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Posts posted by KevinN

  1. Rascal,

    I only can give you my personal experience.

    7 years ago I suffered from a so called "frozen shoulder"

    One day it was more painful than the other.However one day I could not bare the pain anymore and I went to the doctor.

    Only quick solution (with NO quarantee) was a cortesone shot in my shoulder.Injection must be done by orthopedic specialist and not by normal house docter(rule in Holland).

    Within 2(two) days my pain was gone,I could move my arm again and the pain never returned till now.

    One of my neighbours suffered from frozen shoulder left and rightside.One cured ,the other one not.

    Cortisone injections will be given maximal 2 or 3 shots as they (can) distroy the tendon tissue.

    This is all I can tell you

    Be careful and good luck.

    I have now frozen shoulder,and has been on going for almost a year, My ortho doc reccomends again cortazone shots and says with therapy it will get better but is not a short term deal and can take up to 48 months to heal.

    goggle for "frozen shoulder" and read what it says by world experts,then make a decision. :o

  2. Don't know that you would call it inventing something but a couple of months ago I saw a setup on thai television which looked to me like an attachment for your air conditioner which used the waste heat from the heat exchanger to heat water. I thought that was a good innovation.


    That has been going on for a long time in developed countrys,but usually ran thru a cooling tower to reuse to cool the condensing coils,,but the HEAT PUMP heats whole houses and is the same principle.

    Recycled tires are nothing new,they are used in asphalt for road surfaces and a lot of things., but the steel belted tires are hard to recycle.

  3. Thats a great post john. Too bad some of us have only experienced the "Q bar" side of thailand which represents a very small slice of reality.

    My advice--learn to speak Thai--get away from touristy areas and then reread john's post. :o

    well said. but advise that will not be heeded.

  4.   because she accused him of sexual molest of everyone in the family cept the dog

    Now that doesn't sound strikingly similar to the end result of a divorce in the west .....

    OH but it does,I ran an AA meeting in a small town in northern california for a year or so and the women that were in a domestic violence shelter were sent by the staff to AA meetings.

    I was told by some that it is easier to get a divorce with bennies if handeled by the dykes at the shelter,They had a standard bunch of forms that the women were required to sign if they wanted to stay there,some were just skid road bums that stayed there because it was a kinda flop house run on state funds,the more women,the more money, and they were signed up for welfare and state paid bennies.[medi-cal,welfare checks and educational bennies and signed up for county and state jobs.] and these forms included sexual abuse,physical abuse restraining orders,which a lot of the women told me were never commited by their husbands.

  5. well I will be coming to BKK in 3 weeks for a day,just to get a new visa extension,so I might see some too.

    But I really doubt it,as I will go from northern terminal to immigration and back to the bus.

    But I have been home a year since my last trip to BKK and haven't seen a one of the types that you speak of . so they must just hang around where you guys frequent.

    Maybe you can find a different neighborhood.?

    Kev, I believe you are about 20-30 years older than the Gentleman Scamp, and hang out in a village up north, which makes it a bit difficult to compare. What GS sees is a part of Thailand, and not just in some isolated blocks near the Pinklao Bridge or around Haat Chaweng or Haat Rin either.

    More and more Thai kids are into these things, just as youth everywhere since time immemorial they like to buy into the latest fashion. Normal human behaviour. Will reach the village where you live as well, but it may take another 10 years.

    There has never been any such thing as a static culture.

    Pobly closer to 30-40,but whatever.

    But if you choose to live around that segment of the population then why keep bitching about the Western Culture and transfering more of it to the people. The change in culture is what is called progress. and "there is no static culture" Don't like the job,don't like the wages and can't eat the food and bitch about it,,then leave. You can't stop progress.

    But there is places in the world where the "Western Culture" is not so prevelant, but then the living conditions are not so Westernized, and western food and convinences are not there either.

    Yersterday I helped a guy work on his western culture pickup,took my western culture cutting torch and helped another,[who is a bro in law] change his metal stock rack,,and shared some NZ beef from my freezer with a friend that owns about 100 cows and knows nothing about how beef tastes when fed grain daily. I pobly shouldn't have done these things as that is sharing western progress info, but it does tend to make life easier for them. I did not come here to try to hold back progress.

  6. Yes,,12,000 years ago they figured out how to pick up 1 grain of rice with 2 small sticks..

    6,000 years ago that figured how to pick up 2 buckets of shit with 1 stick. and there it just stalled out. :o

  7. What is halitosis?

    Pobly means that their breath smells like cum.

    But being a major, I don't understand it ,I don't know much about the Brit services but I thought that he would be an Admiral or sea going rank,self proclaimed fudge packer and all. Coarse maybe they found out he was a fag and drummed his ass out and he really a CPL.

  8. Sounds strikingly similar to the end result of a divorce in the west .....

    cept he didn't have to pay her lawyer,,alimony for 10 yrs and do a nite in jail because she accused him of sexual molest of everyone in the family cept the dog ,and spousal abuse. :o

  9. well I will be coming to BKK in 3 weeks for a day,just to get a new visa extension,so I might see some too.

    But I really doubt it,as I will go from northern terminal to immigration and back to the bus.

    But I have been home a year since my last trip to BKK and haven't seen a one of the types that you speak of . so they must just hang around where you guys frequent.

    Maybe you can find a different neighborhood.?

  10. Experts try to crack the code behind why mosquitoes like some humans more than others.

    By Elizabeth Heubeck, M.A.

    Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD

    WebMD Feature

    You're flipping burgers for the neighborhood barbecue, and the mosquitoes have already begun their feast -- on you. As you swat madly at the pests, you notice other folks seem completely unfazed. Could it be that mosquitoes prefer dining on some humans over others? This may clear up the mystery.

    It's true. Mosquitoes do exhibit blood-sucking preferences, say the experts. "One in 10 people are highly attractive to mosquitoes," reports Jerry Butler, PhD, professor emeritus at the University of Florida. Incidentally, it's not dinner they're sucking out of you. Female mosquitoes -- males do not bite people -- need human blood to develop fertile eggs. And apparently, not just anyone's.

    Who Mosquitoes Like Best

    While researchers have yet to pinpoint what mosquitoes consider an ideal hunk of human flesh, the hunt is on. "There's a tremendous amount of research being conducted on what compounds and odors people exude that might be attractive to mosquitoes," says Joe Conlon, PhD, technical advisor to the American Mosquito Control Association. With 400 different compounds to examine, it's an extremely laborious process. "Researchers are just beginning to scratch the surface," he says.

    Scientists do know that genetics account for a whopping 85% of our susceptibility to mosquito bites. They've also identified certain elements of our body chemistry that, when found in excess on the skin's surface, make mosquitoes swarm closer.

    "People with high concentrations of steroids or cholesterol on their skin surface attract mosquitoes," Butler tells WebMD. That doesn't necessarily mean that mosquitoes prey on people with higher overall levels of cholesterol, Butler explains. They simply may be more efficient at processing cholesterol, the byproducts of which remain on the skin's surface.

    Mosquitoes also target people who produce excess amounts of certain acids, such as uric acid, explains entomologist John Edman, PhD, spokesman for the Entomological Society of America. These substances can trigger the mosquitoes' olfactory sensations, or sense of smell, causing them to launch their "landing" onto unsuspecting victims.

    But the process of attraction begins long before the landing. Mosquitoes can smell their dinner from an impressive distance of up to 50 kilometers, explains Edman. This doesn't bode well for people who emit large quantities of carbon dioxide.

    "Any type of carbon dioxide is attractive, even over a long distance," Conlon says. Larger people tend to give off more carbon dioxide, which is why mosquitoes typically prefer munching on adults to small children. Pregnant women are also at increased risk, as they produce a greater-than-normal amount of exhaled carbon dioxide. Movement and heat also attract mosquitoes.

    So if you want to avoid an onslaught of mosquito bites at your next outdoor gathering, stake out a chaise lounge rather than a spot on the volleyball team. Here's why. As you run around the volleyball court, the mosquitoes sense your movement and head toward you. When you pant from exertion, the smell of carbon dioxide from your heavy breathing draws them closer. So does the lactic acid pouring from your sweat glands. And then -- gotcha.

    Where Mosquitoes Lurk

    Even if your body chemistry doesn't attract mosquitoes, where you're located might.

    Some of the worst mosquito populations exist along coastal areas, Conlon tells WebMD. And being several miles inland does not guarantee your safety from the pests. "They'll fly 40 miles for a meal," Conlon says.

    While any water source is potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes, they much prefer stagnant water. So if you crave a mosquito-free water oasis on your property, forego the backyard pond and seek out a babbling brook instead.

    "Even in a desert area, mosquito biting tends to be intense around a water source," Conlon says.

    Can you find respite high in the mountains? Don't count on it. Although they're generally not active below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, mosquitoes have been sighted in the Himalayan Mountains, Conlon tells WebMD.

    How about cold climates in places such as Alaska? You're safe for most of the year. But, says Conlon, mosquitoes flock there for a brief, three-week period between July and August. "The Arctic National Refuge is one big bog," Conlon explains, making the mosquito population there second only to that in the Florida Everglades.

    With a long track record -- mosquitoes have been around for 170 million years -- and more than 175 known species in the U.S., these shrewd summertime pests clearly aren't going to disappear any time soon. But you can minimize their impact.

    Keeping the Bite at Bay -- Chemical-Based Repellants

    Plenty of mosquito repellants line the shelves of drug stores and supermarkets each summer, but they're not all created equally.

    The majority of available mosquito repellants derive their effectiveness from chemicals. Protecting the public from mosquitoes since 1957, DEET continues to be the chemical of choice used in repellants. In repeated studies, it's been proven the most effective chemical repellant on the market. Repellants with 23.8% DEET (most formulas contain between 10% and 30%) protect wearers for about five hours, according to a recent study led by Mark Fradin, PhD, researcher with Chapel Hill Dermatology. The American Academy of Pediatrics and other experts suggest that it is safe to apply repellent with low concentrations of DEET (10% or less) to infants over 2 months old.

    The chemical IR3535, better known as Avon's Skin-So-Soft, has also been marketed as a repellant in the U.S. in recent years. To date, research shows it's much less effective than DEET.

    Safety of Chemical Repellants

    Just how safe is it to coat yourself in a chemical-based product like DEET just to keep from getting bit by mosquitoes?

    "[DEET] has been in use for over 40 years and has a remarkable safety record. Only few hospitalizations have been reported, mainly due to gross overuse," Conlon tells WebMD.

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), after extensively assessing the safety of DEET, concluded that "as long as consumers follow label directions and take proper precautions, insect repellents containing DEET do not present a health concern." The agency does, however, offer the following safety strategies for DEET use:

    * Follow label directions and precautions.

    * Use sparingly.

    * Avoid spraying on or near open skin, eyes, mouth, and nose, under clothing, or near food.

    * Wash treated skin with soap and water.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides these additional recommendations for DEET use on children:

    * Select the lowest concentration effective for the amount of time spent outdoors.

    * Avoid use on infants under 2 months of age.

    * Avoid repeated applications, which may increase the potential toxic effects of DEET.

    Alternative Repellants

    Want to avoid chemical-based repellants altogether? Alternatives do exist, with one or two showing promise.

    "Of the products we tested, the soybean oil-based repellant was able to protect from mosquito bites for about 1.5 hours," Fradin reports. He and fellow researchers found other oils -- citronella, cedar, peppermint, lemongrass, and geranium -- provide short-lived protection at best. Oil-of-eucalyptus products, however, may offer longer-lasting protection, preliminary studies show.

    Hate to spray or slather yourself with any product, either chemical- or plant-based? Mosquito traps, a relatively new product, may be the answer. They work by emitting substances that biting mosquitoes find attractive -- such as carbon dioxide, heat, moisture, and other mosquito-friendly byproducts. They attract, then trap or kill female mosquitoes. When placed strategically near breeding spots "they have knocked [mosquito] populations down," Conlon tells WebMD.

    So, is it worth the effort it takes to prevent mosquitoes from nipping at your ankles? Yes, if you don't want to be bothered by bouts of mosquito-induced itching all summer long. Certainly, if you are one of the few unfortunate souls in whom mosquito bites result in severe allergic reactions. And most definitely if you believe you're likely to be exposed to potentially fatal mosquito-borne diseases, some of which are becoming increasingly common. Take the mosquito-transmitted West Nile virus, for instance which Conlon says "is probably here to stay." And with it, the age-old, ever-adaptable mosquito.

    Published July 12, 2004.

  11. BUDA said it best,,I am a man I was born,I lived and I die. so that about says it all.

    One way or the other ,so you might not die in comfort,but you are gonna die, I too believe that if you want,they should be able to shoot you up,we can do it for our dogs,but can not show our loved ones the same compassion.

  12. As a related note on T short design..

    I recently saw a Thai wearing a T shirt with letters a good 8 -10 inches high to make maximum size writing.  As I passed him on a bike the back (and front) of his shirt proudly proclaimed


    IS  A


    Without the dots... You really would have to try to find a more offensive statement that that.. I am presuming he had no idea of the statement but whoever printed it must have.

    I see nothing offensive about that shirt. I feel he was the origional con-man.

    Also the other day I was down getting new upholstery on my bike seat and a cute little fox there had some nice hooters inside a black T shirt that had a red swastica with a line thru it and in big red letters said F.U.C.K. NAZI'S,I thought it was a nice looking T shirt.

  13. She loves to go to the Full Moon Party.

    She's got many farang friends.

    She's tried loads of drugs.

    She's into DJ this and DJ that.

    She drinks at Q bar and Ministry Of Sound.

    She speaks with a slight London or U.S. accent.

    She uses words like 'cool', 'man' and 'sorted'.

    She's broken several farang hearts and she's never off her top of the range mobile.

    She looks so beautiful and sexy but the moment she opens her mouth you realise that she's been polluted by the shallow youth culture of the west.

    She's got the cancer that is the future and you walk away and try to find a girl who conforms to one of the listings on the original post at the top of this page.

    Just goes to show where you spend your time,and the class of your associates.

    And the longer you continue this behavior,the lower they will get.

    Rarely find a swan in a pigpen.

  14. Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

    There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

    I don't think this is about having the family name "Hitler" or the using the name "Adolf", however I doubt anybody would like to be known as both of the names together, If my name was Adolf Hitler I'm sure I would be very embarassed and would change it ASAP

    Yea and if my name wa AH I would go with you,but some folks think of him as a hero yet today and some folks pobly don't think of him one way or the other.

    But being born in the mid 30s I was to young to go to war but do remember what happened,My father came home after the war with pictures of the camps,gas chambers and ovens,piles of Jews and Poles that had been starved to death stacked up like cord wood.

    But the younger generation doesn't see the edge the way us older folks do,,thats pobly why there is the Neo-Nazi cults that are going on today.

    But still the dudes name could be A.H.

    And there might be some one named Benito Moselini[sp] Or Josef Stalin,and he killed more of his own people than Hitler did. so whats in a name?

  15. Maybe the dude's name is Adolph Hitler, I know a couple of Jesse James,a lot of John Waynes, a few Jim Jones,,There is bound to be more than one family named HITLER.

    There is folks named after and just named the same as some famous and infamous folks. so no telling just what it is,so cut the guy some slack til you find out for sure.Or I guess we could get a bunch together and go hang the son of a bitch. :o

  16. Fair enough, Thai workmanship can sometimes be compared to monkeys let loose with handtools, but let's be fair and point out both sides - how hard would you work if you were being paid 150 baht a day???  Would you really be focused on detail? How many of us could even live on 150 baht a day?  So, really, you get what you pay for.  My husband (Thai) was trained to work in house contruction in New Zealand and knows how much higher western standards are.  He's currently working on a project for a non-Thai here in Chiang Mai, mostly as a contractor, but he's trying to make sure that the guys he hires to do the work actually do it. So, Thais trained overseas are quite capable of understanding and meeting western standards.  Do it right or don't bloody do it at all. 

    Ciao boys.

    It makes no diff. what you pay,They come and ask for XX a day,thats what they ask for and thats what they get,If you are not satisfied with the wages,do not take the job,,doing shitty work does not make the take home any more,and better grade of work might bring more money or for sure will guarentee a job for longer time.

    When we built our house,the lowest was payed 150 a day, and all she did was stand around with her thumb in her ass and the masons were payed 250 and they worked only part of the day and shot the shit the rest of the time.and did a poor grade of work at best.

  17. Sauna is not good here,,To hot and no snow banks or ice water to jump into,,that is the theraputic benefits of the sauna..Here you sweat so much,you do not need a sauna.

    And they have no birch switches here to whip your self with,thats the spiritual theraputic value,keeps your shit straight.

    And without the snow or frozen river to jump into,For sure your hair will fall out,what you expect,running around with open pores in the polluted air in Thailand.

  18. I for one am glad that you decided to pull the pin on this forum,,It seems like the PC lifestyle has got to good a hold on most feeble minded folks and they can say nothing without including "RACIST" in every thing they say, I guess I do not really know what "RACIST" means, but I always thought that it had something to do with starting a riot and burning things and minotities killing whites.

    We are all people and supposed to be adults,so as far as I can see,no place where folks congregate is someone with so small a mind needed or welcome..Maybe you could put "RACIST" on your hotkeys and that way it would cut down on the time that it takes you to write a post.

    Now that is just my 2 baht worth.

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