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Posts posted by Canada

  1. Come back and ask questions when you've demonstrated a bit of effort with the search function yourself [That's why nobody is answering I believe]:rolleyes:

    Now you're a pleasant chap aren't you? Somebody piss in your cornflakes today?

    I have done a lot of reading on this subject, both here and on Thai lawyers sites over the course of the last couple of years and more so in the last month as I just bought a property. What I was looking for was ideas as I am going to the lawyer tomorrow to talk about this. When I am searching for information on the internet, I quite often get distracted and spend a lot of time and actually forget what I was looking for in the first place. Sometimes it is easier to ask for a little bit of help. Usually there are knowledgeable people all too happy to part with their experience or ideas. That is what this is about. Get it???

    So if somebody did not piss in your cornflakes today; here's to somebody pissing in them tomorrow :)

  2. I am thinking of buying farmland to farm it. This would be a co-operative effort between myself, wife, and her parents. I am not terribly concerned with the income, but I would like the land to remain mine. Any thoughts on the best way to protect my investment/purchase? I just bought a property for residential purposes and we registered a superficies on the chanote, which is not failproof. Can a foreigner register a mortgage against a Thai property?


  3. I have a friend who just left Canada, arrived in Philippines, and is on his way here. He has left the country with 5 months remaining on his passport. From what I understand, he had problems boarding the flight to Philippines but they did let him go.

    Question is, will Thailand let him in with only 5 months left on his passport?

    He does not yet have a ticket out of Thailand. He is returning to Canada from the Philippines. All within about 3 weeks. He is calling me looking for answers. I don't have any. I know there are some knowledgeable people out there....any thoughts? Thanks.

  4. BTW....

    when asked "what are the chances of me losing everything if we start to have problems in the relationship"? the lawyer said 30% lose everything...... best case scenario, even after only a short time together is 50/50

    If I am to buy again, I think I will do it different..... Company.....didn't have enough time this time. The right property came up after endless searching. Should have planned ahead.

  5. I used a lawyer to do my "transfer of Title" and "superficies". There were no problems at the land office regarding transfer of title of registration of the superficies. Lawyer also strongly recommended new seller to purchaser contract between myself and seller (which we got), and a will from my GF leaving the property to me in the event of an untimely death. Also included were several signed "power of attorney" authorizations from GF to enable me to do what needs to be done. I don't know if that would enable me to sell it from under her or not...... but that is the theory.

    I went back to the land office yesterday to request a check of the property boundaries as we are applying for a permit to build. The lady asked if I had this "power of attorney" form, which I did. Then she asked me to fill it out. I asked her if English would be fine. She then said no, and that someone else that could read and write Thai would need to come and do this for me and be the recipient of the power of attorney. She suggested that I come back with my lawyer. Like I need to get my lawyer to do piddly ass little shit like this.

    I left and have been thinking about this.....I can speak Thai fine, I can read some Thai, and can probably write better than your average 70 year old villager...... I can read well enough to know what this form needs (which is not much) and with help and a little practice should be able to fill it out myself. It's just names and addresses.....

    So....why, if I already have a superficies which gives me the right to build anything, plant anything, own that thing, and reap the benefits of that thing, would I need the owner to request the re-measurement of the property or have yet another "giving of rights" in the form of a giving power of attorney (nangsuu mop amnad)? The superficies pretty covers the removal of her rights to this property.....for the time being.

    The local village office has no problem giving me a permit because I have the superficies. They had no problem coming over to "inaccurately" measure the property and check against the chanote. Is this officer just being a B^@$%#@ or what?

  6. It was good while I rented out the property and it was good when I got out at the right time..... for that piece of property. Buying a small piece here will give me owners rights as opposed to tenants rights (very few), and leave me with a substantial amount to invest. It has definitely been less of a headache since selling as I was managing it on my own. The final decision was to turn it over to an agency, but then saw it was a good opportunity to get out. Once i made that decision, I sold everything.....fully furnished 4 bedroom house ( and I'm a collector....) car, personal stuff, or donated it, or threw it away in three weeks. As I like having "stuff", it was a very traumatic experience (slightly less than), but now that it is over and I have changed my life completely, rather than sitting on the fence about it, I am very happy. It did take three and a half years of living here doing my own research to finally make this decision.

    While I did have the house and all the stuff in it, it was a great back door. Just go home and pick up where I left off. I had rented rooms out to individual people who had stayed there long term, so I kept a room for myself. Not knowing exactly what I wanted....it was very comforting knowing that in a day....I could change my mind and go home. Thailand is home now, and I am happy with that change in mindset....so far.

    Good luck

  7. He is one of the most over rated performers of all time. He couldn't carry Jerry Garcia's jockstrap. Badge? Give me a break. His DVD sucked, too. If they do the buy one for 700 get one free like they did for Backstreet Boys (didn't go to that), I would consider it. Rolling stones would propbably get second place on the last of most over rated. There shows have sucked for more than 20 years, and their greed really shows, playing football stadiums, and charging 300 USD per ticket.

    Why would you make comments like that? Eric Clapton was and is great. A lot of people like him including myself. You are an idiot. And you are going to miss a good show. At least a seat won't be wasted on an idiot.

  8. Like most countries of this planet, Thailand is violent, that's it.

    We have to accept that.

    If we do not want violence, we have to go to... Canada? Norway?

    Canada? Is that the place where some idiot killed 49 women, then fed them to his pigs. Or maybe it was on highway 16 that is called the "highway of tears", because so many dead bodies have been found murdered along the route. There is no country immune from violence. Don't know about Norway so won't comment.

    Never heard of the highway 16 thing, but yeah, Willie Pickton....not sure how many, but more than a few. Lots missing but I don't think they pinned them all on him. My thoughts too , on reading this,,,, Canada is violent. Depends on where you go. Same as the rest of the world.

  9. I kept the property at home until I decided that I no longer wished to go home nor needed the back door. The missus and I (here) split and I decided that she had nothin to do with me staying here. I went home, sold everything, gave it away or threw it away. It took three and a half years to make this decision. During that time I rented the house to some friends, kept all my personal possessions intact, and went home on occasion. When I got there I had my house as it was ready for me. It was a good arrangement. After a while though, people move on, change, change plans and the rental scheme faded away. It became more difficult than it was worth. This co-incided with the missus here going south. So it all worked out at the right time. If I had sold out while the missuss was still around, there could have been more problems. She was connving.....know what I mean. Eventually that's why she moved on. I wouldn't buy the things that she wanted. You know, a truck a house, a house in the village. This selling out just happened earlier this year and I still haven't figured out what to do with myself or my money. It is all back home. I just earn (albeit not much) of it.

    Don't know if you are trying to make a decision or what....if you are....take your time. Things get clearer here the longer that you stay. You could make some pretty big mistakes if you were in a hurry. I agree with the one guy who said DO learn Thai. I have dedicated much time to this. It is well worth it. If you want to be led around by the hand, and down the garden path, can't go anywhere by yourself, pay too much for everything, can't understand a freakin thing around you, then by all means, don't learn Thai. Learn Thai and look after yourself. I have been here for 4 years. I speak Thai better than most guys that have been here for twenty. It's difficult but not impossible.

    I'm rambling now.......

  10. my 2 baht is that the OP is correct. You can get very good training at home for 1/3 the price. I am talking about Judo. Not much experience with Muay Thai. The Judo club I trained at in Vancouver is one of two highly recommended by most with excellent history, high level dan instruction with a good ratio of 1st dan/kyu grade. Less than 100 dollars per month.

    BTW..... Pedro Schmall is gone. The club is still here, but he is gone.

    I think that to back up the validity of the OP's comment on the price of training here....you just have to look at the price structure of most things here for foreigners vs. Thais. There is a clear 2 tier price system in place; unless you can speak Thai, know the value of what you are buying (in Thailand), or just happen to be dealing with a Thai with scruples (whatever those are).

  11. This is a corrupt society. Corruption occurs in many ways. Thais seem to be pretty ingenious about it. It is rather disgusting, some of the ways that corruption happens. Nonetheless corruption is corruption and there it plenty of it in Thailand.......to stay. So get used to it.

    I would have to say that I think that by continuing to live here in this beautifully corrupted country, even though we could ALL easily return to our own "uncorrupt " societies, we not only turn a blind eye, but we in fact do accept it and support it. One only has to take a good look at what corruption is......and then find his place in it......

    Only my opinion......

  12. BTW. Someone has PM'd me about some Financial something or whatever on Isle of Man guaranteeing 15% over two years.....what would you reply to that? I don't have the company info yet, but have requested it.

    When ever I hear some bank somewhere is offering considerably more than others I tend to think back to Icesave.

    Perhaps not the exact same thing?

    But does stick out in my mind as I recall all the offers being so much better than the rest at the start of this crisis. I think it was 5-6%

    "some financial something" :whistling:

    you like that do you????

    I didn't have the information yet. I have it now. Do you want it? Promises very nice returns...... :)

  13. If I were you I would keep things liquid as possible and wait for the next market bear market and begin to take a bit more risk as your youngish, and keep working ..... NO sensible financial manager would say you have enough to retire on. No pension , no insurance outside Ca , Your options are to live a basic poverty lifestyle because you don't want to work and go broke eventually , or , use the monies 15-20 years in the future to add to your pension and be able to live a much better lifestyle. I can assure you that bills here and bills there will eat away at your nest egg until you realize it was a bad decision but your to old to do anything about it.

    You could retire on 100,000 if you wanted to, the question is in 15 years when you can't change your mind would you still be happy about it.

    "Safe" investments will provide larger returns in the future as rates rise, sounds like your adviser is doing the normal diversifying, if you do about average and with a little luck and a small amount in riskier stocks after the next bear market you should have about 1.6 million and a pension in your 60's ...... A lot better way to go than spending the rest of your life trying to maintain a 40,000 bht per month lifestyle that trust me will backslide over time and become harder and harder to the point of being not sensible to try unless you take more risk than is sensible for a 60 year old with no pension and your 40,000 will become 30,000 then 25,000 ..... ect

    IT is possible to take that money and do just fine but the odds are against it and failure would lead to you being at the mercy of government handouts and broke instead of being more sensible and living just fine.

    Why not compromise ....... take a year off then go back to work

    Well into that year now, and considering my options. Going back to work is one of them. Problem is, is that I was a tradesman. Got deleted through advancements in technology. Not sure what to do at my age. Not old, don't feel old, but.....time is getting on. Looking at forced retraining or educating of some sort.

    Thanks for your thoughts

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