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Posts posted by phomsanuk

  1. As a whole, men don't rape because they are feeling horny, according to the experts. They rape out of anger or because they get off on the feeling of power and the ability to subject someone to their whims.

    These so called "experts" still believe in feminist ideology of 1970.

    Now is 2010 and time to stop fantasizing. Rape is mainly caused by depriving men of sex. And it is an illusion that masturbation can be a proper substitute of sex. If things of nature would be so easy...

    Thailand has a high rape rate, because many men are not able to get a woman because of low financial status. And despite the sex industry here, they just cannot fork out 1000-2000 Baht for a shag.

    The same applies for countries like India and China. Huge number of young men never able to marry or have a girlfriend. This has big impact on society, not only about rape.


    I agree but do you really think a Thai pays 1000-2000, come visit.B)

  2. Is there such a thing as a universal mobile phone charger/adapter?

    Seems they all require different noninterchangeable types even within the same brand.

    What if you lose the original?

  3. "Weaning rich countries off their debt addiction will cause withdrawal symptoms. Austerity does not appeal to voters, who may work off their frustrations on politicians and (worse) foreigners. Mr Micawber’s phrase may be turned on its head again. When annual income is forced to exceed annual expenditure, the result may well be misery."

  4. Child bearing,

    In lesser developed countries they tend to have children in their teens when they are physically, but not mentally, at prime childbearing age. The child is then raised by the grandmother who is mentally at prime child raising age.

    This seems better than the western custom of waiting until the mother is mentally more mature but less capable physically resulting in miscarriages and infertility on the part of both more mature parents.

  5. Hello,

    I am an American and I have been here in LOS for many years. I have been on Disability Social Security since 2005.

    You do need to register at the Embassy and the State Department and with the Social Security Office. I deal with Manila, Philippines concerning the Social Security, it is the local office if you live in Thailand.

    You will receive a form from the SSA in sometime Nov to Jan each year to continue to receive your benefits. When you receive it, fill it out soon. (You have 30 or 60 days to comply) according to the letter, however, you must remember that it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get the form.

    What I do now is, 1. I make three copies of the completed form,I scan and send a copy as an attachment to the Philippines in an e-mail. 2. Send the original (completed) to the SSA in the States. Send a hard copy to the Philippines, 3. Keep a copy for my records.

    In the last 5 years I have had my Benefit suspended twice, once because I never received a request in the mail (lost or whatever), and once because I never received the first request and then I did get a "second" request to be completed with in 30 days and it was to late because the second request was due in 1 day do to the mail system.

    You will more than likely receive two request twice a year, I receive mine in May or June and again in Nov. or Dec. I have not have a problem lately, because if I don't receive a request at those times I send a request to the Philippines and ask if there a request for me to notify SSA, and if there is I just download the form and sent it myself.

    If you have direct deposit in you Bank in the U.S. use it or request it before you move here. You can have your check sent to the Embassy and pick it up there but the easiest way and fastest is the have it deposited in you US bank account. You have easy access through ATM's or local Banks.

    I hope this helps you. And let me one of the first to welcome you to our expat community.


    I hope we can get some more experiences on this important issue


    I lived in France when I went on SS, went to the embassy there and still recieve my monthly payment direct to a french bank, still do, never tried to change to my Thai bank. Access through ATM or SWIFT.

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