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Posts posted by phomsanuk

  1. Thailand has strong reserves, and that tends to prop up currencies. However, it has political uncertainty and neighbors who are become more attractive for FDI, and those tend to drive down currencies.

    With weakening of the dollar, pound, and euro, the baht has gained against them. But against the yen and yuan, it has weakened a little. But it probably should still be a little weaker yet when future economic viability is considered.

    The baht is where it is because the major currencies are weakening, has little to do with BOT or rice where Vietnam competes with lower production costs.

  2. Biggest mistake was ordering the glass of Mont Clair.

    Stuff has added fruit juice in it, horrible product. The people who sell this wine are strictly after the price point.

    Isn't wine fruit [grape] juice fermented? I drink Montclaire and find the taste a bit harsh due to the abnormally high alcohol content from fermenting juice. Boxed wine is best here because no air is introduced to maderise the wine which usually doesn't sell fast and is stored improperly. Montclair or Ingelnook [softer, less alcohol] are probably your best Bang for the buck in this country.

  3. Got a nice piece of fresh monkfish tail :) yesterday.

    Just cleaned it and sliced in small portions:




    How would you like to prepare/cook it???

    Your suggestions please!



    Monkfish filets are very popular and expensive in Paris, the taste and texture mimic lobster and most recipies for it are applicable. Personally I prefer to lightly saute meunier but for more elegance it can you can use sauce "Cardinal".

  4. The nicer destinations (Barbados, Antigua, Virgin Islands (British)) are more expensive than Thailand hands down. Yes you can get some lower cost package deals, but the places just aren't comparable to what you can get in Thailand. Nor is the food. Places like the Dominican Republic and Cuba can certainly offer better package deals but again the outside options are not much fun. I If you want a great deal there is always Haiti and Jamaica, but you basically go there knowing that if you step outside the hotel you will be mugged. All the other little islands like Nevis, St Kitts are beautiful, but expensive.

    Martinique had the riots recently and St Marten is filthy. I've been to all these places and if you factor out the airfare differences, Thailand's value is much better. Even with higher airfare, the hospitality and service levels available in SE Asia quickly compensate.

    I've been all over the Carribean and I'd gladly pay a bit more given the choice between the surly chip on the shoulder Carrbean attitude and the friendly Thai smiles and friendlieness.

    And I'm not the biggest fan of the Thai hospitality industry either.

    Well, Much of the population of the Carribien are decendents of slaves and blame westerners.

    Lately the Thai are blaming us for economic slavery :)

  5. Have a look at Thai TV, gossip magazines etc.

    Certainly an advantage to be "half-blood" if that means your skin is whiter, you are taller and your nose more pointy.

    We have two luk krung kids (both below 5 years) at school here and they fit in at school with no problems whatsoever.

    I think it is a social advantage to be half thai / half caucasian in Thailand.

    Many of the models in advertisements etc are luk krung, they have a good life ahead :o

  6. I just looked at the Phuketwan website and read the various articles about how bad the tourist season is going etc, but is anyone really surprised given how fast things have become overdone in places like Patong.

    People are talking about the political strife and airport close down but nobody mentions the fact that many currencies are going bad against the baht and this makes things seem expensive. I feel this is the main reason along with the expectation of next year being very tough economically. Anyone who spends more than 5 minutes in Thailand knows political strife is just the norm and most people I know never worry about it.

    I was in Phuket for 5 weeks until last week. In July I was getting 31 baht a dollar. It is about 22 baht a dollar now. So a 30% decrease in the value of my dollar made Patong in particular seem expensive. I live on about 1500 baht a day which I would consider as cheap as a person can during the high season.

    I have a number of friends from Europe who failed to show this year but I don't keep check of currencies so don't know how hard they have been hit. I think Patong is becoming extremely overpriced and will be hardest hit if things get any worse.

    I just did a quick mental costing for a single guy

    For example a decent room may cost 1000 baht a night in high season.

    If you eat 3 meals a day maybe another 750 to 1000 baht depending on where you eat and if you drink beer, wine etc.

    If a drinker a few beers in the room followed by another say 5 in a bar or club may cost another 750 baht or more

    If you wanted the company of a girl if would be at least 1000 baht, if that requires a tuk tuk we are looking at 4000 baht a day before any other expenses like beach chairs or shopping. The girl could be 2000 baht if a bar fine or drinks are involved.

    So this can be 4000 to 5000 baht a day very easily if you are a big drinker and this is without any extras like jet skis or side trips to Phi Phi etc. This can hardly be considered cheap given most Thai's earn as little as 100 baht a day. Most maids get something like 6000 a month, office staff 6-8 at the place I stay.

    The high prices relate directly to the overblown rents charged. I was told the 2nd floor over the corner of Soi Eric and Soi Katoey was rented at 24 million for 3 years which I think must be bullshit. I remember Andrew who built the Kangaroo bar offered me his share for 200,000 baht and I laughed at him!!

    There was an article in the Bangkok Post recently waffling on about the value of investing in high end real estate in Phuket, in small letters at the bottom of the article it said it was written by the general manager of Raimon land who just happen to be a high end villa building company. Two letters followed suggesting this guy was talking crap and from what I've seen this is where the big drop will happen. A very nice two bedroom apartment in Australia by the beach in most areas would cost 8-10 million baht.

    30 to 40 million baht would get you a mansion with a pool and tennis court in many areas and you own it yourself. Who is paying 50-80 million for what in most cases is a glorified apartment in which you don't own the land?? If this real estate is walking of the plan why has every place got a giant board out front advertising places for sale?

    I suspect many of these places have been bought by speculators who have paid a cheaper price for buying off the plan and are are trying to resell to make a quick killing. I have seen some places advertised for years. I think they aren't selling because they are simply not worth the price being asked.

    I recently spoke to a Swedish guy who paid 7 million for an apartment in Surin. He said it was more expensive than Sweden and we both agreed the cost of building in Thailand is probably at least 50% cheaper. We both thought things would crash considerably.

    My point, Phuket is a great place, but not that great I would spend more than it costs to live in my own country to stay there. I had a good look at the demographic of where I was staying in Patong. It was basically older farang guy, 55-70 with younger Isarn girlfriend or wife. At 46 I don't actually feel too old while in Patong............ :D

    :o 22 BHT. to the $$$$ ??

  7. YES Fench (BISTRO) food is exactly what I am looking for, NOT Tourist Thai. I huess I should have been more specific..

    I will check all of these places out, Auboncoin sounds good IM looking for something Cosy and with a nice ambiance.

    They are here for a few weeks so i will have time to take them to all the places mentioned on here, but not Touristy ones.


    My favorite is Casa Pascale 'french/continental' across from the RGP behind 2nd rd. I owned a french restaurant.

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