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Posts posted by Canada

  1. Everyplace has its pros and cons. The ratio is better here when I compare it to my home country. I could get a woman at home, had one when I first came here actually. It's more than just the women. Rules....try and ride down the street with a little trailer behing your motorbike carrying your dogs in Vancouver Canada, or go out without a helmet, or look at a much younger woman with desire, just a few examples.....put a bamboo fence up like I just did here, and the city would come and take it down, if you could find the cheap bamboo in the first place....pull a u-turn and ride down the wrong side for a km or two because you missed your turn or becuase it's more convenient.....ride down the road carrying your weed wacker to the repair shop. I love the Thai Police. They are the laziest bunch of #@!%$# that I have encountered in a long time.

  2. As a tourist, I left with the impression that Thailand is a lot better to visit than to live. Exceptions being:

    -retirees on a pension

    -expats who have good jobs in LOS

    Otherwise, I can see life being a PIA. Not everyone wants to get hitched to some semi-random girl who they pay money to every month so they can actually stay in the country relatively hassle free.

    Why on earth Farangs whine about land ownership laws when they know the laws that exists is beyond me. Whining on an internet forum does nothing, you still can't own land, but you already knew that, so why freekin' moan about someting that you already knew ????

    I paid for land that will never be in my name, big deal, oh wow, I'll be on my deathbed thinking about it................. and if it was in my name, I'll still be on my deathbed, thinking about it ..... I'd leave it to my wife or kids either way.

    Do Farangs think that the land they ' OWN ' will follow them to the afterlife ?

    We never own nothing, we just have it for a few years, we die, then somebody else owns it until they die, then somebody else owns it until they die and so on and so on...................................................

    If you are old and don't care about where your assets go after you die, this is true. But not everyone is that old. What do you tell a 25-30 year old about a 30 year lease? Similarly, some people want to determine for themselves where their assets go after they die and divide things up as they please. (brothers/sisters, kids, nieces, etc. - not just wife.)

    and why do you guys always rattle about that 30 years lease when there is usufruct?

    What is usufruct? Thanks

  3. It's a tough one. When is enough enough? I had 3 years of a lopsided relationship. Finally sent her home, and started dating....found a great girl. Don't know if she's the one, but.....gave me what I needed to get a divorce and just keep walking. That great big hole that I had imagined at the end of the relationship never did appear. What was all the fuss about. BTW...Thai guys laugh at us....there are so many women in this country...why would we allow ourselves to be treated like that? Having moved on already....gotta agree. Not laughing though. Good luck. Get a new one.

  4. I bought a 650RN a little while ago. Been all over the North, Mae Hong Son, down to Mae Sot, to Nong Khai, back to Chaing Mai, then to Pattaya and back. First ride on the bike was from Phuket to Chiang Mai....2 days....I gotta tell you all.....this is not a touring bike....I love it...but it is an ass busting uncomfortable ride really only good 4 rides under 4 hours. My ass still hurts!!! I've tried a pillow, cycling shorts, one cheek to the other, breaks every 100 kms, nothing takes the pain of that freaking seat away except not getting on it. I like the bike.....but....

  5. During my last interview, the immigration officer told me that allthough all my paperwork was in order, including my financial stuff, that they would be changing the financial requirements in the near future, and that with my current application as it was, it wouldn't meet approval. He would not say what the changes would be, but I have documentation claiming more than 90,000 per month fom overseas.

    Just a heads up....

  6. Good write. That guy has no clue about legalizing, taxation, regulation of drugs. Thailand is not equipped AT ALL to deal with the complexity of legalization of drugs. Some in the forum even take example of Holland's legalization of drug use. However, I believe that deals with soft drugs such as marijuana, E, etc.

    Perhaps when he is chased by a naked meth addict with machete he will change his mind. Or maybe rear-end by a teen high on something will teach him something.

    According to your buddy, they are not that well resourced to deal with the prohibition of drugs either.

    My mistake...I wasn't really clued in to the fact that we were talking specifiically Thailand.

    Prohibition makes gangsters, and makes them rich. People didn't stop drinking did they?? It keeps prices high, non-taxable, and certain groups of people in control by which ever means seem appropriate to them.

    I say it is a system designed to make people rich. Maybe a design flaw...or maybe a design...you decide. It doesn't stop the flow of drugs...that's for sure...unless you are naive enough to think that they bust 90% of what is produced.

    I am not all that bent about this. I just don't think the current system is effective or efficient. The world can stay as it is...I am happy with it. :)

  7. Yeah yeah yeah...you are of course right, and I am of course wrong. Nothing will work, or will be better than the current system....there are no solutions. Glad I live in my world and not yours. You wave demeaning words around like a stick. It must be nice to be so much more intelligent and morally correct than the rest of us. If I had to guess....I would guess you a Bible pounding Christian. I don't think you have the ability to reconsider much. You are right and smart ...and righteous...what is there to reconsider...???? good day sir.

  8. Sadly legalize won't work because it essentially is already legal,

    but highly controlled because of it's debilitating dangerousness.

    So in what way can this lose 2 to get 8 through method be countered?

    On of the few ways coming to mind , though draconian to the nth degree:

    Anyone caught with over a kilo of Ice, is given a sentence so harsh,

    that even the stupid and utterly desperate decide the deal is no good.

    [shall we do the same to any drunk driver causing a death? I'd label anyone that drinks alcohol and drives stupid. Should I wish them a horrid fate too? Or would that say more about me?]

    More sniffer dogs and machines, but still the human animal still is in control of them,

    and thus subject to the usual human forces and lures.

    [Perhaps we should all be forced to go around to give blood daily to prove we are "clean", and walk around butt nekkid so the 'authorities" know we aren't hiding anything in our knickers? In fact, let's ban fatty foods, staying up past dusk, and tar & feather anyone that forgets to brush their teeth and offends with their breath. Repeat bad breathers : the rack.]

    Ban anything dangerous or offensive to anyone....

  9. . Taxes and profits collected from sales revenue could be put into education and rehabiltation which would help offset the social cost. Savings in law enforcement costs could be used in other areas of law enforcement. Saving from processing criminals could go to ...something else. Instead of building bigger jails, maybe we could try to keep people out of jail....which is not an effective deterent.....

    Ahhhh....I see the problem...

    the money would go away....


    court officials would be overstaffed

    police would be overstaffed

    there would be too many lawyers




    I always see this sort of argument from people on your side of the coin but I just dont understand how you arrive at this sort of theory, you de-criminalise or legalise all drugs and then suddenly theres this massive saving for the community & an abudance of money and shiney gold to pave the streets with. Somethings missing from the equation for me. You make it legal for people to consume some very dangerous drugs and suddenly all the voilence, death and destruction magically disappears from the knock on areas related to this drug taking. VERY STRANGE ARGUEMENT......Perhaps I should get you to do my tax. :)

    It's not that difficult. Take over distribution. Where do you think the money would come from....? Of course it would take some time to realize the impact. But there would be one, and a very positive one, I think. Prohibition is doing very well at controlling the violence, death and destruction.....yeah. Nothing disappears, you redirect the money. I hope you have somebody doing your taxes.

  10. Lets have the hang 'em high group chime in. For my battle cry is: Legalize Legalize, Legalize!! Why spend the money on prison space and the cost of locking up inmates?

    And if you are really serious about the "War On Drugs" get the suppliers and quit wasting money and resources on the bottom of the food chain. Of course you would have to be completely naive to think that. The suppliers have paid off all of the right people and will never see the inside of a prison cell.

    Ok, time to hold you accountable. Please provide a description of the presumed economic benefits to the country. Please include medical, social and environmental as[ectd. Also please factor in international commercial costs.. You are completely and absolutely wrong. You want to make a case, then justify it and explain how it would operate and function in Thailand. No fantasy what if scenarios but a scenario based upon the realities of this country. You can't do that can you? I ask you to refrain from pushing a position that is economically unsound, morally repugnant and downright stupid.

    ooooo I have an idea, why not invite some crack heads, junkies and yaba users to move in next door to you. You can observe them and report back. I'm sure your family won't mind.

    I am not sure just what is so morally repugnant..... Enforcing morals or standards of living or ways of living is repugnant, and arrogant. The current system (prohibition) does not work. Unless you are one of the ones that it works for. It certainly creates wealth and jobs and opportunities for corruption. I think as well, that a system of legalization, taxation and rehabilitation would be more effective on several fronts. I think that people who don't use...say meth or heroin, don't abstain from using because of the legal implications. I think instead that they are aware of the inherent dangers of using drugs such as these. I don't think there would be a huge rise in drug users. Taxes and profits collected from sales revenue could be put into education and rehabiltation which would help offset the social cost. Savings in law enforcement costs could be used in other areas of law enforcement. Saving from processing criminals could go to ...something else. Instead of building bigger jails, maybe we could try to keep people out of jail....which is not an effective deterent.....

    Ahhhh....I see the problem...

    the money would go away....


    court officials would be overstaffed

    police would be overstaffed

    there would be too many lawyers




    not to mention the people at the top of this wonderful little industry (wonder who they are)

    you gotta wonder who wants to keep this current system in place

    the war on drugs....an economically sound idea...what a wonderful money making scheme, brought about by the enforcement of one group of people's ideas and morals upon another's

    Actually, I think it is you that is completely wrong and stupid ( I hate to use that word, it is so....repugnant) (just follow the shepherd rather than have an idea of your own)

    Sorry for my tone... I don't really like your's and my wife has been pissing me off for a few days in a row now....:)

    edited for spelling...2 times

  11. What you need for the car purchase is proof of residency. You can get this from Thai Immigration by supplying them a few documents including your current rental contract. They will then issue you with a letter (for 500 baht) that says that you do live here. Then you can, with that, transfer a vehicle registration into your name. But first....If you take that letter along with your international drivers licence to a motor vehicle office, you can, through a process get a Thai DL. Get your DL first, as they explained to me. Other offices know that you needed to have a proof of residence to get that. Then use your Thai DL as proof of residence. You can use copies of your original letter, however, only with something else such as a Thai DL. They want the original letter if you do not have anything else. You can get original letters at 500 per, or use one, in a wise way.

    This is my experience.

  12. You can bet if the angry tuk tuk driver was rebuffed and/or overpowered, his fellow tuk tuk pals (and other Thais) would have come to back him up. There is a hard and fast rule in Thailand; if a Thai person is having an altercation with a farang, you must either stand aside and stare or come fight on the Thais' side. There is no question of who is right or wrong. You hear the Thai person(s) shouting bloody murder toward the farang, and you automatically get angry and join the shouter in bashing the farang. I call it 'prison mentality' as it's the same way things are done in prisons between groups with one shade skin color or another.

    Ahhhh...I don't know about that. I've taken on a Thai in an area where there are no farangs....only Thais. I fought alone and so did he. Also have had shouting incidents with Thais with Thais backing me. Have had to restrain a Thai from retaliating for an attack on me. They are not blind and dumb...just be careful what you do and where you do it.

  13. I haven't read all 13 pages of this thread yet and I do sympathize with the Canuck. It is not a nice feeling to be ripped off. In some situations I would say so too, in some, I wouldn't. It's always a good thing to assess risk before acting. If you want to fight, count them and count you. If it is 10 to one...running is a better option...fight later. But.....

    He (according to the story) was with his wife. What an idiot. Protect your woman.If you need to keep your mouth shut and pay a buck and a half...then do that. I'll bet she's real happy with him.

    Been in Phuket once. Never go back. I like my 30 baht meals, polite service and friendly locals here in Chiang Mai.

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