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Posts posted by duchovny

  1. I didn't trash anyone. I don't know the woman. She is probably a wonderful person, as most Thai girls are.

    I merely found it intriguing how she beat hundreds, or even thousands of other applicants who apply for any job in a hospital or bank etc.

    Maybe she got lucky.

  2. Oil prices are absolutely arbitrary, while production is increasing at amazing levels

    i refrain to comment on nonsensical and completely unfounded claims like these :o


    "I am unable to muster up enough wit and intelligence to offer a decent argument, so I'll just deride your opinion in the hope that others might find me charming and witty, because doing this on the internet is my only hope as it sure doesn't work in the real world".

  3. In the old days, when a terrorist or rebel organization wanted to hurt their enemies it was a case of raising a few $billion from sympathisors or likeminded govts, buying weapons and starting a private army and blowing things up etc.

    Could it be that now they have a more sophisticated weapon?

    A high oil price will have a devastating affect on the US and other western economies. At the same time it will help most of their adversaries, such as a lot of muslim states , Venezuela etc.

    So what if they took a few $billion and started to drive up the price of oil, knowing too well that hedge funds and other punters will jump on board and keep the price moving up. Then, with the profits they make, fuel it some more.

    At the moment we see the oil price at $109.50 a barrel, a rise of $5 in the last 24 hours for no real fundamental reason.

    Could we be witnessing the first in a set of financial terror attacks designed to derail the western economies?

    Just a thought.

  4. <br />
    These violent Thai girls are certainly not representative of most Thai girls.<br />It is classical behavior of a small percentage of the Thai population with various personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder that is mainly bought about from being abused (usually sexually) as children.<br />These girls usually end up working in the "entertainment industry" and since a large % of Farang get their wives/gf's from such places they will experience this type of Thai girl more often than is usual. It is difficult to detect at first, it's only after you've been with them for a while that their true personality comes to the fore.<br />My Thai gf is not from the "industry" and is a normal, well balanced, wonderful person. As are her friends.<br />Just another thing to consider if you are contemplating taking a companion from the "industry".
    <br /><br /><br />I agree with the first part of your 2nd sentence, except so called "BPD" seems to be far more common in Asia than on the Occidental reality.<br />Otherwise your post is full of crap.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Please, tell us more O' wise one.

  5. It amuses me to all the fuss about western pedophiles. Westerners account for a tiny fraction of the pedophiles in Asia yet for some reason the media and the usual PC morons want to beat their drums about it.

    Why don't we hear anything about the thousands of kiddy fiddling Thai men that are caught every year?

    Why do you think the pedo market is here? It was here a long time before the white man arrived and it will still be here going strong a long time after he has left.

    So why the racism? Why only report and discuss western pedophiles whilst being silent about the locals?

  6. These violent Thai girls are certainly not representative of most Thai girls.

    It is classical behavior of a small percentage of the Thai population with various personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder that is mainly bought about from being abused (usually sexually) as children.

    These girls usually end up working in the "entertainment industry" and since a large % of Farang get their wives/gf's from such places they will experience this type of Thai girl more often than is usual. It is difficult to detect at first, it's only after you've been with them for a while that their true personality comes to the fore.

    My Thai gf is not from the "industry" and is a normal, well balanced, wonderful person. As are her friends.

    Just another thing to consider if you are contemplating taking a companion from the "industry".

  7. Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

    What you are doing is "normal" for a male homo sapien according to the laws of evolutionary biology. What you think is normal is just a social construct...a framework put in place by elites to control the breeding behavior of the poor males and female masses.

    so don't sweat it and enjoy your evolutionary freedom :o

    Finally, a sensible answer.

  8. After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

    I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

    Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

    I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

  9. I've absolutely no desire to see our child go through the education system here when we can offer him a better future and quality of life in my home country. My Thai wife, a university graduate, feels the same about the education system here and the ever present incompetence tolerated in workplaces.

    Road safety. Non-existent. Sending a child to school in that traffic 10 times a week? No way, even if I was to drive him there myself. I used to enjoy driving all over Canada, the U.S., now I find myself staying at home because driving here wears me out, I get very frustrated and it messes me up for days.

    Some may me able to live with all the window dressing, the superficiality, ridiculous immigration rules that differ from officer to officer/ office to office, work restrictions, ownership rules, crooked police force, cardboard box and shopping cart blocked alleys at Tesco's, smelly sewer systems that invade your house, bad customer service, the nose picking, crazy truck/bus/car/motorcycle drivers making their own laws, corruption, hearing "farang" many times every day, a plague of soi dogs , bad internet service, phone line out of service because of constant billing errors with surcharges for reconnection, service centers that hand you back a car with "no charge" :o and then catches on fire and an empty gas tank that was 3/4 full when brought in, people jumping queue like cavemen, political instability, bomb threats, guns everywhere (you just don't see them), people in high positions for who they know not what they know, picking up garbage and plastic bags blown in my yard by the wind, water shortage, power outages, electrical death traps waiting for you everywhere, double pricing, an outdated ambulance/rescue service, non-existent or bribed city planners allowing stinky and noisy manufactures to build AFTER a residential area was set up, beaches littered with garbage, pollution. I can't, had more than enough and, yes, my Thai wife feels the same.

    Now I don't mind going back to paying taxes and cold winters.

    Great post.

    Quite possibly the most accurate description of living in Thailand I've seen.

  10. Hard to believe some of the naive people on here think this is actually legit.

    This is a pure scam to extort internet shops and bars out of huge money. Add up all the internets and bars in Thailand that have forked out 30,000 baht. This is a major earner for the police and whoever else they are pretending to be.

    I left Thailand and detracted my investments from there a year ago. It feels great to be out of there.

    I originally moved to Thailand for a less stressful life but as you can see by reading this forum, that's hardly the case now.

    Thailand is shooting itself in the foot to the advantage of its neighbours, especially Cambodia.

    Okun Tran.

  11. its wierd here cos they are building new hotels, condos and shopping malls like crazy, and they had the worst tourist number for august since records began, go figure?

    Because once you've maid a commitment and bought land, had the plans drawn and sold your idea to a heap of investors you're at the point of no return. You have to keep building and hope for the best.

    Most of these condo and mall projects would have been put together a year or two ago before Thailand shot itself in the foot.

    I'm certainly glad not to be investing in Thailand at the moment. However, I might swoop in for some bargains in a couple of years time when the fire sales begin.

  12. there are more pedophiles around than most people think so i personally believe it is better to be safe than sorry.

    This is why the west is in the affection-less position it is in today. I used to love cuddling my Aunties, Uncles etc when i was a kid but that just cannot happen today because of the likes of girlx and co who have the opinion that every man is a pedophile.

    The fact is there is more pedophilia amongst Asians than anywhere else,that's why there is a market for it over here. I'd be quite happy for a western man to muck around with my kid.

  13. Why is it that posters on this forum insist that Thais do no wrong and farangs do no good?

    Because it's in their interest to do so.

    Most of the posters here have ever-imploding businesses in Thailand and they'll use this forum or any other means to try and prop up the image of Thailand, thinking it may benefit them.

    I also lived in Thailand for a few years and you'd have to be blind or very stupid not to notice the embedded corruption and the xenophobia.

    You're right mate, have a look back at their other posts. It will tell you a lot about the people on here. This forum is definitely not a mode of free speach, much like Thailand itself.

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