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Posts posted by mosan

  1. Got a Facebook Message from a person I consider an associate that appears to be a hacking attempt.  

    A question I thought would be very easy to answer took over 12 hours before I got a reply. Now, there is nothing wrong with getting a reply 12 hours later, it's just that shortly after, I got a follow up message from that same person professing to need my "assistance". He said his "phone was messed up, and he needs to recover his information". I replied that I wasn't a phone tech and told him to contact his service provider and they would know how to recover his phone. 


    Fast forward to 7 days later and said person messages me again saying "Send me your phone number" to receive a code (mind you he didn't say security code) so he could unlock and/or restore his phone's data. 

    Now I'm thoroughly puzzled. I unwittingly sent him my phone number right away thinking I would receive a code of some sort which I would then forward to him. 


    Oh, and one thing I didn't mention before is that the first name on the account had changed to one I didn't recognize. That's when it hit me...I should probably ask him for his phone number so I can talk to him, make sure it is in fact him and just give him the code over the phone. 


    When I asked him for his phone number, the account immediately got deleted! 


    Now I'm wondering what actually happened. Did his phone get lost and someone is trying to activate it? Is someone trying to get access to private information to steal money from a bank account? A blackmail attempt?  A scornful partner trying to dig up some dirt? 


    Hopefully the person I'm referring to sees this post and replies so we can clear up this mystery...

  2. On 10/21/2022 at 4:32 PM, proton said:

    I have Sony, none are noise cancelling, slight noise reduction is more like it. Totally useless at concerts and you would look a dick head anyway. Been to over 1.000 concerts here, always use Boots wax ear plugs, filters out the Mrs natter as well.

    The headphones are not designed to wear to a concert. It's for when you're at home some distance or far away from the noise! The idea is to cut down on the noise enough to make it almost unnoticeable.  Especially if you're listening to TV, a podcast, or some music that you like.  Sheesh - wearing noise cancelling (dampening) headphone at a concert tells us a lot...


    • Haha 1
  3. Here is a better idea: Buy a pair of Noise Cancelling Headphones. Either Bose QC II/III or Sony XM4/5 will do the trick. I have both. The Bose are in my village bungalow, the Sony's are here at my house in the city. Both work well, but the Bose are better. Mind you they are expensive, but they absolutely get rid of loud noise without the hassle of trying to find good neighbors. They're also portable so use them in shopping malls, extremely loud concerts, festivals, weddings, funerals, etc. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. On 6/29/2022 at 1:13 PM, jesimps said:

    I'm now 77 yoa and I can honestly say that I've never once seen a non-white be racially abused. I keep hearing about it from the woke thinkers, but it is always conveniently generalised and people never quote exact examples. It's too easy to bang on about institutional and subconscious racism without giving actual examples. 

    I've been verbally abused countless times in my life, especially when I lived in your part of the world and when I was in the army. I took it as banter and gave as good as I got. If I was a non-white, I could easily have assumed that it was because of my colour. 


    My god man, have you been living in a cave?

    • Like 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, stoner said:

    it was killer for the time and all you guys knew. take that same weed and put it on the market today and it would be laughed away. rightly so. 

    You guys?... So I take it you never smoked Thai Stick back in the day?  I've smoked then and now... you can't compare weed grown 50/40 years ago with weed cultivation today. That's like trying to compare Michael Jordan to Lebron James - doesn't work. Sound like a kid talking out of his behind... Don't take it personally, a lot of people have nothing to go on but pure conjecture.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, stoner said:

    is was the same garbage back then as it is now. the whole thai stick thing is just silly now. 


    difference being is back then all weed sucked. 

    Not exactly! I worked in Thailand back in the early 70's and through the 80's. The weed here was killer...meanwhile what people were smoking in California, North Carolina, Florida, New Mexico and Colorado where I frequented because of work was simply dirt weed or leaves soaked in chemicals such as PCP or whatever. Now days all of the above places have killer weed, but so-called real Thai stick (Buddah) either doesn't exist or is imported... 

  7. 6 hours ago, Orinoco said:

    Come on stop being a big Wagga.

    could be any number of legitimate reasons she felt bad.

    All may have nothing to do with ganja 

    On the other hand, it could have been real. People get sick from things even if they just think about them.  I'm allergic to perfume. I get sick just walking around the mall smelling all the fabric softener in clothes and the aroma therapy smells in almost every clothing store. It may not bother you one bit, but can be deadly for others!

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    • Thanks 1
  8. 18 hours ago, bendejo said:

    Any way you slice it, if a person in brown clothing sees a foreigner with anything related to this stuff money will be required to change hands.

    You pay now.

    That would make it no different than it was back in the early 1970s when I first visited Thailand.  If someone decided to call the BiB because you were smoking weed, either they or the Thai Police would hit you up for a few Baht and that was all...on your way until the next incident.

    • Like 2
  9. On 6/8/2022 at 3:31 PM, bert bloggs said:

    Thats because most of those were here working and did not marry the first bar girl who said hello,but women they met other ways,like through work

    Describes my situation exactly. Me and mostly every friend I have here are married to Thai women that are within one or three years of our own age. 

    • Sad 1
  10. 3 hours ago, John Drake said:

    And of course, this statement itself is intervening to prop up the baht. Don't think that it's just a coincidence that this jawboning occurred just a day before US Social Security payments are to be made to Thailand.

    Anyone paying attention would realize that. I have been making transfers about 1 to 2 weeks in advance of US paydays in order to avoid this.  Also happens around holidays and world events. The key is to have funds in a holding pattern so one can take advantage of the highs and dodge the lows as much as possible. 

  11. Just now, Brick Top said:

    Dont speak to soon , I found it worked perfectly as well , did mine on Dec 7th next report date being 16 March great I thought. Then I went to immigration on February 8th to renew my retirement Visa and they insisted I hadn't done my 90 day report and told me I had to pay a fine. Showed them the online report on line , no would not listen , go pay fine they said.

    Would be nice to know what Province you applied at.  I've been here over 20 years, live in Ubon and not once has an IO inquired about my 90 day report at extension of stay time...

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, rayinkrabi said:

    Sorry to disagree but this whole point is so wrong as a clone is defined as an exact copy, which these scoots are definitely not..In fact even a quick glance at both shows many differences so my questions still stand.

    You're nit picking and you know it.  The bike is a knock-off and a rip-off specifically designed to imitate and undercut Honda - which I might add is doing a fine job at that. But carry on...

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