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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. 5 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    Maybe wifey won't be so keen next time, what were the reported conditions she was in, grim?


    Speedy recovery to yourself.

    She got hospitel, basically 3 women in a 4 bed hotel room, no nurses, they had to do their own tests and Line in the results many times a day.  Looked nice & comfortable.

    I was put in a 30 bed hospital room, no air con, no privacy, almost all Thai, not even lockers for your stuff.  I and another who went at the same time just kept saying no, politely.  After a couple of hours, they found us a 2 bed room which was bad, but much better.  I think it was down to him being South African; they were p00ing themselves over Omicron being from SA.  That it isn't and that he hadn't left Thailand in 5 years didn't matter at all.  Got me a room anyway.  ????


    I was mainly over the Covid before I went in, but something showed on my lungs, so, injections and pills, and tests, tests, tests.  5 days in and I got home to self-isolate for 6 days with a bunch of pills (steroids) to take.  Freedom Day Saturday, but I feel fine now.  Better actually, I've been having knee problems for a while which the steroids seem to have sorted - for now anyway.

  2. 25 minutes ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    IF you or wife has minor symptoms or none at all then there was really no point going to the hospital at all, don't see the reason behind that decision, why did they wife insist?


    Why did they x-ray you, just to rack up the bill?

    Wife was minor, but you know Thais and how they like to "go doctor".  I was worse, got over the Covid fast, but something settled in my lungs, so I did need hospital for a few days.  5 days in, I got home to self-isolate for 6 days with 50 (fifty!) pills a day to take. 


    Ends Saturday.  Not planning to go far, but there's a legal bar/restaurant under my condo, that'll do for now.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

    Can you expand on the situation you found yourself in, how you wound up in hospital and the conditions/rules etc?   I'm sure many of us would appreciate more information.

    Failed a home test, wife insisted on hospital test (Banglamung).  She got hospitel, I had something show on x-ray, so hospital, not a nice place.  Never saw hide nor hair of a doctor, managed to speak on intercom after 5 days and convinced him that I could isolate and take pills at home, freeing the bed for someone who needed it.  And here I am, self-isolation and pills stop Saturday. 


    Not risking going back.

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