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Posts posted by bangkoksingapore

  1. what do the agents charge as comission on the rental?

    The agent I went through for my current rental took one months rent (from the owner, not me).

    The Thai agent I used took 10% of the first month rent (from the owner, not me) as payment for leading me to the unit (between Silom and Sathorn)

    Taking $35K for such a service seems exhorbiant. Actually, at that rate, I think Im in the wrong business.

    think you meant 3.5 k that would be 10% or you were paying 350.000 k bht rent which would mean you are definatley in the right biz!!!!

    haha. i meant 35k baht. that is a ton of money to charge for finding someone a tennant. like i said, the person who found me my apartment only got 10% of the first month.

  2. well do you have any proof that only the elite have benefited from Thailand's economic growth? yes, many of the rural areas are way behind, but they are farther ahead then they were x years ago. construction in these provinces has grown, has it not? thailand's middle class has definitely grown, this undeniable.

    i don't mean to be confrontational. perhaps some people don't realize that there might be a reason why prices are higher, instead they think they are being cheated or something silly.

  3. Jim it seems like farang want to have it both ways. A friend once told me the same thing about Nepal. He said "nobody likes the idea of all the people in Nepal getting an internet connection and finding out about Britney Spears. They want them to remain a poor and magical land that they can come and visit a month out of the year to remember what life could be like, and then when the month is up they want to leave and go back to their own life style of the internet and Britney Spears. " It seems like he really nailed it to me.

  4. I have to admit that I was somewhat sickened and confused by the people complaining that Thailand is starting to get expensive. Yes, Thailand might e getting more expensive and the Thai people are doing better for themselves. More and more Thai people are purchasing their own home. Thailand's economy has done well these last couple of years and things are looking bright for the Thai people's future, but this seems to anger many of you. Do you instead wish the worst for Thai people because you want to remain in Thailand for cheap prices? Personally, I love the Thai people and I hope their economy grows quickly and I hope they continue to improve their standard of living. The rest of you should really take a good look in the mirror, the only thing that is special about you is that you won the birth lottery. So please excuse the Thailand having the nerve to experience economic growth.

  5. International arrival and want meter cab. When you exit customs there are a bunch of high priced folks trying to sell you a limo ride etc. I always say want meter cab and they all turn as cold as ice. But as I wander around and try to find the METER TAXI STAND I always go several levels before I find it.



    LLL :D

    If I take a taxi, I go up to the Departures level and catch one that's just dropping off someone, saves 50 baht surcharge. Make sure they hit the meter in the first few moments or call 'em on it. That way you can bail if they try the flat-fee.

    Goto 4th floor in departures and get a taxi from there or if you are as crazy as my friend who came yesterday and went downstairs and paid 50 baht extra for nothing. He thinks he is the smartest guy.

    For meter dont worry, if the driver does not start the meter, he has to accept the fact that he will not get anything from you, forget about flat fee, there is no such thing, unless u agree in advance.

    Also make sure that the meter is either start from the time u took the taxi or not started at all (not suggested though). In short, the meter must have been reset before you start otherwise, you have to pay you fare plus the other passenger's fare too. :o

    i read your post, then read your name, and it all made sense. :D

  6. My wife was refused a visit visa to UK by this plastic consulate lot - VFS or whatever.

    We had marriage certificate plus translation; she owns property in Thailand (two locations in her name) - we had evidence.

    I have property in UK, plus I am a British citizen by birth.

    But not enough for the vfs people. But then vfs are under investigation in other countries for soliciting bribes (as of newspaper reports in the past fortnight).

    Maybe that's the way to get a UK visa.

    there must be a reason why they turned you down. did they give any explanation at all?

  7. Honestly guys, the reason why farang end up with women from the lower social circles is that they know when they take them out on their first date they have a higher chance of getting them in bed. then they eventually end up in a relationship with one of these girls and in love with her.

    This is not anymore the middle ages in Thailand, and if you circle the HiSo parties and upper class clubs (not that difficult to get entry), you can find more than a few birds who jump in the sack with you as fast as anywhere else in the world. Well, if you are young, attractive and fun, or, if not young and attractive, then wealthy enough to appear attractive.

    And the same way, not all lower class women are so lose or greedy that they jump into bed with the first farang they meet.

    how do i get invited to hiso parties?

    You either have to be young, handsome and poor, or old, ugly and rich. Invites are sent automatically to people in either category.

    I've been to several and I'm middle aged, middle looks, middle money. Usually you need to meet this set while they're meeting someone you know who is in it. In my case I used to live with a princess and she was always talking me up. "He has good habits, meditates, might be rich, can get visa, etc". Then you find the friends dropping by with their daughters with invitations to functions. Met a lot of very higjly positioned people this way. Almost none of them interesting, and their daughters even less so. Better to find someone you like than get involved with social climbing IMO.

    So your friends wanted you to marry their daughters?

  8. Honestly guys, the reason why farang end up with women from the lower social circles is that they know when they take them out on their first date they have a higher chance of getting them in bed. then they eventually end up in a relationship with one of these girls and in love with her.

    This is not anymore the middle ages in Thailand, and if you circle the HiSo parties and upper class clubs (not that difficult to get entry), you can find more than a few birds who jump in the sack with you as fast as anywhere else in the world. Well, if you are young, attractive and fun, or, if not young and attractive, then wealthy enough to appear attractive.

    And the same way, not all lower class women are so lose or greedy that they jump into bed with the first farang they meet.

    how do i get invited to hiso parties?

  9. If you are living in LOS and are not young, rich and/or handsome, your chanches of attaching to an upper class or even middle class lady are slim. They are not going to lower themselves and tarnish their reputation by bothering with Farangs unless they may have something unusual to offer.

    What utter nonsense :o

    It ain't nonsense to me pal. That's the reality I have seen every day here for the past three years. IF, they interested in a Farang it is because: 1. The Farang can provide money 2. May be a ticket to take them to the Farang's country. 3. Possibly a handsome charmer (the Farang). It is certainly not because of high level communication. In my three years here, I know about six Thais (women) who speak a level of English sufficient to form a foundation for a good relationship. Four of them have Thai BF's or are married to Thais. The remaing two are shopping for a Frang, who can provide what they may consider adequate financial security. One is asking for 1 million bht dowery. Would you like her email?

    In the last three years you have only come across six girls who speak fluent english? That is comical mate.

  10. Honestly guys, the reason why farang end up with women from the lower social circles is that they know when they take them out on their first date they have a higher chance of getting them in bed. then they eventually end up in a relationship with one of these girls and in love with her.

    Farang is waiting in line. The girl ahead of him is talking to her friend about her medical school classes, the girl behind him is wearing a waitress uniform. They are both equally attractive. On this day, he is not thinking about his future and the implications of choosing a high/middle/low social circle girl, he is actually just thinking about getting their clothing on the floor of his flat. so naturally, he talks to the girl behind him who is more open and willing. she turns out to be a sweet girl, he falls in love, and the rest history. Also, it is more likely that the girl behind him will give him a little giggle, smile or nod to her friend so that he can see that she is interested in him.

  11. what do the agents charge as comission on the rental?

    The agent I went through for my current rental took one months rent (from the owner, not me).

    The Thai agent I used took 10% of the first month rent (from the owner, not me) as payment for leading me to the unit (between Silom and Sathorn)

    Taking $35K for such a service seems exhorbiant. Actually, at that rate, I think Im in the wrong business.

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