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Posts posted by keepsamuiclean

  1. Without strict civilian controls keeping the military OUT of politics, Thailand will have a Roman republic. Then there will be a Caesar installed with a paid army. Democracy is messy but ya can't cave in to authoritarians or it's lost.

    Some reds honestly feel Mr T is really a benevolent man who i good with Baht. For Thailand's sake -if he buys his way back to power- let's hope so.

    My .02

    Wow! I do not hope that Mr. T. can buy his way back to power! He certainly is good with Baht - even that he just lost a few of them....he still has enough.

    Regarding the Romans I am not too sure whether this comparison fits nowadays - anyhow Brutus ended this game.

  2. I am Human and have Rights in this World and the most Democratic Right I have along with every person on thiis planet is "The freedom of Speech" in whatever country I am in.

    Just for your Information:

    Article 19.

    • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

    Good example for a Charter amendment...

    For your information: When I write a comment to an article in the German Focus Magazine without diffamation of anyone and they do not like it I am getting an e-mail with "noreply" that the comment was refused. When I write a comment to the German Stern Magazine it gets published immediately - if somebody has objections it gets deleted later. Freedom of speech has some limits all over the world. Remembering Mr. Thaksin showing a red sign to reporters during a press conference that he found the question unapproppriate....

  3. Sorry for your troubles. But admitting that after all bad news of the last days I could laugh again.

    One of my dogs hates cats. Except of one I could safe being there and telling the cats that I keep the dog and they should vanish. They understood. Do not know whether this is working with chickens.

  4. Trapper, kudos to your optimistic views. Was the same with me when I came 9 years ago for a similar business you seem to run. Some actions for illustration: Approx. 2002: Wild sign boards - TAT asked for this in writing which was delivered immediately. In 2010 the new mayor promises to take action because he too does not like all the signs. What happened? Nothing.

    Between 2006 and 2008 I got to know two District Chiefs when officially complaining about a neighboring construction site as the people behind the construction did not react to visits and mails.

    Each District Chief was aware that also the building laws were not met. One of them wanted me to go to court - what I was going to do after some time. Unfortunately the lawyer got the compensation for my ruined business before the papers went to court....

    Above I was wrong - two years ago (not three) there was this meeting with Tourist Police, Immigration, TP voluteers and Farangs at Bangkok Hospital. As I wrote - still waiting for answers to my questions. But I got a business card of one officer for his transport company!

    Now I am trying to keep my place as best as it can be and wait for somebody who likes it so much that he is buying my contract. Will not be too easy as the contract of 2001 is a rip-off - knowingly or unknowingly - I don't know and I am just trying to find out.

  5. About three years ago there was a similar meeting in Bangkok Hospital. Reg. both questions I had also in writing the promise was given to check but I never heard anything. The good thing I took back that the TP should be addressed in all cases where foreigners are involved. This was usefull when two ladies came with all family members to get money out of foreigners who had rented a car. These ladies overtook the car by motor bike at the right side when the car just turned to the right. Nothing happened - but... And really my call to the TP made them vanish.

  6. "The OP says 'Hindu priests'. In fact this is a black magic ceremony presided over by Brahmin magic men known as phrams to Thais. It's typical Thaksin. The blood will force Abhisit and his government from office apparently. His brother lead a black magic ceremony in Chiang Mai a few years ago. Thaksin regularly consulted his astrologer and various phrams while in office. "

    Yes, Loaded - but did it help?? Is there any fortune teller who told him that he would spend years like the "flying dutchman" - would get kicked out of UK, Germany and perhaps now UAE? He should be the last person believing in black magic. He said just that Suteph is 60 and should act like an adult. Mr. Thaksin, you are 60 too!

  7. Guess now I know every advantage these machines offer for residents.... But when you are on holidays, having paid the flight tickets and some more keeping the relatively low cost for F & B in mind (if you don't stay at certain places) is it necessary to spend some time on the pavement of Lamai beach road to wash your things saving some Baht?

  8. Was extremely surprised viewing several farangs doing their laundry themselves in the evening on the beachroad of Lamai. Are the usual 30 to 50 Baht per kg what has only to be brought and picked up really too much for people??

    Is there any camping ground on Samui? If not I am sitting on 2 Rai - investors welcome.....

  9. P.S.: At least we have government water in north of Lamai - do not know how it is in the centre which you are rightly or wrongly comparing with Pattaya what I do not know.

    You are cordially invited to have a shower here with government water if the water supply in south Chaweng does not come back....

  10. Long thread..., going to the first page "Villa Samui" is stating in his (I guess not her) post on 2.2.2009:

    "Why don't you all go up there and have a drink... Nobody's stupid enough to make a nightclub there!

    (though if you keep promoting it like one on here you may actually be attracting the wrong crowd!)

    This is one of the most beautiful bar/restaurants on the island and will be surrounded by million dollar + villas (already sold)

    Who would build a villa next to a nightclub..?????.

    And this is to the poster that's got nothing better to do with his life than bore the pants off people with

    this complete cock and bull story..

    "Why don't you chill out dude.. because nobody has had or will have sleepless nights!!!" "

    Where is Samui Villa NOW ??

  11. Another article brought the news that Phue Thai complained to the NACC (National Anti Corruption Committee or a little bit different) about the value of this ring (which might have been decades ago 300 Baht) exceeding now 3000 Baht which is supposed to be the limit for gifts politicians can accept. A little bit higher and it's called CORRUPTION... A curious understanding of corruption regarding a ring which might have been given from the heart according to Thai culture.

  12. Since 2006 I do not have any "securitiy company" in my resort. The outcome was nil for a monthly pay of 8000 Baht. The first guy made his bed in the beach bar.

    The next guy I had to wake up at 9.30 pm - on a balcony, shoes off - head on a cushion. Shouts did not work - had to shake him. The best was a new guy supposed to speak English as well as Thai (for sure). We told him on his first evening in Englisch and in Thai that a car would come at 4.30 am to pick up guests for the airport. What was he doing? Knocking at my bungalow at 4.30 in the morning. I called his boss at 5 in the morning and told him that I am doing the same with him what his guy did to me waking me up at this time of the night and he could pick up the money in the afternoon I would quit his "services". That this guy told his boss he did not know whether the guests had paid was somehow funny. Since then we are living without "security" - but with dogs. Reading now about the increased burglaries I am a little bit doubtfull about my decision . Should I try another company which has good records? Which one can be recommended?

  13. Fugitive former Thai PM Thaksin Shinawatra's secret Fiji talks

    Rowan Callick, Asia-Pacific editor | July 09, 2009

    Article from: The Australian

    FUGITIVE billionaire former Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra flew in his Learjet to Fiji for a secret meeting with the controversial prime minister and military commander Frank Bainimarama.

    The subject of their discussions, held in Mr Bainimarama's office in Suva on Monday, is unknown, but informed sources in Fiji say Mr Thaksin is considering investing $300million in the country.

    In return, he would probably be assured safety there from extradition, if he should choose to use Fiji as one of his bases in exile. Thailand is seeking to return him to Bangkok, where he faces two years in jail for abuse of power.

    Mr Thaksin used an assumed name to enter Fiji, although his true identity was known to the authorities, who approved his visit in advance. The Thai government has cancelled Mr Thaksin's Thai passport, and says he is currently using a passport issued by Montenegro.

    Thailand's deputy prime minister, Thaworn Sennian, said Mr Thaksin had earlier flown to the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, where he stayed en route to Fiji. Thai embassy officials immediately sought Mr Thaksin's arrest and extradition.

    "Somehow, Thaksin managed to get wind of the impending arrest and escaped," Mr Thaworn said.

    Mr Thaksin was believed to be heading next for Tonga and then to Port Vila in Vanuatu, which is tomorrow hosting the annual meeting of the heads of the Melanesian Spearhead Group of countries -- Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji.

    The MSG meeting is important for Mr Bainimarama because he will not be able to attend this year's Pacific Islands Forum summit in Cairns in August, as Fiji has been suspended from the Pacific body.

    The Fiji economy is in considerable trouble, with tourism in a downward spiral globally as a result of the economic downturn, and with the other major industry, sugar, suffering from the withdrawal of subsidies from the European Union following the failure of the Fiji government to announce elections.

    The major investor there this year has been Fiji's own national provident fund, with some financially stretched smaller tourism operators seeking to exit but finding no buyers at present -- thus reinforcing the attraction of Mr Thaksin's business empire.

    Mr Bainimarama's military-installed government has said it will not hold an election until September 2014, providing Mr Thaksin with five years' security if necessary, reinforced by the Fiji government's control of the courts.

    Mr Thaksin's legal adviser, Noppadon Patama, said the stopover in Kuala Lumpur was merely in order to refuel the jet.

    He said there was no attempt to arrest him in Malaysia. He said foreign leaders were willing to welcome Mr Thaksin because they understood the charges against him were politically motivated.

    Thailand's deputy foreign minister, Panich Vikitsreth, said extradition requests had been filed to Malaysia and to Australia, apparently in the hope Canberra could use its influence in Fiji.

    But relations between Australia and Fiji have become increasingly strained, especially since Mr Bainimarama's government in April abrogated the constitution, dismissed the judiciary, and ruled out elections for five years.

    Mr Thaksin was a senior police officer who built a telecommunications empire worth billions of dollars.

    He became Thailand's prime minister from 2001 before being ousted in a military coup in September 2006, while he was attending the UN general assembly.

    This fits!! Mr. Baini... govt. abrogated the constitution, dismissed the judicary and ruled out election for 5 years....Seems to be Thaksins brother in disguise.

    Thaksins red shirts are "fighting for democracy" in Thailand for such a guy who wants to become big again in Fiji where no democracy is. Hopefully there are some red shirts with a kind of brain who might finally stop supporting this former police man.

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