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Posts posted by phomsanuk

  1. "Steady capital inflows boosted the baht's value to a 26-month high at Bt31.21 relative to the US dollar this Wednesday" "The threat of a serious weakening of major currencies - which some analysts see as inevitable with the greenback falling below THB25:USD1 - is heightening these fears."

    When I moved here it was 45, do the math.

    But it's still cheap compared to the west.

    The peso is also moving from about 60 5 yrs ago to 45.

    Vietnam is the only country where you get 'More bang for the buck' 17K to 19K

  2. Recently I went to SCB where I have an a/c and tried to get money using a foreign debit card and was told I needed to use the ATM, over the counter I needed a Credit Card, doesn't work in the ATM was the reason for going in anyway. :angry:

  3. Recently I read these,

    2 different sources, <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal>"The Dow Jones Industrial Average has made no net progress since spring 1999. <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal>In other words, if you invested in stocks over the past 11 years, there's a good chance you wasted your time at best -- your money at worst. <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal>Now if you were able to ride the bubble and get out before the pop, we commend you. You must be a savvy trader or just plain lucky. <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal>But for the vast majority of people reading this letter, the past 11 years in the personal investment world has been a big bust. Wouldn't it have been nice to know you didn't have to risk money to make money for the past 11 years? <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal>That's right, cash has outperformed stocks now for more than 10 years running -- and with ZERO risk. You won't hear that on financial television". <P class=yiv1525588138yiv963649516yiv1078017810MsoNormal> "Two enormous recessions. Unparalleled government bailouts. An entire lost decade of growth.It's been more than 10 years since the tech boom, and most of us have about the same net worth as we had in the first place -- or possibly less. The result of this flat and oftentimes irrational stock market has been a media rush to call "an end" for the average buy-and-hold investor."Not very encouraging...:(

  4. Hi tijnebijn

    I've used a notary public named Mr Thewin a couple of times. He has a rather scruffy-looking law office on the edge of Mee Chok market in Mae Jo, not far from the Rimping store. His phone number is 081 530 9688.

    Last time was a few weeks ago, when I needed a copy of a page of my passport notarised. He charged me 500 baht for two signed and stamped copies. Pleasant chap, and understands English well, providing you don't talk at a hundred miles an hour.

    That's been my experience, anyway. I have no connection with him except as a customer, blah blah.

    Anyone know one in Pattaya?

    Do banks do it?

  5. If you must invade with your tongue do it somewhere it will not choke them.

    I'm not sure they're all that keen on that either.

    You bring up an interesting point. I'm assuming you're talking about cunnilingus (yeh). Which is a country-less form of kissing. First of all, they are keen on it, and enjoy it immensely. Sometimes, the girls don't want you to because they don't want to get "turned-on." No further information.

    Interesting opinion, I assume your also hansom, ;)

  6. I liked this evening's unique rain shower. Reminiscent of rains in Hawaii, on the leeward side of the island. The clouds came over the mountains to the east with welcome showers, while the sun was still well above the horizon to the west. Brilliant sunshine and falling rain turns the world into a sparkling fantasy, remarkable to behold.

    Ahh, Hawaii, we called it pinapple water or sprinkles if my memory serves. Quyte a shock if yout sunbathing.

  7. What is your obsession with posting rubbish in the mobile internet forum?

    Hope you don't find out, why it's not rubbish,

    Another study published in the Journal of Rheumatology in 2004 demonstrated that high humidity was unfavorable for arthritis patients. ...

  8. This word is believed to have originated as a transliteration of the French pronunciation of the French word "Français." The French were the first group of Westerners to be known amongst the Siamese. ฝรั่ง is now used to refer to any foreign object adopted into Thai culture.

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