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Posts posted by hlfourie

  1. With your gf's stellar history, arent you afraid you may go missing in the near or distant future?

    To tell you the trueth, yes I am, but I am giving her the benefit of the doubt for now.

    This I find really worrying.

    Firstly, does your girlfriend have any telephone numbers or addresses of anyone connected with her previous husband in the States? I.e. family, friends etc.

    If she does, than you should try and contact them to enquire if they have knowledge as to what has happened to her husband.

    If this draws a blank, than visit the American embassy or consulate here to see if they can assist you with contacting American public records offices for death certificates.

    Otherwise as one poster suggested, try a search on-line.

    If you feel that you are in danger in anyway from your girlfriend, make your concerns known to family or friends.

    To be quite honest, I would not even consider marriage to this girl until you have more information regarding her and certainties of what sort of person you are dealing with here.

    Maybe i dont understand thai culture :):D:D . What more info does this guy need about the girl. She a bad girl, but im sure in his eyes she has changed her ways. I understand where poor girls coming from(their mindset) , i just dont understand where the men coming from.

    Thank you for the response, but I was not looking for info on my girlfriend, good or bad, I was only asking on how it will work to have her divorced from a deserted husband. For all I know, yes he could be six feet under in his backyard where my girlfiends parents now live in his house but thats not the point. Well for the moment at least. Over the past three years she has been pretty good with me, we have our normal ups and downs but most importantly is that she is the mother of my children and a very good mother and has been a good partner to me. She has been quite allusive with regards to the husband just apparently dissapearing off the face of the earth and I never as perhaps I should have early in our relationship pushed the point as I am now trying to do.

  2. Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes; My girlfriend and I of about 3 years have two beautiful little girls (twins), now one year old. We are not married because she is still legally married to an American who left her about 7 years ago, from information that she received from the US embassy, he had returned to the US at about the same time of leaving her. She assumes he is dead because he was around 70 years old when he left her and not in good health. He has also never contacted her again after he left, no emails, phone calls or anything. The situation now is that we would like to get married but first my girlfriend would need to divorce or finalise her existing marriage in some or other way. There is also a question of a house the deserted husband built for her or them or himself, that her mother and father have been living in and that she would not like to lose, apparently the house and land was bought through a company he registered in Thailand with unknown Thai shareholders who she doubts even exist. Any ideas from anybody on how to handle this would be appreciated.

  3. How long has OP known this girl before she opened her heart to you with her sad life story, I would say if you have not known this girl and her situation (as she explains it) for at least a year I would say it is a scam. The only way you are going to stop her or "save" from being a bargirl is by giving her your money and all other assets you own.

    Sooo I would recommend you first validate every word that comes / came from her mouth before committing yourself to being her knight in shining armour.

  4. Leuven1

    Hotels are a good business in most parts of the world, if they are well managed, this usually means using people that are experienced, and having enough business experience and cash to get to profitability. Under capitalisation is a major cause of business failure, this is an unpleasant experience I have had.

    In your post you missed out some vital information, that can change the advise you recieve.

    Where are you from?

    Do you have experience in the hotel industry?

    What sort of budget do you have?

    Did you actualy read the OP message ? all the questions you ask are answered!!!

    Which market are you trying to operate in?

    Where do you envisage building/buying/operating this hotel?

    If you look at the Sunbelt web site they have several hotels and guest houses available. They are a sponsor of this site and the owner may chime in with his advise.

  5. Regardless of whether or not they used to be men, they still LOOK like women and consider themselves to be women.

    i disagree.

    if someone dresses up like jesus and considers themselves to be jesus, it doesnt make them jesus.

    weak analogy.

    weak response - you should at least say why.

    Why what, is there something wrong with you WHY don't you undrstand what is a man and what is a women, not a fake women a real women, it is more that just the physical features, a women does and think differantly to a man

  6. On the weekends there is a plant and flower market on the Sukhumvit rd., next to the Mcdonalds opposite Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. You should be able to find one there or order one for the next week.

    Thank you very much that is a great help and will go check it out..

  7. Hi all, can somebody please tell me if an Avo tree will succesfully grow in the Pattaya area

    That's avocado I assume and yes it shall. Now do you want fruit? If so i would recommend to plant three different types. Even though the Avocado is unique in the fact that the flower is male with pollen the first day it opens and then becomes female thereafter to set fruit I have found that different varieties planted together stimulates the setting of fruit. We grafted many different varieties onto the same tree with literally no success. Probably almost 6 - 8 different ones and never got any fruit in California. then when we planted a new tree, after one year, the big monster tree of nearly 20 years started to put out a bunch of fruit.

    The tree can be a bit quirky and if you plant many your odds will get much better. The tree has a fiberous root system so it doesn't need deep watering similar to a mango tree, for example, as its roots are near the surface and it needs constant and shallow watering at the drip line (where the canopy of the tree doesn't shade the ground). Good luck and enjoyable eating.

    Thank you very much for your reply and good advice which i shall follow, do you perhaps know where I can buy small trees.

  8. You won't believe this but I swear it is true, my wife (from Isaan), does not know how to use an ATM card. Last week I opened a new Siam bank account in my name because I thought it would be easier to transfer money into it for my wife from my other Siam account instead of giving here cash all the time. When I gave her the card she said "I don't know how use, I neva use" . I couldn't believe it, but said I would teach her, but have not gotten around to it yet as I think it might be a long process..... :o

  9. Sorry that supposed to be change not chang (they're still too young)

    Hi all,

    I have twin girls, 6 months old now. We have been trying various brands of baby cereal and they just don't want to eat it. They start crying when they just see the cereall bowl.

    Does anybody have any advise as to get my babies to start with solids and have them enjoy it and not consider it as a punishment.

    Any advice will be appreciated..

  10. Sorry but you do not really qualify for annual extensions. The best you could do would be a Multi Entry Non O Visa which would mean you would have to do a border run every 90 days. You could definitely get this from the UK and possibly from Penang or KL.

    If you were married you could get an annual extension based on that if you have a monthly income of 40,000 Baht a month. Hopefully someone may be able to come up with another idea to help.

    This is the Police Order that deals with all extensions of stay.

    Thank you for your help any other ideas will be appreciated

  11. More info needed.

    Are you the Father? Your Nationality. Your age. Are you working?

    Hi, yes I am the father, I am from South Africa but hold dual nationality with U.K. I have an internet business wich is not a Thai registered company. So according to Thais and my visa I don't work but get an income from my house that I rent out in SA .

    Sorry, I am 38 years old

  12. Sauna everyday might be an option.

    An Isan option is what I'd call a hot bed as such. Basically just after the birth to spend up to an hour every evening on a wooden slatted bed, underneath on the ground is congregated metal where hot coal is put. Lay on the bed with a hot water bottle sitting on the tummy and just sweat it out. Basically shrinking the tummy again. Also to drink home made hot herbal tea of some kind. No air con in this scenario, only a fan.

    If she is lazy then the more modern sauna option might be for her.

    Regarding any suggestion of going to the gym or working out at home, actually I think this is not good for someone who has given birth within six to twelve months. Same as she should not be lifting anything heavy for a while after the birth for the same reason; it can cause future problem for her insides.

    I probably wouldn't bother getting a vibrating belt. More than likely after a week it would be put away with her many shoes ;-)

    If the belt option is the only option she'll take, she can get a sweat belt, but not the electric ones you plug into the wall (scary) or battery ones for that matter, just a wrap around the tummy thing that fastens with velcro, that helps to sweat around the tummy, bought from most sports shops.

    Thank you for your useful respons...I will take your advice

  13. Hi everyone,

    I've checked with forum moderators and they told me it was okay to post a 'job offer' because the rules about it are still unclear. This might change in the future so be quick to reply if you want a job :D .

    Basically my company acts like an agency for farang teachers in Thailand. We have schools all over Thailand and in Bangkok where we still have open positions.

    We are also doing many English Camps (3 day camps) all over Thailand.

    If you are a native speaker and interested please check out the website :


    If you want to contact me for information or send me your resume [please pm user for details, including possibly his email, but not in public- IJWT]

    "Application Fee AU$200" :o Never heard of a legit company requiring a fee just to apply for a job. Think I'm in the wrong business.

    Care to explain?

    Great scam guys, what do you want AU$200 for if not a scam?

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