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Posts posted by KevinN

  1. I have tried about all of the ISPs in thailand and have found none that have a steady internet connection without dropoffs, IP phone is useless sometimes and good others,no matter which IP you use ,they all seem to run the same net hookup and it is not a dependable connection.. It was better a few years ago than it is now,seems like Thaksin's rise to power has had something to do with it,but can't figure why.

    Altho I can't get a line for DSL and I have tried satellite but could see no advantage as far as the net connection dependability was concerned.

  2. RACIAL--PREJUDICE--What a bunch of shit.

    I can see where a hotel that considers it's self as a family oriented place would have some thought to restricting accomidations to married couples to protect their reputation.

    Some folks do not want to take rooms in sleezy [no matter what they look like] hot bed whorehouses that cater to hookers off the streets using a room for a dozen encounters a night.

    I have stayed in motel/hotels in the states and around the world where that happens,and ###### hard to get a good nites rest with the comings and goings all night,doors slamming and drunks making deals and price negotiations .

    It would not have made me mad or caused me to raise so much ###### unless after being told that we were actually married that they still refused on racial grounds. Which is actually there own business tho.

  3. quote"""Kevin, you never had a teacher that you can look back at and feel that that teacher had some impact on your life? How sad, if true. I've had several teachers who've helped me in many ways. Granted, they were not your average teachers, in my experience...

    You seem to have a very low opinion of teachers and their value to society. Maybe some teacher or teachers influenced you to feel negative about teachers in general.... Otherwise, your logic and various hypotheses just don't follow any sense of reality or common sense, in my opinion and experience as a student and teacher.

    BTW, this thread has been about discipline in our children, and the seeming lack of it in today's society. Teachers are well involved in this process, whether you choose to believe it or not. Choosing to not discuss (or listen?) further because you think it's off topic sounds like a copout to me.""

    Never, I had good assoc. with my teachers and I do fondly member most of them,but they have no bearing on what I have done in my life. cept my 9 grade english teach,Anabel from Penn. never forget that little yeller headed sweety. So I do not need the psycoanalized.

    I am not negative in any way about teachers,,I think they have a very hard job if they want to teach and the kids to learn anything, I myself teach conversational english 2 days a week and it seems like the kids just don't have the time to learn anything., 1 child,1 hr. and maybe,,But 20 to 40 for 55 minutes and they do not learn much, Nothing if they need personal instruction.

    That is all I am trying to say,You can not teach a child everything he needs to know about life,plus R.R.R. Geography,and Science, and do that to a whole class, They might remember you for a long time,but what bearing that you have on their personal lives is negligable. My oldest son was a whiz kid, IQ of something like 180, straight AA student,graduated high school at 14 with an educational scholar ship to univ of Ala. which he never used and died at 38 with a needle still in his arm. Now he never learned that shit from his teachers or never saw it at home. He never saw me drinking to much cause I was never working at home and he was dead for over a week before I was notified and then was to late to fly home. And you can not teach a kid what he needs to know by never being around them when they growing up either. Just like the few hours a year that you are around them.

  4. I never said that teachers were not an influence on kids or were not forced into some things

    No, you said I must have an ego problem if I believe so....

    Fact is, I've been there teaching in that classroom for more than 25 years. What is your experience as a classroom teacher?. You can spin your numbers and assumptions all you want. but it's still just pissing in the wind when it comes to the reality of real experience as a teacher.

    'nuff said.

    Experence as a teacher,OK no sweat,, But as a life long influence on most children ,I do not think so. even if you did cause one to actually become prez of the USA they would have first had to become a lawyer,so still no feather.

    Most people in this day and age have spent some years in schooll and all had teachers,Teachers have been saying for years that the classes are to large and they have no time to teach them,children getting out of school that can't even read a job app.so they wern't taught the 3 Rs,and everyone is bitching about the criminal element,so they must not have been taught the Golden Rule either,,so what do you pose they are teaching.

    and seeing as this was about parents makin their kids mind in the first place and not teaching exp. I am outta here.

  5. I never said that teachers were not an influence on kids or were not forced into some things,,

    What I said was that I didn't see where a teacher could make much difference in the lives of kids when you have about 1300 hours a year in the classroom with the kids and your time of the total hours is divided between 30 kids if you only have the one class a day, a lot less if you have a different bunch of kids every hour of the day, unless all of your efforts are spent on just one kid.

    And 1300 or even 1500 is not much time when there is over 8700 hrs in a year.

  6. Recently I got a great haircut on Samui. 50 Baht. Do you want the address?

    Only if we get a blow job with it for that price..


    Sounds like my friend KAT from PV forum in the states. :D

  7. the only question is will the US gov still have any money in 17 years. the way Bush is pissing it away, who knows!

    But ya gotta remember that it wasn't Bush that gave SS dollars and bennies to any foreigner that had ever been in the states and worked,whether he ever paid in or not and even if you were now in another country,like mexico they set up SS offices in the consulates so you can get it. so look to your Demo's for that.

  8. and playing with the hair is what they do while they wait for you having a shower.

    Mine don't, but then I go for the 'bald beaver' look :D

    You like bald women? Not a lot of people know that....

    Confuses me also.

    In quite a few languages, hairs on the head and hairs elsewhere have a different "name".

    Not so in english.

    So, for you, english speaking people:

    When you tell you girlfriend, can you cut you hairs?

    They are too long.

    What hairs does she cut? :o:D

    no telling what hair she might cut.

    But in any language "BEAVER" means just one kinda hair. But in Thailand there ain't to much beaver,,not to much grass on the playground..

  9. AJARN; granted but a school teacher has to many kids to have time to teach then everything,it is not your job to have to teach from the cradle to graduation everytrhing that a person will have to carry thru life, you must remember that you don't see a child before he is 6 years old,then see them for 8 hrs max. a day and that leaves another 8 hrs before allowing 8 for sleep.,if you only have one class a day with no room changes then you have to give all the information that a child needs to live a useful life from birth to death to 20 or 30 children and only have them til they are 16 or 18 years old,so that gives you 8 to 12 years max. at a max of 8 hrs a day.less most days as you will have to spread your time between all the children. and to think you can do this and do what is required is unreal unless you are smoking something better than I ever have.

    If you are able to just teach the basics with out the help of the parents and also for the child to be able to read upon completion of his school years,you have done good.

    And if you think that teachers are that important and can do such wonders for so many with so little time,then you must have an ego problem. Not saying that I never learned anything from teachers,I did learn a lot about sex from my 9th year english teach,but my dad is the one that gave me the tools that i needed to make it thru life with. that and some up side the head from my grandma.

  10. not sure about that as VIAGRA is posed to thin the blood and drop the pressure,better ask a doctor or ya might wake up dead and cold and not be able to open your eyes.

    but one thing for sure,like booze and antibiotics.

    Viagra and booze don't mix,By mixing the two,ya might just wake up with a ladyboy . :o

  11. The most important consideration is the damage done to the liver.  Do not combine antibiotics and alcohol.  If you can't go off the piss for a week or so you need professional counselling.  As for me, I'm off to the AAA now.  See ya...

    Seriously, not a good idea.  Most likely won't kill you but not a good idea.  I've drank and used them at the same time.  They killed the bugs and my liver doesn't seem to be totally rotted out yet but still not a good idea.

    Hey Kev ... you told me it was the AA

    some folks just need to visit the AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION of AMERICA once in awhile to get free road maps and such shit as that.

    But if ya need help with the juice, then ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is the one you want.

  12. A good vigorous sweaty shagging with the missus usually puts me right to sleep.

    If I can't sleep after that, which is rare, a few chapters in a book puts me out.

    You're all a bunch of junkies!

    But wouldn't it be quite crowded with the scamp over there shagging your missus and you trying to sleep? :o

  13. Ajarn is quite right that I am a lot happier in rural Thailand than I was in Singapore. But, for the period when economic necessity made me suffer Capital Punishment, I found Singapore to be preferable to Hong Kong or London. I can't comment on Bangkok. Could be a case of courses for horses.

    However, the topic is "Parental discipline of kids". A few comments on other postings:

    Up2U says he wouldn't want his kids to have "a British education, as offered by the state system".

    This seems to be an example of the prevalent asking of too much of the schools.

    Schools can't do much more than school, and being schooled is only a small part of getting educated.

    Unfortunately the teaching profession (one of the 'conspiracies against a laity') has bulled itself up as the cat's whiskers. Teachers are not so all-important as they would like us to think. It really is time that the aura around teachers and teaching was seen through.

    If we want an educated society, in UK or Thailand or wherever, kids need to have been brought up properly before they reach school age. And the education that happens beyond the schools' premises needs far more attention.

    And that includes reasonable, appropriate chastisement when necessary.

    Note the 'necessary'. Using smacking when it is merely convenient is wrong. Smacking should only happen when truly necessary. But inhibiting parents from using it then would be very wrong.

    The Lords are right to sling out the authoritarian proposal of the 'we-know-it-all' Commons (most of whom now seem to come from my category of 'overschooled and undereducated').

    Roger makes well the point about the difference between the Thai understanding of how to behave considerately in a personal interfacing, but that it is OK to behave totally differently in an impersonal one. In another thread someone pointed out how this produces the totally different driver behaviours on country roads from highways.

    Kwangandjo: you were lucky to be brought up on a farm.

    And your parents were lucky that they had the easier task of bringing you up there than in a city.

    You say "there was always work........working with animals is a joy". Good examples of getting some education (and presumably you also got an appropriate amount of schooling, and were adequately schooled, but it was kept in proportion).

    Quite right MARTIN,and sometime back there was something about some children drowning,and someone asked why the school teachers had not taught them to swim,,a teacher is for formal education,not for all learning of everything in life,,thats what parents are for,they had the kids,now let them invest a little time in their upbringing.

    I know of a lot of kids that can read,write and have some idea of respect before they ever go to school.

    There is such a thing as being educated beyond ones intelligence.

  14. You're no Viking, right?

    The 'you all' puts you somewhere south in the US.

    Reveal yourself...

    And, btw, the 'poem'? What was that? What are you trying to tell us?

    /// DFW

    wrong , "you all' means all of you, But "y'all "means south of the mason/dixon line.

  15. Good luck with the hair. I don't know if foreign men have better luck in this town with haircusts. At least is sounds like you sometimes have the possibility of a blowjob with your salon visits. We (women), get nothing here, except having to pay for 6 weeks of ugly hair and newly acquired hair clips.

    WHAT,no chance of ya getting a little face with the new do?

  16. I really don't know CHON,I used to have some nice stuff made in HK back in the 60s and I had some fine threads made in INCHON in the 70s..but do not wear that class no more,lucky to just pull on a pair of Chinos,,

    But there is a good tailor shop here in Phetchabun that is posed to do first class work and he do work for baht. :o holler if ya want and I can get ya some info,if ya tell me what to ask.

  17. I think that it is time that some farang came here and started a business and would teach the Thai how to do things,,an American brick layer will lay 40+ block per hour and each block is finish when the throws the next one,the wall can be left as is, painted or stucco'd ,,A thai will throw 50 blocks a day and they will be at odd angles,partly filled to over filled and the wall will have to have 2 inches of stucco to make it look OK.If it don't fall before the stucco is on.

    And pobly the reason he said he  builds for farang is because they will pay for good workmanship and a thai don't know good workmanship from a chicken fight.

    Yea, farangs are so wonderful, i should kiss the ground they walk on.

    I apologize for all Thai people in Thailand and say that we are very sorry that we do not come up to your high standards, once again, i am sorry.

    That is perfectly all right,,but just try to do better and someone will notice.I had 40 Thais working for me at Basrah Iraq and they did a good job for me,but then every weld was xrayed and you were only allowed a few bad welds and then you went home,so was an incentive to do good work,but most will not do any more than it takes to get by.in other words,the best man on the job needn't be much better than the worst to keep the job.

    CuteThaiGirl,,Be interesting to see the American exampled above after a few hours in 40 degrees of high humidity heat rolleyes.

    I have worked daily in more than 40c heat,and still had to do a good job.Most engine rooms are a good deal hotter than that,the saudi desert is also hotter and good welds are a must if you want to work there.The pipe line at moses Lake Wa. was daily over 112f. The Nevada test sight was well above that,but dryer so it hurt you just as bad, There are a number of places on the earth that men must do good work and suffer very high and very low temps, so weather being adverse is no excuse for poor workmanship.

    My new home is fairly plumb as far as square and straight verticles,,but the floods are not plumb,the kitchen is 4 cm low in one corner,the plumbing in the floors didn't come out where it was supposed to be and all the walls are cracking more daily,the pours were all a different slump so nothing finished the same. and the wiring is a mess that I have just about got straightened out myself.

  18. alcohol will kill most anti-biotics,,most are weakened by coffee or any drinks with caffine,such as coke,pepsi,tea,,even as good as tetracyclene is booze will kill it..so it is best to just drink water as long as you are on em.

    cides that ya pobly wouldn't have clapp ifn ya wasn't snockered at the time of contact. :o

  19. I think that it is time that some farang came here and started a business and would teach the Thai how to do things,,an American brick layer will lay 40+ block per hour and each block is finish when the throws the next one,the wall can be left as is, painted or stucco'd ,,A thai will throw 50 blocks a day and they will be at odd angles,partly filled to over filled and the wall will have to have 2 inches of stucco to make it look OK.If it don't fall before the stucco is on.

    And pobly the reason he said he builds for farang is because they will pay for good workmanship and a thai don't know good workmanship from a chicken fight.

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