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Posts posted by bluesofa

  1. 13 minutes ago, overherebc said:
    2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    'There is another thread of several that have been posted over time, people whining that the cops are stopping people, writing citations, and enforcing the law.'


    Not necessarily. I too have read posts over time regarding Thais living abroad who stick to the rules because they know the police enforce the law and they will suffer if they don't comply.


    I have actually heard the words

    'I don't want to drive in UK because the police are too strict and I can't zig-zag on the motorway'.

    I rest my case, m'lud. ????

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Yup, I’m half way through and find the video makes a lot of claims  !!, from in which exact order parts were constructed to what tools and forms were used when no trace of either remains.

    I’m up to a part about how statues and vases were made from a rock harder than granite !!


    Some of the theories in the video may seem a little far fetched but compared with the alternatives are still worthy of attention.


    Some food for thought!!

    I've just finished watching the complete documentary - a marathon three and- a-half hours.


    It was very interesting, but I have no idea of whether this is some sort of conspiracy theory or not.

    The last half-hour was spent showing how the Egyptians spread their concrete casting and metric system around a lot of the world.


    The thick plottens.

  3. 1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Scroll forward to around the 44 minutes mark for the mathematical discovery parts of what we now call millimetre, centimetre , metre and Pi

    Firstly, I'll admit so far I've only watch the clip listed above.

    However, I'm not sure how to follow this.


    I'm not saying saying the Egyptians didn't discover a way to define the metric units, but the video claims:

    "Centuries later these discoveries were taken out of secret coffers and renamed."

    "They were presented as recent discoveries and the French appropriated them "Made in France""


    Yet according to wiki:

    "A new unit of length, the metre was introduced – defined as one ten-millionth of the shortest distance from the North Pole to the equator passing through Paris, assuming an Earth's flattening of 1/334."

    source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_metre


    Or is this an incredible coincidence that two naturally occurring items like a drop of water and (part of) the earth's circumference, one could be multiples of the other, even though by exactly a thousand million?

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, mikebell said:

    Thais shun using lights wherever possible as someone once told them it shortened their battery life.  Same with sounding your horn which is a capital offence to some Thai drivers who will kill/maim you at the next traffic lights.  

    Perhaps there's a worry about not having enough power to keep the cigarette lighter/USB adaptor charging the phone?

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