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Posts posted by englishoak

  1. 46 minutes ago, nausea said:

    Excellent timing I must say, 15 years running at a loss and they decide to chop staff now, in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis; would it hurt so much to wait another year, when the economic outlook for reemployment might have improved.

    Perfect excuse though isnt it ? its all part of the plandemic scamdemic... its all about the reset and getting rid of workers to advance the global automation revolution millions around the world are being made redundant right now under the same BS for a something that is less deadly than a bad flu strain year.. its all one big  scamdemic... blame covid for everything and by the time this is over ( round 2 coming soon )  cash will have been all but outlawed, everyone will be tracked 24/7 and people will be made to get an injection of god knows what to go anywhere or do anything...


    Anyone swallowing this scam should honestly ask themselves since when does the human race need saving from a virus when there are literally dozens of things we do every day that have more chance of killing you govs do nothing about. Its a scam, the teachers laid off are a negative drain on a corrupt, badly run dept and its convenient to blame covid now as it probably saves some donkey at the top some face and its an opportunity thats all. 

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  2. BLM is a Marxist organisation, it clearly states its objectives on the web page, it only resurges in an election year and its roots are in the black Panthers movement, just another Marxist terror group only in the modern world... those who support BLM are fools being carried away on nothing but a fad/craze.


    Sports is going the way of comedy, music, entertainment and news. 


    The left politicise and destroy everything it touches as thats the Aim of Marxism, what cant be won by vote or voluntary and willingly will be taken by force, deception and threat or violence, make no mistake this forcing others to bend the knee by peer pressure is a Marxist tactic but ironically supported by big business. Like most business its all about profits not the sport itself, as a result most sport got boring and sanitised long ago, boxing is now you tubers having a play or old hasbeens pretending to be young, if profits might be affected sport like any business will sell itself out in an instant, thats what going political has done to football,  it was done during Brexit when players and ex players used their sport  to spread a personal political opinion. .. frankly it should have been stopped right then. Sadly the average person is somewhat celebrity struck and is too dumb or busy to see past twitter karens, footballers are some of the closeted people on the planet so its not surprising they are following the heard like dumb buffaloes, oh well  its not like football has had much going for it but large cheque books the past decade or so anyway.


    Glad I was young when it was a good Saturday out and worth the price, had some fantastic time.I can live without all this PC <deleted> they keep ramming down peoples throats including football.  I just go do something else and save wasting money or time on one less thing..





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  3. 7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Dreaming, right?

    Many millions work in sweat shop factories making stuff for the west- what happens when AI robotics eliminates those jobs and automated factories are relocated to home countries?

    AI robotics is going to change EVERYTHING. Whatever we knew before will be gone, and it's all happening without any fuss or media interest. One day we'll wake up in a brave new world and there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth. Why else do you think there is so much focus on the universal income, which will replace working as there will be few jobs left to do?

    More die of bad diet and obesity than starve in the world today. so thats an improvement and the fact that healthcare of some sort is now available to most and average age of death is still rising in all developing countries bares out my statement. 


    I however agree with the rest your post, which is why i fully expect at some point a huge reduction of the population, This might happen fast as with traditional means like war or plague or  pestilence or by drugs, euthanasia, sterilisation, affordability of family etc. The latter methods could take generations, might be sustainable and no doubt would be preferable to most alive today. 


    Im under no illusions the future is going to be very different and im glad my time of working was a lot more simple and stable than its going to be in the future.

    • Like 2
  4. I shall avoid his future stuff like the plague, only the first couple of GOT books were any good, as soon as it was adapted for TV writers and editors got involved and George here was under way too much pressure and time restriction to produce any decent story line, by the last couple of seasons he had little to do with the way things developed and the abysmal last series he had zero input. 


    Only other series that was popular and kept people hanging around only to get increasing worse poor lazy dumb ending as bad i can recall was Lost.


    There has been plenty of good advice given to the OP yet when presented with the possibility ILR could or might be revoked he gets all defensive. Looks to me like the OP has no intention of wife returning to settle in the UK,to renew the ILR with zero intention of using it as intended is effectively immigration fraud, a visitors visa or spouse sponsored visa would be more appropriate. This is why visa regulations get ever tighter  and consequentially more costly for genuine cases wishing to make a family life in the UK. Luckily border control is getting better at rooting out people gaming the system, especially while theres low foot fall traffic.. 


    • Confused 1
  6. 6 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    What makes you think that other nations are so eager to do trade deals with the UK?

    As for the UK financial services doing better, why would that be? UK firms are going to lose their passporting rights in the EU.


    Im not going to bother explaining why nations would wish to trade with the UK, frankly that is a silly question. As for passporting rights you are partly correct, but ts really a non issue because British financial firms with satellite offices and or registrations in the EU will like any business within the EU sphere of rules continue to also enjoy any benefits. The predominant reason CoE will do better is UK decoupling from increasing EU oversight and rules, the CoE becomes far more attractive under an independent and flexible government. Wealthy interests and big business prefer privacy and trust secure, independent long standing trusted financial zones like Zurich, HK, Singapore and COE for a reason, there is less regulation and more guarantees of continued protected banking privacy rights, access to offshore locals et so its better for financial institutions, high value institutions, trusts and individuals not less. like it or not even big players in the EU want their wealth, investments and earnings kept away from scrutiny and more private where possible. That shouldnt really surprise anyone though. 


    You might have been better accusing the CoL being a little more than a criminal clearing house for financial interests, for indeed it is, but money talks and it will still flourish in the aftermath of Brexit for reasons above and probably others ive no doubt missed.

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