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Posts posted by KevinN

  1. True enough Ajarn, But you were dealing with kids with a few years behind them,

    It is a lot harder to reason and talk sense to a child of 2 or 3,,After a kid is old enough to talk to and have them understand what you are talking about.

    But a small child is only going to understand very little of your grownup explinations. That is when a swat on the but gets thru to them,first they have to understand NO and what happens if they don't stop,Pretty hard to ground or take away TV privelages from a 2 year old.

    Before your theory will work,a kid has to be old enough to understand and to do some reasoning on his own.

    Just like your dog,generally your dog will respect you enough to do what is wanted of him,but if he don't then him not getting to come in and watch TV ain't gonna get it. But first he has to understand what you want and how to do it.

  2. Well, listen to this guys. Look at this thread coming from all of you. Many of you do drink. Secondly, yes indeed Thailand really has a problem on the alcoholic drinking. Think about it for a moment. You are driving your car stone sober, and how many of the other drivers out there way over the tipsy stage, and could kill you with one mistake.

    Also motorbikes. I do see many of them having their special treat right under the seat or on the side. Thai people really do drink the hard stuff since they socialize a lot with others daily.

    Fellas, drinking just to be sociable is fine, but remember that doing it practically every day one tends to become addicted to alcohol over the course of time just like drugs.

    If one drinks on occasion which is far and few in between, then that is fine. For me I take Vodka and 7up just once a year, and I don't even finish my glass even two hours later. I have also recently seen many individuals drink a whole bottle before the night is over. Yes they might act and look sober to you (being an alcoholic) but technically they are drunk, cause you can tell as they speak and their memory is so bad they cannot remember what they did one minute later.

    Alcohol is also a silent killer. Eventually your liver goes first. As for women it is two times more dangerous than it is for men. Why, because of the body to fat ratio's are much different.


    Sorry Daveyo;;But Liver function is down about 7th on the list of things that will kill from booze injestion.

    The very first thing that kills you is suicide,of which there seems to be a rash of in Pattaya.

    Even ahead of liver is pancreatic cancer. And that ain't even taking into account the accidental deaths.

  3. Noting security concerns, the U.S. government urges computer users to avoid the popular Internet browser.


    July 8, 2004

    NEW YORK - The federal government's cyberdefense experts, along with other computer gurus, are urging users to consider a switch away from Microsoft's widely used Internet Explorer because of new security problems.

    The unusual, and for Microsoft, highly embarrassing, warning follows an exploit that has enabled hackers to surreptitiously install software on hundreds of Web sites that use Microsoft's Web server programs. That, in turn, downloads a spyware program to personal computers, including one that steals credit-card numbers and other forms of financial information.

    "This is a wake-up call for us to advise users to switch to an alternative browser," said Johannes Ulrich of the SANS Internet Storm Center based in Bethesda, Md., which tracks immediate threats on the Internet. "With Internet Explorer, you're playing Russian roulette and hoping the sites you visit aren't compromised."

    Most anti-virus software has been updated to block the specific program, the JS.Scob trojan, but Microsoft has not been able to inoculate Internet Explorer against the broad technique.

    A spokesman for Microsoft would not comment further but directed reporters to a Microsoft statement that said, "Customers using Internet Explorer should be sure that they have installed the latest security updates by visiting Windows Update at http://windowsupdate. microsoft.com."

    Last month, in a related security breach, an adware toolbar was surreptitiously installed into Explorer on thousands of computers worldwide. The technique is expected to quickly become widespread.

    "There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies" relating to the Internet Explorer, according to US-CERT (U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team), based in Pittsburgh. "It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different Web browser, especially when browsing untrusted sites."

    Switching browsers is one of the options, CERT said. Other alternatives include disabling some special scripting capabilities of the browser or setting Internet Explorer's security settings to much higher levels.

    None of the most prominent alternative browsers, Opera (www.opera.com), Mozilla.org or Netscape (www.netscape.com), are vulnerable to the flaw. Nor are computers running Linux or the Macintosh operating system. Linux has become increasingly popular for its relative freedom from security problems.

    Ulrich and other experts say the new round of malware, or malicious software, deliberately assumes a less aggressive profile. It doesn't spread as quickly as traditional computer viruses and is more focused on stealing or making money for its authors. That creates a whole new round of problems for PC security firms, who spot new forms of malware by surveying hundreds of thousands of PCs. "If you steal a thousand bucks from a thousand people," he said, "you'll probably stay beneath the radar."

  4. I have never had any desire to have any removed,most were put on when I was drunk as a skunk,but they are not offencive and all where they can be covered by a long sleeve shirt.

    But I did see a thing last night on TV about gang and prison tattos being removed with laser and they had very good results,I didn't really understand what they were doing but it looked simple enough, My wife saw it all but I just got in on the last of it,,but if I had some I wanted removed,I sure would go for it,,better than what they used to do with sand paper. I do got one on my root that should have never got put on ,but what ever,I ain't gonna let em fool with it,,when flacid it says tiny,,but when erect it says TICONDEROGA NEW YORK....555

  5. Hi All

    I am a qualified teacher and intend to seek employment in September for next year.

    should I say purchased from by way of dowry! On which we are going to build a house on.

    Many thanks in anticipation


    Before you start to teach here in Thailand,you should spruce up on your english usage a tad,,they already know how to talk like that.

  6. I would never think of living in Las Vegas, I worked at Nevada Test Sight and went to Vegas weekly shopping as we had 3 kids at home then and lived at Beatty, I have a friend now that lives at Amagosa,Lathrop Wells area,has a new home and land, he says that with the over inflation of property there now that he is going to sell and move away when he retires,Maybe to here.

    If I was going to move from San Diego,which I would,and wasn't sure about coming to Thailand,which you ain't, I might consider going down south somewhere,maybe Manzinillo,Colima,about the same climate but a lot better food.and an easier language to learn.fine fishing too,And easier,shorter access to USA, better than here.Easier visa's and with an FM3 immigration is easy. with the on again,off again mind set here,when my wife retires,we might make the move ourselves as the immigration policies of Mex.are a lot more stable than Thailands.

    Plus more personal freedoms in Mexico than here and about the same cost of living.And if you are into prospecting,there is a lot of gold to be found between Colima and Vila Victoria. I have lived there.

    But there is a lot of world out there to think about. I have lived so many places that I would be hard put to think of just one place.

  7. I forgot, Here is that link to a pic of the tank farm i have,all jars have tight fitting ferro cement lids so no mossies live in the jars,But I would have prefered to have the 11000 liter ferro cement tanks if I could have had them built.


    and an E mail addy to contact about ferro tanks is,,,[email protected],,that is PDA over at Ban Phai.

    All you need to do is figure your daily water useage and make storage for 6 months water,then harvest rain from your roof into the tanks,a lot better water than you will ever get from the ground and you can even use for drinking,we don't but the Thai drink it,just be sure that you make sufficent first flush set ups for your system.

  8. Martin said;;;;To start with, he went to the trouble of having the ground level raised, so he is above any possible flood level. And he had the house walls built up so that he has a crawl space below so that all his utilities are accessible. If ever we build from scratch, that is an idea that I will copy."""

    Most do have the level raised if they are going to build,especially a farang house,,But the flood level changes as the Thai move the whole ###### country around in dump trucks.When our house was first started by my wife,she had the ground raised over 1 meter,altho her fathers house had never had water inside,then the next year she had over 1 meter inside,and when we get to flood stage now her father already has over a meter inside.

    And Thai do not understand Soil Compaction,just dump it and build on top of it,If you gonna do that,bring in a pile driver and drive piles and then put your house foundation on top of the piles.

    They even neglect to compact the new road grades,so they have bad spots in the pavements as soon as they are finished with the road,then the repair work starts. Never do a good job of anything,half assed is good enough.

    As to Martins idea,I don't think you would ever get me into a crawl space under any house in Thailand,,Just think what would be under there,and sending a Thai under to do anything would be a laugh.

  9. Maejo, after being here and seeing the educational standards and the quality of education in Thailand I know why there are not more foreign students,and it has nothing to do with buying their own housing.In fact I can't understand why anyone is going here.

    I might have mis read or failed to understand where you were going, but it looked to me that you were useing the fact of housing as why people didnt come here for an edu. but if you thought the standards were up to snuff,then you wouldn't be paying 20K for your daughter to go to school in Arizona huh.

    That is one reason that my daughter is with her mother in the states instead of going to school here.

    I know this is off topic,but it wasnt to hot anyway.

  10. Then that is about the same as a secured credit card and a debit card is close enough for me then,altho my wife does have a Visa credit card from Krung Bank and I have told her to forget it and not to use it for anything or any reason.

  11. I was told by a dentist in the states that I should steer clear of implants, I had the insurance and he could do the work,but he said that they were very high maint.and didnt like to reccomend them as they were not worth the trouble that they gave,like full deep cleaning quarterly,risk of developing Gingavitus in the implants and losing them after the expense, pain and trouble, So I just stuck with china clippers.have been happy with em for ever. :o

  12. Jack Daniels, being a patriotic USA company, has decided that it will not export to countries that do not support our efforts to bring peace and democracy to the people of Iraq. 

    Due to the recent announcement, and celebrated in another thread by the originator of this thread, that Thailand will be withdrawing their troops from Iraq, earlier then committed, Jack Daniels has removed Thailand from the list countries which can receive the world’s finest whiskey.

    You are s**t out of luck, bud.


    That and the fact that all the Harleys are underway this time of year in the USA,and hog riders will not drink much else at rallys and runs except BUD and J Daniels.so there pobly a shortage now til after labor day.

    You know a run with 5000 to 20000 hogs is a lot of folks drinkin a lot of booze.

  13. If you are a private citizen farang like on retirement and not a company owner,you can not own a house, but that is all I can say as you didn't give much personal info,last time someone asked about ownership and some folks told him,then he came wise ass back that he knew all about it and the house was for his Thai wife.

  14. They are getting bad in the states too,getting so you can not do anything to your kids or they got your ass up on abuse charges,and then everyone wonders where the ###### all the bad kids come from.

    I do not like to see a kid getting his ass whipped,or for that matter even scolded,I just look the other way unless it would be out of reason abuse.

    But if my kid started to misbehave in a store or where ever,and she didn't pay attention to me,then I would give her a hand on the butt,and things got straight in a hurry.I never had to actually spank her.

    It was hard on my youngest as he mother is a Mexican and they are like Thai,they do not believe in discipline, Takes to much of their personal time to actually invest time in a kid.and her mother would just tell her about every 20 times she did something to not do that,,but no consistency.so it was hard on the kid cause she didn't know if you was serious or not.

    But how does the powers that be expect a civilized generation to follow us if they have no learning in discipline,,how will they ever hold a job and take orders from someone when they have never taken orders from anyone? I have already seen that here with Thais working on my new house,if you insist that it be done to a certain standard,they will go home and never come back.

    Does that have anything to do with the quality of stuff that we buy? I never thought about it before,now I will.

  15. I can't say as to sharing personal experiences,but I do know that most of my wifes acquaintances seem to have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle,and they sure do like to gossip. specially if it about me and the things I do when she is at work and not watching me. :D

    I didn't know that I knew so many women as to hear them tell it. :o

  16. Yes you can open an acct.[savings passbook acct] in your name and with that you will get an ATM?Debit card if you wish. But from what I have heard only business's get a checking acct. You can use your country of origin credit cards I know,at least I do. and also I use my US bank ATM/check card for money transfers from my US acct to my Thai acct. that shows immigration that I have money coming in to Thailand for my visa extensions.

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