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Posts posted by RogueLeader

  1. I think the whole world is very lucky that you don't have the qualifications to be in charge! Why does it matter what someone LOOKS like people are still people and deserve respect from others!!

    Okay BrianCR - on YOUR next long-distance flight, we will seat you next to this "don't-judge-a-book-by-its-cover" guy - see how YOU like that ! ! ! !

    When in Rome ! ! ! ! !

    This 'Medical Student' needs a shave and a bath and one helluva lot of deodorant !! !!

    He looks like 1/2 Man; 1/2 Possum FCS ! ! ! !

    Freedom of Religion: YES ! ! !

    Freedom of Hygiene: NO ! ! !


    "Freedom of Hygiene: NO ! ! !"

    You can tell what he smells like from a photo?

    If you said the same thing about a photo of an orthodox Jew, would you think that was OK?

    • Like 1
  2. Prosecutors said that they were still waiting for more testimony from police

    In most countries, if a police officer was killed and dropped on the side of the road like garbage the police would be eager to present their evidence.

    In most countries, the perpetrator would be lying in a prison hospital with broken bones and no teeth after a nasty fall. Unless the perpetrator was rich, of course. That applies in every country.

    In Britain, Charles Saatchi, wealthy PR magnate and Conservative Party donor was photographed choking his wife in public. He went to a police station and accepted a police caution.


    The Telegraph ran a few stories about their 'passionate relationship' and photographed them cosying up together and suddenly the story isn't news any more.

    It's not just Thailand, bros.

    Did I just miss the part, where he ran over his wife with a sports- car, himself being drunk and full of cocaine, dragging her body 200 meters down the road, leave her to die, drive home, try to bribe a cop, try to turn an innocent "servant" into a scapegoat....???

    No. That thing you missed was the point.

  3. Prosecutors said that they were still waiting for more testimony from police

    In most countries, if a police officer was killed and dropped on the side of the road like garbage the police would be eager to present their evidence.

    In most countries, the perpetrator would be lying in a prison hospital with broken bones and no teeth after a nasty fall. Unless the perpetrator was rich, of course. That applies in every country.

    In Britain, Charles Saatchi, wealthy PR magnate and Conservative Party donor was photographed choking his wife in public. He went to a police station and accepted a police caution.


    The Telegraph ran a few stories about their 'passionate relationship' and photographed them cosying up together and suddenly the story isn't news any more.

    It's not just Thailand, bros.

  4. Don't worry, without going into detail I can assure you that my ownership structure is safe and will allow me to live in the house till the end of my days, and thereafter will go to the one I decided.

    The difference between me and the Elite card members is that I engaged in a upfront known risk, and dealt with it accordingly, while the majority of the card members purchased the card with the promise that they could own 1 Rai of land which was taken away from them soon after they parted with their money.

    You're singing the same tune that raises the roofs of expat bars from Hat Yai to Chiang Rai: it's an opera whose third act is a tragedy. Beware, is all I'm saying. If your continued residence there is based on legalities, the 'upfront risks' that you faced mean nothing. If you ever contest anything in court against a Thai, you will lose because you are not living in a country where the rule of law is respected or often even considered and all lawsuits between Thai and farang in Thailand are automatically settled in favour of the Thai.

    Documents mean nothing. Power, wealth, patronage and influence mean everything. Tread carefully.

  5. It'd be more sensible if people who've had a gender change were labelled accordingly by the Dept of Interior, rather than some obnoxious dictat being issued allowing them to choose their clothing

    Utterly absurd that anyone whose gender's changed from male to female (or the other way around) isn't identified as such by Thailand.

    That would be a more useful change than the wardrobe.

    Genders cannot be changed, utterly absurd that you should think they can.

    Did you move to Thailand by accident?

    • Like 1
  6. I'm not vaguely confused about anything here.

    I personally find it obnoxious that any govt official should dictate a dress code for an ID photo that I carry, and I consider it a massive human rights issue - and somewhat more important than wardrobes - that Thailand doesn't acknowledge sex changes on ID documents.

    This is not just about ladyboys, it's about anyone who chooses to change the gender that they were identified as when born. The ID card may now depict someone who was born a man dressed as a woman, but Thailand will continue to be identify them as a man on that card, drivers license, passport, household registration etc., and send them to a mens' prison, until the day they die.

    To be quite clear, this may be seen to be humane on the surface, but it's pure trivia. What needed, rather than the imagery, is to acknowledge a gender change on the ID documents, and Thailand does not allow acknowledgement of that.

    I personally had an expat friend who switched sex, got a new passport from home country with the revised gender but held a Thai PR book, drivers license, household reg that identified her as a man, and allowed her to held to ridicule by any small minded idiot she encountered.

    I apologise: I misunderstood what you wrote. You're quite right. The updated gender should be indicated on the document.

  7. It'd be more sensible if people who've had a gender change were labelled accordingly by the Dept of Interior, rather than some obnoxious dictat being issued allowing them to choose their clothing

    Utterly absurd that anyone whose gender's changed from male to female (or the other way around) isn't identified as such by Thailand.

    That would be a more useful change than the wardrobe.

    Some sort of triangle, perhaps?

    Seriously though, what's obnoxious about choosing how you dress? Have you actually read what you wrote?

  8. Funny - this guy's been arrested for selling something to people who asked him for it and sections of the TV 'community' are calling for him to be raped. If he'd been found guilty of killing his wife they'd be looking for mitigation.

    It's amazing how the judiciary becomes so much more reliable when they're prosecuting someone you don't like.

    The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.

    Damn straight, Mr. Dostoyevsky.

    • Like 1
  9. Why hasn't a bunch of expats set a few of these blokes up? Send in a dummy....let him hire a jet ski etc.....then lay in wait for the trouble to start and kick some butt?

    Right and then they start pulling firearms
    Watch big trouble in Thailand....a group of Royal Marines had a rifle pulled on them and their military police shore patrol. Crazy! The Thai scammer still got his money.

    He brings a high-power sniper rifle to threaten people standing six feet away?

    Just another inbred island petty mobster.

  10. Wow. "new damage". "realistic costs". "no scam".

    Who could have guessed these guys would turn out to be a 'genuine' case and not a scam. I'm so glad the bib didn't allow these thieving foreigners to take advantage of an honest jetski operator.

    It's heartwarming isn't it? That's the great thing about Thailand: it's the land of smiles where all of the people are poor but honest and generous.

    • Like 1
  11. So I should buy Bitcoin so that I can then trade it back into another currency (for a fee) at some point? And why should I do that? Why would I need to or want to trade real money for bitcoin?

    Look at it this way, people are buying the Bitcoin because ______________ .

    A. they can use Bitcoin to conduct transactions that would otherwise be impossible or much harder without Bitcoin. Bitcoin is serving an important function.

    B. they think Bitcoin is going to go up in value and plan to sell it when it does (speculating)

    I mean, I understand why child pornographers and drug dealers would be interested in Bitcoin but what about normal people? You are advising me to buy bitcoin (for an exchange fee) then I sell it later (for another exchange fee) so that I can buy stuff priced in THB or USD. What is the point?

    Are pornographers and drug dealers the only people interested in privacy then?

    I guess there are also terrorists, arms dealers, hit men, hackers selling private information, and various other fraudsters.

    I am not understanding the whole, "I can finally buy a pizza without giving my name" gimmick.

    No, you aren't, are you?

    Do you think you should try or shall we just give up?

  12. So I should buy Bitcoin so that I can then trade it back into another currency (for a fee) at some point? And why should I do that? Why would I need to or want to trade real money for bitcoin?

    Look at it this way, people are buying the Bitcoin because ______________ .

    A. they can use Bitcoin to conduct transactions that would otherwise be impossible or much harder without Bitcoin. Bitcoin is serving an important function.

    B. they think Bitcoin is going to go up in value and plan to sell it when it does (speculating)

    I mean, I understand why child pornographers and drug dealers would be interested in Bitcoin but what about normal people? You are advising me to buy bitcoin (for an exchange fee) then I sell it later (for another exchange fee) so that I can buy stuff priced in THB or USD. What is the point?

    Are pornographers and drug dealers the only people interested in privacy then?

  13. here is a simple question: Why should I buy bit coin?

    I can't use bit coin to buy anything.

    I don't need to launder money.

    It is less safe than real money.

    the only reason to buy bit coin is if someone else will buy it from me at a higher price. a straight up ponzi scheme.

    -- Again, stated for the 10,000,000th time... the global stock market outpaces the depreciation of fiat money, so for non-morons, monetary inflation/currency devaluation/artificially created money is not a problem, it is only a problem for the Ron Paul fan club.

    You can't use bitcoins to buy anything? I can. Why are you having problems?

  14. How about if the thai govt. starts enforcing the no smoking laws on Koh Samui, where anyone can smoke freely? Any restaurant or bar. Zero protection to guests and non smoking patrons. Lets get real, and focus on stuff that matters, rather than engaging in constant hyperbole.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That's some deep and subtle irony there.

  15. Bit Coins is a greater fool mechanism. People are interested in it because they think it will appreciate it. Everyone is buying now to sell later.

    The gov can't stop drugs because demand never decreases.

    Bit Coin must be traded into real world fiat money before it can be used for anything besides a tiny handful of e-commerce businesses.

    There are already a bunch of Bit Coin copycats. So you are right that the gov can't stop people from endlessly creating a new Bit Coin, it is just that there will be no real demand for the virtual currency - only people who wish to participate in a ponzi scheme.

    You're wrong on each count. Sorry.

  16. The world’s biggest Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox will no longer accept anonymous accounts – the company is determined not to end up the next target of US secret service action.

    The Japanese exchange, which claims 80 per cent of all Bitcoin trades, said it would continue to allow Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals but any currency transaction will need ID checks.

    The decision will send shockwaves through the bitcoin community which has so far prided itself on protecting anonymity and not co-operating with any government agencies.


    step 1!

    to be continued...

    You don't need an Mt.Gox account to trade BC.

  17. The cigarette companies shouldn't be allowed to hide behind SCR activities.

    Smoke 'em out I say.

    Yeah. Well, I'm extremely heartened to see since my last visit that all the more important problems in Thailand - poverty, flooding, corruption, people-trafficking, hypocrisy, crime, methamphetamine, opium etc have been solved so there's time to pay attention to stuff like this.

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