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  1. I've never been charged a fee to use QR codes and I've probably done 700 over the years.
  2. It's in the Thai news. I just read it. He has died.
  3. There are always the same stupid replies every time. The fact that he failed to call his young son on his birthday and 10 days have passed, is very troubling.
  4. There are at least a dozen of them, probably more.
  5. Himalayan striped squirrels. They are wonderful to have around.
  6. New facial recognition technology.
  7. A few years ago, there was a similar incident in a Bangkok mall where the woman driver had a water bottle that rolled on the floor of the car and somehow got stuck on the accelerator or brake (or both) and the car went through a parking lot wall and dropped several floors. She died.
  8. They are stateless... and contribute to the economy, pay taxes....get it? My friend is Shan/Tai Yai, has lived here 30+ years. She is legally employed, pays into the social security system for healthcare, her child is a Thai citizen. She deserves citizenship.
  9. It helps them keep track of you. The last few times I crossed back to Chiang Khong from Laos, they asked many questions like "why did you write Moo 1 and not a soi name or Moobaan name for your address?" I had to explain where I lived and the IO made notes in the computer.
  10. Simple. Then go see him at C.M. Ram where he sees patients during the day. He has everything there.
  11. There was the Japanese man in PKK who was in his 80's who was on I think 15 years overstay. His next-door neighbor ratted him out because of a dispute she had with the Japanese man's Thai wife. I think that was last year or the year before.
  12. If you want all the frills, then go see him at C.M. Ram. But you will pay much, much more. For complex issues and surgery he will of course tell you to come to see him at C.M.Ram.
  13. Indeed, Caracas, Venezuela was the most dangerous place I ever visited. I never felt any danger in Bangkok but I dislike the place - to say the least. I never stay more than a night in Bangkok.
  14. ? The lawyer - foreign??? Did you read the article?
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