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Posts posted by keepsamuiclean

  1. Want to share one event of this evening with you.

    Around 8 pm my staff comes into my office and says "There is a cow". Thinking of having misunderstood him I go out - and really there is a cow in our garden close to the beach eating some greeneries. Poor thing, what to do? We call the police and in the meantime my staff manages to tie her up on one of the balconies. My one dog gets crazy - has never been introduced to a cow. The police comes, tries to find the owner of the cow - a failure - the cow starts to demolish one flower bed - no problem - but she falls down and I think a leg might be broken. No vet reachable on the phone. Fortunately she could walk again and our 3 cowboys tied her up tightly on a tree outside.

    Hope that she gets back to her owner tomorrow - anybody missing a cow?

  2. From BKK to Phuket One-Two-Go Airlines is offering till end of September 07 an all inclusive fare for all seats on all flights Monday - Thursday of 899 Baht one way.

    During this period the cheapest flight from BKK to Samui on Bangkok Airways is 2610 Baht, the next class 3900 Baht and the highest possibile 4095.

    Seems that on the route BKK - Phuket is some competition.

  3. Mark Wolfe - this thread started with "this list" - but no indications what other islands DID to improve. It is a customers voting as said in a "luxury travel bible". Samui has to find the way - for some years the luxury travel against backpackers got promoted. It failed; who likes to pay 650 US$ per night incl. breakfast and get bothered with a bill for each egg they had for breakfast? Samui should be promoted to normal people with some money in their pockets and some brain as well as love for nature. And nature we still have; going into the jungle is a relief - there is still nature.

    The ongoing constructions should be monitored closely and if necessary stopped, new constructions should be not permitted when they are against building laws - what we seem to have.

  4. Took some recent quotes out of tripadvisor Koh Samui hotel reviews. Guessing we can take these few as indicators WHY Samui dropped:

    I am not sure if I would stay at this hotel again. Perhaps if the prices were reduced by half and if I decided I needed to come to Koh Samui again (which is doubtful, probably my least favorite place of the entire vacation). 11.9.07

    Obviously with the restaurant being predominantly open air the risk of rain is ever present. When this risk did present its self we were rushed inside so as not to disturb the delicate flavours of our illustrations of God knows what we were eating. Fine my girlfriend and I thought. Only for it not to rain at all and instead of our table being offered back to us the useless maîtred’ offered the table to another couple and left us inside. This is just dreadful service and quite insulting.


    By the way... there appears to be a few resorts under construction along this beach so it's hard to say how much longer this area will be "quiet" 5.9.07

    Beautiful, quiet, clean beach (hard to find in Koh Samui these days). 1.9.07

    Unfortunately, I haven't anything too nice to say about Chaweng itself. 31.8.07

    the location of this resort is great, because it is away from the busiest part of town, therefore it is not too noisy at night.


    Too bad they don't clean the beach once in a while for broken glass. 31.8.07

  5. "I personaly think there is many among the 2000 people that read this thread that have been steped on one tim to many by Herbert and i realy think if this gets him out of buisness we achived someting good on this forum."

    Sorry but I really think THIS sentence is absolutely disgusting!

    This week I am going again with Herbert on a short visa trip and when this will be o.k. as all others I will not report about it here as it could be taken as advertisement.... but your trying to destroy his business - I can only feel sorry for you. You like a restaurant - you go there often; you dislike a restaurant because you got food poisoning you simply do not go there anylonger!

    Anyhow seems that here are lots of people without sense of humour and take Herberts sometimes very casual remarks even personally.

  6. Thinking that it is already too late to become "top of the pop". Even if NOW the construction rules were kept we have too many big buildings on Samui which often are also too close to the next plot. In lots of hotel/island reviews the ongoing constructions are a big minus; sitting in a nice 4 star resort and on both sides of it is construction work is not too pleasant. Access to the beaches is difficult if not passing through resorts. There should be more public paths between resorts. We have too many cars etc. on the road as the development of a public transportation system has been neglected.

    I decided not to put high season rates for July/August 2008 and offer now low season rates from mid of April till mid of December. Phuket had a very good low season, Samui a quite bad high season so that this might be an idea to compete better with Phuket.

  7. "lets see ... since BKA opened shop tourist on the island has reached over 1 million per year. hotels and other jbs have opened up .. the avreage salary in samui is higer and there is a general feeling of ongoing devopment.

    mmmmm..... yes.. every one benefited."

    Where did you get your figure of over 1 milion per year from??? It is still 640 Tsd something.

    And the ongoing development is destroying the island. This is ONE reason why Samui dropped from 6 to 14 -only reminding of the topic.

  8. "when youy fly to phuket or Sinagpore you are using a public airport. but Samui does not have one...

    As such bangkok airways airport in Samui is available to those who are willing to pay the rate bangkok airways charges."

    Seems that you finally agree that's a monopoly!!

    "how was the compensation for the original Thai's who live on the island , with regard to diminished quality of life , disbursed ?"

    Perhaps they got also sleeping pills for free.

  9. Herbert, IF you read this: Please NO nappy for me on my 10th or so visa run next week. Hope that I'll get the seat as usual and that I can sleep again during the bus ride.

    For the others: I do not walk anylonger on the ringroad of Samui as I find this dangerous with lots of construction trucks and concrete mixers on the road. But I do not remember one single moment on Herberts bus where I felt insecure.

  10. Highdiver, could you please get me on the list for sponsorship by BKA as the neighboring construction of 2 years is ruining my business with permanent noise. Nevertheless I have to pay income tax and other taxes and I take care for the environment and do not plaster nature with concrete.

    What you did not get is that nobody should increase fares or rates to finance curious sponsorships like flying kids for free when they can use the ferry for a meager amount or furniture for police stations.

    And did you know that you even do not get a breakfast on BKA when you change your full fare flight to an earlier one or when you book directly at the BKK airport for the next flight? Might be that BKA is more committed to Samui than to their customers....

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