serious health problems or the twenty something G/F is not a good enough turn on for them , I can give them several years and have absolutely no need for it on a daily basis , but then , my lady turns me on just looking at her with a twinkle in her eye .

  19. Where to buy BP monitor. Larger Fascino Stores (Drug Store/Chemist Shop) have a selection, some will rave about the fully automated electronic multi storage memory etc. versions but a 'normal' manual one and a notebook & pencil is fine.

    Many pharmacies also have BP monitors that you can use to check without buying.

    It is of course more convenient to have one at home.


    BP monitors are carried by Boots chemist , for an artery check up go to BNH heart clinic , they have electronic equipment that gives a coloured print out of the arterial system with notation on condition,restictions etc and an actual body age condition as apposed to your real life age .

    I am 75 years old , weigh 64 kilos standing 5ft 7 inches tall , my resting BP is 120/60 , get regular (unassisted by pills)) sex on a daily basis , the only medication i take these days are , 100mg b complex and 2 garlic pills . I gave up coffee , take honey instead of sugar or other sweeteners , drink home-maid green tea with honey/lemon added , eat brown rice with chopped up mixed veggies , eat proccessed food rarely , refrain from store bought hamburgers , pizzas , KFC and the like , most of my food is home prepared so i know what i am eating (such as MSG), excercise is limited to walking daily .

    When you consider i had 2 heart attacks and prescribed a hand full of pills every day , that is not so bad for an old fella , my second heart attack was treated at BNH where the doctor gave me advise on how to change my life style to achieve these results . Go and talk to the doctor there , he is very open with some obviously good advise .

  20. Yes the big black and orange fuzzy wasps "Thua thor" have a very nasty sting. I had accidentally sprayed some water on some of these fellows inhabiting a small shrub, and they came at me with a vengeance. One sting on my forearm and it was swollen up and pounding for 24 hours. Apparently they are deadly for children and the elderly.

    And of course--- i agree with post above, "treat all animals with respect" Normally they seem to go along in their own peacefull way.

    Does anyone know the english name for them,? the translation comes out on the dictionary only as "wasp"

    I had one of these black/orange wasps/hornet visit me as i sat on the balcony watching my fish in thier tank , i sat motionless as he flew around me a few times , finaly settling on the water plants in the tank to syphon off water . He repeated this operation several times a day(at least when i sat outside to notice him), i just guessed he was building a nest somewhere close by , he went straight to the tank without a cursury glance in my direction , this went on for a couple of weeks before he dissapeared . No hitee me , no bitee you .

  21. Can't most westerners just show up at thier home countries emabassy and recieve some form of assistance in getting back?

    I am led to beleive that Embassys offer no financial assistance,there will contact freinds or relatives on your behalf back home for financial assistance,correct me if i am wrong.

    Dependant on the consulate and circumstances , financial assistance can be given(at least to GBR) in the form of a one way 1ST CLASS air ticket , your passport is retained and a temporary one provided for the duration of the flight only . You are required to repay the costs and will not recieve a full passport until the debt is repaid in full , plus there could be limitations and reporting of where-abouts on your return , this procedure is apparantly to refrain from trying to repeat your misdemeanor in the future .

  22. Developers should be made responsible for the relocation of these poor individuals into low-cost housing at a location they will still be able to make a living , helping to SOLVE the problem as apposed to just brushing it under the carpet , maepenrai bullshit .

    It's no different than if you buy a foreclosed upon house with squatters (in the US, the police and some private companies often provide the eviction services). Do you purchase or build a new place for the squatters to live somewhere else? Of course not.


    There is no social network for the evicted people to fall back on in Thailand as there is in the USofA , i think , correct me if i am wrong , you are talking apples and oranges , unless you bring in the monk-hood who are to some extent a welfare group for young people who cannot be cared for by the parent(s) .


    Eviction move will backfire

    No one can accuse PM Samak of lacking a flair for the dramatic. His approach to problem-solving while serving as Bangkok Governor was to exile the problem to the provinces, a tactic not always appreciated by those living in rural communities. Homeless people, stray dogs, and noisy, polluting two-stroke motorcycles all received their orders to move out, normally just ahead of an image-building international event. Now he has brought his moving and shaking to the office of PM. This time, though, the target is 1,700 slum communities, which, he told a week ago, will have to relocate themselves outside the capital in the near future so he can create some more parks. If this was a policy statement it was sorely lacking in detail. But if it was designed to provide a talking point and get a reaction, it succeeded. Representatives from poor communities descended on Government House to point out that this flew in the face of everything they had been promised. The claim is a valid one because the Ban Mankong and Ban Ua-arthorn homebuilding and land-sharing projects were intended to replace the slums and avoid any more forced relocations of the type now contemplated. Their launch was backed by a vow from then-PM Thaksin in 2003 to eradicate slums from Bangkok within five years, or by the end of 2008. He also promised to eliminate poverty, but that did not happen either, as the nation's six million people currently living below the poverty line know well. The Ban Mankong and Ban Ua-Arthorn housing projects were touted as the solution to the shortage of affordable accommodation and, while there were some successes, Ban Ua-Arthorn schemes gained notoriety as showpieces of corruption. This took the form of ill-fitting doors, roofs prone to blow away in the wind, holes and cracks in foundations, walls and ceilings, dangerous electrical outlets and all-round sub-standard construction. It can only be a matter of time before such low-quality, but not inexpensive, public housing projects begin to revert to slums again, completing a vicious circle. And whose fault will that be? This appalling quality control was a disappointment because the housing projects had been seen as providing opportunities at the lower end of the market, during a time of soaring land prices fuelled by industrialisation and commercial development. Now Samak is proposing to order many who work at construction sites, factories, and in the service industry to move out of their rickety homes and then keep going until they are out of the city altogether. Presumably their choice would then be to endure a long, arduous and expensive commute, or swell the ranks of the unemployed. Could he have failed to realise that much of the problem stems from populist government schemes to help the rural poor, which have had the side-effect of shifting the burden of poverty from the countryside to the slums of the capital? That rural-urban drift must be discouraged, and the defective low-cost housing developments fixed and upgraded. Of course, new parks would be nice, but these have been promised before, only to suddenly turn into condos, shopping centres, and office blocks because the locations are prime real estate. That is

    Continued here:


    The majority of posts here seem to reflect the suggestion to 'Relocate the poor ' as a good idea , we will not need to walk through that kind of S##t or even look at it any more , good for BKK , good for us , and the poor will be re-located in a place with better sanitation etc giving us beatiful parks we will be able to go jogging in .Look at Cambodia , same , same thinking by the government (or so it was proffessed) , they drove the poor off of thier sites where they had lived and eked out an existance for many years , some even had deeds of ownership , police , troops , bull-dozers solved that minor problem . Billions of dollars payed for the cleared lands by foreign developers with no sign of where the money went , for that matter , in most cases even where the original habitants had been 'Re-located '.As has been noted by some humanitarians , the poor people are human beings also , not chaff to be blown away indiscriminatly at some rich persons whim , shame on you for being in agreance with popular 'Pig-face '.

    Developers should be made responsible for the relocation of these poor individuals into low-cost housing at a location they will still be able to make a living , helping to SOLVE the problem as apposed to just brushing it under the carpet , maepenrai bullshit .

  24. I never meant to imply that the elites and their co-opted elected government officials were sensible as I do not consider greed to be a sensible long term social strategy. Historically, greed has led to a fracturing in the social structure and has also led to environmental degradation. With the 'global' economy, it is currently leading to planetary degradation. Keeping the masses minimally educated is a tactic to minimize competition, just as is limiting the availability of credit by the financial institutions.

    It's wishful thinking to believe that the poor would not be 'greedy' given the opportunity. This planet could NOT sustain every single family owning their own home and a refrigerator, much less consuming as much as even the 'lower' middle classes across the planet.


    Greed seems to have become a national institution in Thailand at most stratas of the population , one cannot blame teachers for low results of the education system , teachers teach but it is up to the individual student to LEARN from what is available . Talking to various teachers , it would seem to me that students are basicly too lazy to learn , that is NOT the teachers problem , but should be the concern of the parents , me-thinks perhaps they may not want thier off-spring to be more learned than themselves , fancy having your child trying to tell you a better way to do something , what was that about the pre-ordained factor of FACE ??? Easier to pay the teacher a few bucks for a pass , any certificates of achievment please , we are running low on toilet paper .

  25. i have a 3 month renewal due on a year non-imm type O coming up very soon and have contacted a travel agent i use alot and they recomend 3 options for me for leaving thailand and returning on the same day:


    PG931 28AUG BKK-PNH 07.40 - 08.50

    PG936 28AUG PNH-BKK 20.00 - 21.05

    TICKET PRICE : THB.9,600.-


    QV424 28AUG BKK-VTE 0950 - 1110

    QV415 28AUG VTE-BKK 1630 - 1750

    TICKET PRICE : THB.8,700


    TICKET PRICE : THB.7,800.-

    i have only ever traveled to cambodia before and am un-sure of the visa process in the other countries but was once told you cant get a visa on arrival in vietnam is that still the case?

    When i mentioned a visa run by minibus to cambodia i was told that this is not easy now because of the fighting between the two countries. How much truth does this hold has anyone got any experiance with visa runs recently? Because i think the price of flying is a bit expensive when i see signs for visa runs for as little as 2000.-

    Thanks in advance


    It is very safe to go via landtransport to Cambodia.

    There is no issue with the two countries.

    Take the casino/visa bus run to Cambodia , you lose a whole day off your visa but it is convenient,cheap and you get a smorgasborg lunch thrown in on the deal , Cambodia is only interested in the money you pay them for a visa , it is great revenue for the country .

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