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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    It's really something what goes into perfumes! A long time ago I got a job with KFC and the oil used in pressure cookers after the first cook was placed in large drums for the perfume people to come and pick up. And women put this <deleted> on their skin and we kiss it. Do we really know what we are kissing?

    'the oil used in pressure cookers'   So that's why women blow their top.

    • Haha 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Carry on Camping

    Babs spots the bloke chomping a pear 

    " Ooh what a lovely pear " 

    He said " you took the words right out of my mouth " .. 

    Carry on Abroad 

    Babs to Sid in the pub ordering a drink 

     " have you got a large one "

    Sid " I've had no complaints so far  " .. with that dirty cackle only S J could do .. 

    There's a gold mine of one liners and double entendres in all the Carry on films not to mention some of the absolute stars who appeared in them .. among them has to be Kenneth Williams in Carry on Cleo when Bilious swords him with him running away shouting 

    " infamy infamy they've all got it in-for-me " ..

    To remember Babs I'm gonna binge on them Carry on films this weekend .. 

    "infamy infamy they've all got it in-for-me"

    I remember Frankie Howerd also used that line in Up Pompeii.

  3. 8 hours ago, Almer said:
    17 hours ago, Old Croc said:

    Anything is pawsable I guess, he may have been on the way to retriever his daughter.

    Or perhaps he's just had a very ruff day.  I may be barking up the wrong tree, but I'm not going to terrier my self up about it.

    It seems he was first spotted by the pup-arazzy when he got off the leash.

    Old Croc   You missed out the <deleted>zu

    If he missed it out that's past tense, so surely it should be a shat zu?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:


    Very astute observation there Mr Sofa .. maximum efficiency of ANPR systems require the details of vehicle registration are updated as soon as the motor changes hands to a new keeper .. if not then it's compromised to begin with .. G B's system requires the person who the car is currently registered with , to inform the DVLA as soon as they dispose of it and like wise the buyer is legally required to provide their new details .. on pain of a fine for not complying .. and continuing to use it without registering it will ping the camera's everytime it passed one as the system will then show it as without a keeper so it will get pulled by the nearest Police unit ..

    In practice ANPR is a pretty ruthless but undiscriminating tool as it's technology that is detecting the offence thru' the camera network , relaying the information back to the database which then checks the vehicle records .. all in seconds .. it is used for the obvious speeding offences but will catch out those without licenses , insurance , tax , MOT .. it can also be used to track vehicles of " interest " across counties if need be even if the vehicle appears all road legal .. 

    Whether the system Thailand say they have is operating at such efficiency is unknown ..

    Thanks for the detailed info on Automatic Number Plate Recognition.

    If they are relying on that, there's still the Achilles heel of who (and even how many) might be in the vehicle, especially if it had closed rear panels.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Old Croc said:

    Anything is pawsable I guess, he may have been on the way to retriever his daughter.

    Or perhaps he's just had a very ruff day.  I may be barking up the wrong tree, but I'm not going to terrier my self up about it.

    It seems he was first spotted by the pup-arazzy when he got off the leash.

    ???????? That was when he rolled over and played dead.

    • Haha 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

    The governor instructs the mayors, who instruct their gamnans, who instruct theair Pooyai baans who instruct their people. They have a very good system in place.


    Also there is a number plate reader of all vehicles entering Phangnga from Phuket, it knows when you enter, it knows when you leave and photos are taken of every vehicle.


    The Pooyai baan of beautiful Natai Beach In Phangnga was out this morning making sure everyone is masking up, shops have replenished the hand sanitizers, temperatures are being taken, people instructed to social distance again and use the chana app and the community is back on high alert.

    Nobody has died here, he wants to keep his 100% success rate in tact.

    It seems someone appears to be doing their job conscientiously.


    You've mentioned how the system works from the top downwards, fair enough.


    I still want to know how it's supposed to work going the other way, for everyone to  know who's who regarding 'if a visitor is found without being screened or reported'.

    Or are they relying on the number plate reader you mentioned?

  7. 2 hours ago, Traubert said:
    2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I know I'm trying to use logic here, but how will anyone know if a visitor has been 'screened or reported'?

    From the link above:

    “I have therefore instructed local leaders at the district, subdistrict and village levels – and all people – to help each other to look out for  people who enter or live in the village. 

    “If a visitor is found without being screened or reported to the village headman or other assigned staff, immediately notify your community leaders,” Governor Chamroen said.

    Word of mouth.

    How would that work, if, say there were half a dozen different people entering a village at different times over a few days?
    Unless photos were circulated, surely no one could know who was who - a goody or a baddie.

    I'm not trying to be obstreperous, but trying to fathom out how the instructions above could work practically.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    RIP Babs 

    I remember for a friends birthday about 10 of us went to see Carry on Camping at the local fleapit, we were all around 8 or 9 years old.


    Birthday boys mum and dad nearly died when the infamous scene appeared but it gave us a lot to talk about at school for a few weeks.

    That was released in 1969. I never saw it in the cinema in the UK, only in the cinema in India in 1990.


  9. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:
    1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    I'm sure when EVs become more popular, someone will develop an App you can download that will use your in-car entertainment system to simulate an thunderously loud exhaust. It's bound to appeal to boy-racers.

    It exists already ???? Plays through your radio. Just need a speaker that looks like 4" diameter exhaust pipe stuck on the back

    Well you live and learn - in my case quite slowly. I was always told I was hard-of-learning.

    • Haha 1
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