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Posts posted by englishoak

  1. 20 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Maybe thats a good idea. 


    Covid-19 has already killed more people in half a year than the H1N1 Influenza outbreak did in 2009, and that is with draconian lockdown measures.


    I don’t want to catch the Flu. I certainly don’t want to catch Covid-19 or be responsible for its spread - thus I’m ok with wearing a mask if that is what is required.


    What is hilarious is despite the entire human races history of evolution and natural immunity and adaptation people are now prepared to spend the rest of their lives wearing a mask because they are told to by their governments, what a joke people have become


    15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Your language speaks volumes to your bias. The virus has reportedly killed 573,000 people, thats a lot more than a ‘few’ thousand. 


    The idea that this is some global conspiracy to rein us all in is preposterous....  But go ahead with your paranoid delusion and the self belief that you are ‘the enlightened one’. Life must be awful always trying to ‘fight the man’.... 


    These idiotic theories dilute the genuine issues. 

    You know nothing about me and see only what I wish you to. 


    Virtue signalling about dead strangers affects me not, ive seen more than my share thanks. The truth is people die by the thousands every day, many tragically and the world does not care, the media pretends to but its simply used to control decent people, nothing more. A false picture of a dead child here, a crying woman with a background of destruction there... Jonny foreigner without a mask over there... all propaganda designed to initiate an emotional response leading to a desired goal. I dont care if your unable to grasp subtle tactics, you are not supposed to. 


    You have no idea what my background is nor my profession but will say people never lose anything but gain much by being sceptical and engaging wide ranging research and intuition before coming to conclusions or making decisions.  Investigating all sides of history or any topic and having an adaptable strategy is far better than not. You use words like delusion, paranoia and idiotic, yet are unable to  consider your world view might not be as complete as you suppose, hubris is a poor master..  It dosnt bother me if your unable or unwilling to consider the worlds changing very fast, those that can, do and will. those that cant, will not. The sheeple like you are not my concern, only my family is so spare me your pity. Ive acted and very glad i did so. 


    You dont fight the man directly, that would be a waste of time and foolish, better to engage with, watch, assess and go around or use the man. Hence why my Thai family are all in the UK, all have citizenship long since, well educated though not in the state system, own land in multiple global locations and mostly self sufficient, My family is safe and together,  healthy and fit and adapt well to most situations we are content and prepared.. UK or Thailand if it improves which is very unlikely. 


    When the Thai gov raise the bar for foreigners, flips the table, makes health care mandatory for all and so expensive for over 70s, or mandates other changes and restrictions that are most certainly coming, staying will be impossible for most but whatever the future. I saw where Thailand was going more than two decades ago so prepared accordingly for my family. I am happy I did so. Life in Thailand is going to become increasingly difficult and hard for families of mixed nationality without a plan B. 


    Good luck living in your version of the world and those hinging their hopes of staying in Thailand being practical, your going to need it. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    WOW - smoking some potents stuff there... :stoner:

    Exactly the response I expect from most. If you think this is all over a virus killing a few thousand your not paying any attention nor have the ability to reason, youve bought the coolaid as have most, no point wasting time on those already suckered in. 


    Be and get prepared or dont, it bothers me not.


    In 5 and 10 years time remember my prediction ????  



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  3. 26 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    People get flu and colds, we didn't mandate them before. So we might aswell wear masks to stop thoses viruses too, masks forever in public apart from in bars and restaurants.

    Basically, the "new normal" is going to be just that. Fear controls, and an unseen, undetectable enemy  played out with irrational responses to confuse more works best. This is all about control and rolling out the future social control structure,  tech passports, hive mind control and moving into the new paradigm of no jobs, restricted business, basic income/provision and restricted movement will be the standard rather than the exception. 


    This is just the first wave and opening salvo of a new form of war and global reordering, as you can already see, people will not even be allowed to suggest or talk about it, the mob will demand it, freedoms are going away very fast and most like on TV will cheer that on, until it comes for and affects their lives and loved ones by which time it will be too late. 


    People can scoff all they like but im certain the future is going be very very bleak for most with a will. 

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  4. 56 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I suffer asthma, never had a problem with wearing a mask, but I do have a message for your ‘mate’.


    Asthmatics are at a higher risk from this disease, wise up and wear a mask.

    So because you have no problem everyone else must be the same ?  Boy your an ego all of your own making arnt you ?


    Mate is well aware of the risks, and he suffers from hay fever but also has to work as self employed and dosnt get paid to hide at home, cant take a mask for long, so hey ho in to work he goes, risk and all. That thing that most people have to do called work in order to pay the bills tends to take precedence. 


    I get why your running scared if your asthmatic but some of the world, like most, have to get on with life whatever it brings, warts n all. Dont presume your bubble is how life is or must/could be for others, its terribly arrogant to suppose so. 



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  5. 9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    It is already working in the UK - mandatory in Scotland and being enforced where necessary. 


    Hardly relevant, Scotland has less a population than London in a landmass the size of England ... :coffee1: They are a lot more scared  though and so are the Welsh, Ill give you that. Mind you rural areas in general are far more bothered than urban, probably as in cities its impossible to isolate and soon get used to getting on with life than running scared of it. 


    It was the same with the IRA bombings and the knife crimes now, Londoners just get on with it while those in the country coming to London often worry  if it were/is safe... cant go about life being scared of what if. 


    Same thing about Thailand, our friends there happily all pile into a pick up or drive after drinking and many other things wed consider unsafe and more risky, yet all are scared stiff of coming to the UK atm... reality is not as the online hysteria paints, its really not. 

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  6. 14 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    There is very little distancing in pubs here, suppose to be no more than 2 households gathering, but that's out of the window already same as taking names for track n trace.

    The whole point of a Pub is to mingle or Wine bars the same thing or its a restaurant  for drinks


    They cant force someone to wear a mask if they have a respiratory condition,  mate is asthmatic, gets on the train every day for an hour cant take the mask as it sets him off so now deals with it. had a number of run ins with transport police and every time the result is the same, health condition cant enforce a thing. Plenty of people on public transport are finding out the same thing about paper masks, most I overhear complaining are often new mothers or with children, especially as it gets warmer. Not sure why that would be tbh but thats what i see and hear atm. 



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  7. 20 minutes ago, sungod said:

    With an attitude like that, no wonder the place is in a mess. Its true the government could have done more but when faced with a selfish attitude like that.......


    Not playing one rule for me another for thee. You can call it selfish, I call it thinking for myself...global reset is going on right now and its using the excuse of this relatively mild virus, too bad if the sheep cant see it. 

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  8. 21 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Neither do I... But the census data for England and Wales shows 55,000 more deaths so far this year than the 5 year average (from 2014 to 2019) shows - that is alarming. 


    Raw facts here: 





    publishedweek262020.xlsx 190.8 kB · 0 downloads


    What is often overlooked is how many conditions medicine and medical science has been able to help, allowing people to extend life that would have a few decades or even years ago died from their conditions ... As medicine advances ive no doubt this trend will continue, along with peoples fears about dying... Not to mention the population size now compared to previous pandemics in % and fatality, 


    As religion fades and the promise of a life or new after it makes people all the more mortal and scared of dying.


    Any vaccine has serious side effects for a certain %, Vaccinating 8 billion is going to have  complications medically for millions just by current acceptable ratios.. i'll go with herd immunity or simply living with it being in the world like all the other viruses both known and yet to be uncovered  thanks

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  9. 1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Our [the British Government] policy makers have decided to wait another 11 days to close the barn door after the horse bolted 3 months ago !!!! 


    To list the dumfvckery I’ve witnessed in the UK: Upon given the goahead to re-open, ’some’ publicans, owners of pubs and companies have complained that they didn’t have enough time to prepare for the re-opening !!! I think they had a weeks notice !!!  (W)TF, if they are not ready, stay closed !!!!!! thats it, re-open when they are capable of getting their S#!t together !!!!


    Ive not answered your other posts as I dont want to get into a slanging match but as to the above consider this..


    Those in power, the think tanks, the "scientists" the advisers, the Oxbridge elite decided that 11 days hence on a whim ? or do you maybe suppose this entire time since the very beginning of not stopping fights, or Euro star not doing checks or policing quarantine for arrivals etc etc is mismanagement or actually when you step back and weigh up what they say compared to what they do its all intentional.


    I am always amused that people dismiss those in powerful decision  making positions as simply being stupid when in fact the reverse is most likely true, its more likely the sheep not paying full attention... 


    To me its quite clear the UK and other govs have been going the route of herd immunity/virus burn out all along. Despite the MSM narrative and flip flops.. thats makes the most sense to me anyway..

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  10. 6 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    So it's ok to sit in a pub with other people for hours, but not ok to go to a shop for 5 or 10 minutes walking past people, which one is the more likely to spread a virus, hmm. No masks in pubs, but masks in shops, smells like BS to me.


    Exactly, there is no consistency, police vans have loads in them with no PPE, shop staff chat with no distance, I work atm just down  the road from Westminster, and often at old bailey care to guess how many MPS courts and staff go about with PPE in or out of chambers ?  less than 10%, thats how seriously its worth taking... yes overly i believe its mostly bs fuelled by the MSM and  mass hysteria.  

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  11. 10 minutes ago, car720 said:

    So just to be clear, if you unknowingly have the virus then it is ok to waltz around breathing all over everyone else.


    Every person is full of viruses, anyone is capable of passing on something that could kill another without ever knowing it... anyways have been youve been  breathed over every day since birth,its what helps the immune system work...


    Anxiety lowers the immune system too so try not to let things worry you..

    • Sad 1
  12. I dont do selective hypocrisy or one law for some but not for others, I never play the rules for me but not for thee game, thats all.


    And yup im one of those people in the hot spot zone London, daily watching protesters, police, shop staff  etc all doing whatever, however, zero protection for months.  And no  I dont believe the hype about it, I know many health staff/professionals and they dont either, they know the test is unable to differentiate one corona-virus strain from another. Ie the common cold flags up a positive result as well as CV19 can which its getting less and less dangerous as it spreads throughout the human population. Herd immunity is the logical best outcome anyway and a lot less dangerous in the long run than any rushed vaccines, so I shant be worrying about  hysterical old ladies here  who seem to be afraid of their own shadow these days let alone a virus If your under 50 and healthy thats got less chance killing you than influenza.  


    But you peeps out there stay scared and comply like sheep if you wish, its your choice. 


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  13. One less Thai product on the shelves in the UK and I couldnt care less tbh. Too many excuses and BS response from Thailand, instead of just saying its being resolved or guaranteeing supply from a better source yada yada, but naaa all they can do is make up rubbish and go in circles instead.  In light of the stupid way Thailand is not dealing with the concerns banning all Thai coconut products is the default option and rightly so. 


    Plenty of Coconut exporters out there all too happy to fill the gap without Monkey labour...


    Nice one Thailand, another own goal. 

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