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Posts posted by englishoak

  1. Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

    Given they don't have enough money to pay for all those social workers how is it proposed to fund them? Put up taxes? The protestors don't care as they are welfare recipients and don't work for a living.

    Of course it could be that not enough want to be a social worker given the sort of people they have to deal with. I would never do that job, so respect to those that do.

    Just for the record,I know 3 social workers although they do specialise and its London with benefits, bonuses and allowances all have earnings over 100k apiece, shocked the heck out of me it did. 

  2. On 7/14/2020 at 3:41 PM, unblocktheplanet said:

    Look, we've been locked down since mid-March. If we allow in foreigners and open land borders, all the months we've spent sheltering-in-place (and we still are!) will have been a wet fart! I'm sorry, folks, I don't want you back either until the world gets this sorted and there's some hard science with answers. (Oh, and Yank idjits start to mask!)

    You think it isnt already all over Thailand Cambodia, Laos and the region because its sooooo ahead of the rest of the globe ?? bwwaaahahahaha 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Hayduke said:


    If the time-wasting buffoons at the FBI were up to speed on cutting-edge crime fighting and fugitive catching….they would have had a BMW Smart Car on the case. She would have been caught months ago…and would have committed suicide by now.




    They have been observing and gathering info, they have known where she has been the entire time... if your going to arrest someone this powerful with such high connections it had better be a well documented and as water tight as possible case. Epstein island has provided much new info and they have it all.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, rvaviator said:

    She probably thought she was safe in her hideout .... Over confident ....


    She had immunity from the first trial of Epstein for any crimes 2001 to i think 2007, she did not expect pre or post dated crimes to blow up in her face and from transcripts of the initial hearing seems totally freaked out shes on the hook... certainly over confident.. she will cut a deal ive no doubt but like JE there are extremely powerful people who will want her dead rather than talking. 


    I will be amazed if one other high profile elite "client" does any time over it though, but if I were Billy Clinton id be sweating randy Andy I doubt is so much as Royals mores the pity are a well known protected species. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Or listen to the experts in their field.

    I have and many cant and dont agree either. Just like the "experts" on global warming, global freezing, sea level rises, peak oil, mass animal extinction, peak food production etc that peddled false data and were clearly wrong now time has passed ... Where are these then publicised experts now ? gone to ground again is where.  You wont hear about the ones that did not agree with Mainstream models ever because they are not the experts they want to promote but they are there aplenty if you can be bothered to look and so far have been proven right vs the "mainstreams fear-monger "experts" of the time or topic. 


    Believing what the trotted out "experts" say has never proven any correct, why would I blindly believe the same narrative now ? Ive done my research and given what we know about the coronavirus family, creating a reliable and safe vaccine for any one of them to date has ended in utter failure bar none. I have concluded herd immunity is by far the most practical and likely outcome. This is also what I believe has been the UK position since the start, they just cant tell the population that since governments only remain effective staying popular, and im fine with that strategy. I just wont be taking part in the mandatory charade. 


    Wearing a mask two weeks from now is about letting it spread out in a controlled manner, not preventing it. Even my mother of 94 has worked that out. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:



    So are you going to ‘fight the man’ and protest your right not to wear a mask potentially upsetting others and placing others at risk, because you believe your version of events?









    Told you already, 'fighting the man' is not required. Throwing others feelings about like some weapon of moral pressure has zero effect for I do not subscribe to the big society responsibility ideology.


    End of the day we all interact with the world in our own version, the question is if you do your own thinking and make decisions or let others do it for you..

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  7. 20 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Maybe thats a good idea. 


    Covid-19 has already killed more people in half a year than the H1N1 Influenza outbreak did in 2009, and that is with draconian lockdown measures.


    I don’t want to catch the Flu. I certainly don’t want to catch Covid-19 or be responsible for its spread - thus I’m ok with wearing a mask if that is what is required.


    What is hilarious is despite the entire human races history of evolution and natural immunity and adaptation people are now prepared to spend the rest of their lives wearing a mask because they are told to by their governments, what a joke people have become


    15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Your language speaks volumes to your bias. The virus has reportedly killed 573,000 people, thats a lot more than a ‘few’ thousand. 


    The idea that this is some global conspiracy to rein us all in is preposterous....  But go ahead with your paranoid delusion and the self belief that you are ‘the enlightened one’. Life must be awful always trying to ‘fight the man’.... 


    These idiotic theories dilute the genuine issues. 

    You know nothing about me and see only what I wish you to. 


    Virtue signalling about dead strangers affects me not, ive seen more than my share thanks. The truth is people die by the thousands every day, many tragically and the world does not care, the media pretends to but its simply used to control decent people, nothing more. A false picture of a dead child here, a crying woman with a background of destruction there... Jonny foreigner without a mask over there... all propaganda designed to initiate an emotional response leading to a desired goal. I dont care if your unable to grasp subtle tactics, you are not supposed to. 


    You have no idea what my background is nor my profession but will say people never lose anything but gain much by being sceptical and engaging wide ranging research and intuition before coming to conclusions or making decisions.  Investigating all sides of history or any topic and having an adaptable strategy is far better than not. You use words like delusion, paranoia and idiotic, yet are unable to  consider your world view might not be as complete as you suppose, hubris is a poor master..  It dosnt bother me if your unable or unwilling to consider the worlds changing very fast, those that can, do and will. those that cant, will not. The sheeple like you are not my concern, only my family is so spare me your pity. Ive acted and very glad i did so. 


    You dont fight the man directly, that would be a waste of time and foolish, better to engage with, watch, assess and go around or use the man. Hence why my Thai family are all in the UK, all have citizenship long since, well educated though not in the state system, own land in multiple global locations and mostly self sufficient, My family is safe and together,  healthy and fit and adapt well to most situations we are content and prepared.. UK or Thailand if it improves which is very unlikely. 


    When the Thai gov raise the bar for foreigners, flips the table, makes health care mandatory for all and so expensive for over 70s, or mandates other changes and restrictions that are most certainly coming, staying will be impossible for most but whatever the future. I saw where Thailand was going more than two decades ago so prepared accordingly for my family. I am happy I did so. Life in Thailand is going to become increasingly difficult and hard for families of mixed nationality without a plan B. 


    Good luck living in your version of the world and those hinging their hopes of staying in Thailand being practical, your going to need it. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    WOW - smoking some potents stuff there... :stoner:

    Exactly the response I expect from most. If you think this is all over a virus killing a few thousand your not paying any attention nor have the ability to reason, youve bought the coolaid as have most, no point wasting time on those already suckered in. 


    Be and get prepared or dont, it bothers me not.


    In 5 and 10 years time remember my prediction ????  



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