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Posts posted by koto

  1. Aloha

    The few times, "I had" to travel by van or bus, I have found the seat-belts are, either wrapped around the seat in such a way, or not there, it becomes almost or impossible,

    to undo and wear, It should be mandatory, all passengers wear their seat-belts, many deaths have been because of, un-belted passengers, of course speed, wreck-less,

    immature driving, texting,talking, following to close, one hand driving, (if had a flat) could jerk steering wheel into oncoming or off the road, hung-over, not enough sleep or

    a big lack of driving experience...

    I ride shotgun in vans or I don't ride at all, I need to keep an eye on speedometer and driver, yes a locked, unbreakable, speed governor or a loud buzzer if exceeding the speed,

    Camera on the driver might also make a difference for the better, can't get any worse!!!

  2. You probably heard the truth. There is a Farang weirdo driving around Jomtien in an old beat - up car plastered with posters about dog welfare, asking for donations in cash and food.

    The guy should be arrested and deported.

    he should be arrested and deported for having an opinion you disagree with, or for driving an old car, or for being a farang?

    for being a weirdo is a good enough reason - lol

    If you want to call, doing Tam Boon being a weirdo, I wonder who really has the problem...

    Keep in mind, this is Thailand, not your homeland...

  3. In my hometown in Europe they made feeding pidgeons illagal. (Thinking other cities also??)

    Because feeding them is NOT the solution, they only breed more and in the end MORE pidgeons suffer, not LESS.

    Same for Soi dogs. You think we should tell that to the Thais?? biggrin.pngtongue.pngthumbsup.gif

    I came across a pack of about 20 at twilight on Pratanak hill a few weeks ago, I hear a farang feeds them and Im sure glad or they would eaten me
    You probably heard the truth. There is a Farang weirdo driving around Jomtien in an old beat - up car plastered with posters about dog welfare, asking for donations in cash and food.

    The guy should be arrested and deported.

    For your information, Pattaya City Hall ,gives him dog food, also a certificate of appreciation, he also cleans the beach, removing dangers from children, wildlife, waterways...

    Keep in mind, until the dogs are spayed, or removed, they are a hell of a lot safer to be around, watered and fed, opposed to thirsty and hungry...

  4. The few times, I have been in a situation that I needed to ride a van to Bangkok, I always make sure I ride shotgun,

    there has been a few times, I have told the driver to get off the phone NOW!

    Also have yelled at them to slow up, back off or let me out!

    I've managed to live 75 years, I'm not going to let some 25 year old kid, with a hangover, little driving experience take my life,

    by speeding, passing way to many times on the wrong side, talking or texting, also both hands on wheel..

    I always tell them up front in a nice way, I check eyes breath and have passed and waited for another van...

  5. Could they be talking about Pancake of whom many would say, is "sexy"?


    She is (or was) extremely popular, though - with the photo linked being a notable exception - I've never thought her all that appealing.

    It's her drive, zest for life, against all odds, reaching out, taking a chance, being true to him/her, sharing it with others,

    riding it to the dirt, working harder then most of you, could even imagine! There are many sides to this story, don't be so

    blinded by ones, lack of understanding...

    • Like 1
  6. I don't know why all the negative posts. He/she obviously did whatever he/she could to support his grandmother, has decent education, renovated her house, did hard labour work and that is a LOT more then I could say about our farang ways of life when it comes to supporting our elders.

    I say good on him/her and yes I'm sure his parents really are proud of him and so is his grandmother.

    No need to look down on anyone just because they are different to you !!!!!

    Kapun Krup, Mahalo, Thank You, Finally a post with compassion, common sense, understanding, you have reassured me,

    that there are still some humans left using both sides of their brain...

    • Like 1
  7. his parents must be so proud !

    Probably wished that they had put him down at birth w00t.gif

    live and let live.

    Put him/her through school, takes care of his/her elder, brought cows, fixed home, some of you Farangs, look at your past...

    More power to him/her, came from the bush and is running with it...May the force be with him/her...

    If anything, this lady-boy should have some respect, against "All" odds, excepted her place in life, and is running with it...

    Mirror, mirror on the wall for all of you, rock throwing, no count Mickey mouse,rinky tink Popsicle standers, cha,cha,cha...

    Some of you posters, should be banned from Thai visa...If you can't except the Thai way of life, If your home land (will take you back)

    have a nice trip...Who made some of you, judge and jury, on how one must, conduct "their lives"

    • Like 1
  8. I don't think we have much choice on exactly where we will die, unless we have a hand in our own demise.

    What to do with the body? I want a Viking funeral. Long tail boat on the Gulf of Thailand. Start the engine, set it alight and point it at the sunset.

    A great way to go


    Myself also, if I don't have the coin at that time, a 200 baht air mattress, bottle 151 rum, pour over body, push me out to sea, flick matches at me.

    I want to also go down like a Viking, be ate by a shark, cruise the ocean...

    2ND Choice

    Cremated, ashes mixed into some good smoke, to be shared and ingested by love ones and friends...

  9. They could gladly come to Hua Hin and clean out all the Soi dogs around my house. It's so bad some times I have to carry a stick walking down the road.

    Oh no....I can hear the bleeding hearts already. coffee1.gif

    ITT: Fake machismo.

    Cruelty to animals is the lowest form of cowardice.

    Humans are the most destructive animals on this planet, so in the terms of justice, where should we stand in the scheme of things?

    I agree, I dislike the easy option cowardice demonstrated here. . . . I followed the most useful post and donated to soidogs. Too many of us sit around postulating our egos and bleating the meat . . . Some people "actually " do something about it.

    Hey hobiecat go have another beer and complain to some other negative git that will listen to you . . . and keep your useless, negative, unimaginative, destructive and elitist ideas to yourself. One day the boot may be on the other foot.

    I so agree with you, way to many people just sit around getting shitfaced, complaining about things, they could actually be a part of the solution, doing some walking the walk instead of bitching all the time about Thailand, it's people, dogs, but they just stay here only exercising their mouths...Get off the porch, reach out, help, get some inner-wealth for doing some good. Donate some time or coin to get dogs spayed or a decent shelter, where they can be cleaned up, adopted or humanly put down, If all the gripers pulled together, I'm quite sure they could make a difference for their area and get some reconnection for contributing, making Thailand a better place for all, stranger things have happened...

  10. Unfortunately, I went back to smoking when I came to Thailand. 66b a pack at every corner store and singles sold in between. I had been using skoal or snus to stay off but ran out and couldn't find it here before I had weened myself off the nicotine.

    Does this mean, due to a savings on killing yourself, you feel it was a good deal?

    Just trying to understand the logic...

    No. Just musing over the power of addiction, and nicotine, and I guess many other substances. And commenting on the ease and availability of cigarettes here(yes the bars don't help), while I can't find the substitute I was using to try to save my lungs if not the rest of my body. That's all. BTW, my respects to you for your personal efforts.

    I must admit, when the smoking dragon grabs one, it is one hell of a bad habit to quit, I had quit at least 10 times before this last time, your right, when they make it so easy and much cheaper, it's mo-easy to be hooked again.

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you Buddha, God and the Coconut Tree, maybe, just maybe, it would, could, slow up some of these out of control drunks, wake up some of the youth, less drunk drivers, accidents, just maybe, I give an E for Effort, if it flies great, if not, at least they are trying to head in the right direction.

    Being here till I go to sky, I Applaud their words, even if it gets lost in the shuffle.

    I may not agree with many things that happen in Thailand, but I still find it better then what became of what I left.

    • Like 2
  12. Another tragic accident which could be avoid with proper regulation ....... oh well maybe those regulation will come in the next 200 years .. that's what make the difference with a country who care and one who doesnt give a dam_n expect the money it can bring.

    There was proper regulation - marked off areas where swimming was not permitted - but sadly she was unaware of them.

    Because nobody makes anybody aware of swimming rules or safety.

  13. So there are hundreds of beach chairs, some that are even partly in the water, and people shouldnt swim there? Yeah there are marked swimming areas, but it would be better if there were marked BOAT areas. And calling someone that drives one of these boats "Captain" is ridiculous.

    Many people on holiday aren't aware of areas to swim and "all" should be told by the beach chair vendors and if there is a language problem, show, point.

    So very sad and unnecessary.

    Any boat operator needs to look or have a deck hand look! especially around the shore and people.

  14. Champix basically damps the pleasure receptors in the brain, so it's not just cigarettes which no longer give you enjoyment, but most every other pleasure too, which is why there have been so many suicide attempts and incidents of violent aggression in people taking it. It was not properly tested also, which is in line with most things related to the Tobacco Control Industry. Nicotine patches and gums have an abysmal success rate, some research finding the success rates as low as 0.8%.

    If you really want to stop smoking cigarettes for reasons of health or whatever, the best way to go is to invest in a good quality e-cigarette. Not only is the "smoke" (in reality water vapour) less damaging to your lungs, but many people have found them a very acceptable substitute / quitting aid.

    Of course, the anti-tobacco zealots will tell you otherwise, partly because they are funded to a large degree by the pharmaceutical industry who make billions out of the useless patches and gums, but also because they don't like the fact that e-cigs "look like smoking". They would rather you died than switched to a safer alternative. "Quit or die" is their philosophy. Nothing else will do,

    Personally, I enjoy smoking tobacco, and have no desire nor intention to quit. Having done a good deal of research into the subject, I know that although smoking is certainly not very good for you, (but then nor is drinking, eating Big Macs, taking two sugars in your tea etc etc ad nauseam) what we are told by the Tobacco Control Industry is a mixture of gross exaggeration, cherry picked statistics, mangled epidemiology and junk science.

    They are zealots, and they do what all zealots do; they lie and they cheat to try to impose their particular brand of morality on everyone else. For them, the end justifies the means. As an example. just ask any anti-tobacco zealot to produce one - just one from the whole world - death certificate stating that this person died as a result of second-hand smoke exposure. They won't, and they can't, because nobody has actually died from "second-hand" smoke inhalation. All the hundreds of thousands of deaths from passive smoking you read about are actually virtual deaths - statistical legerdemain. There are no body bags, just epidemiological models fed into a computer, and the predetermined results that are consequently spat out. Like the "global warming" computer models. Garbage In Garbage Out, as they say.

    However, that said, I certainly wouldn't seek to turn anyone away from quitting, if that's what they want to do. But I would advise against Champix (Google it, and see what you find. I think you would be rapidly be put off). I would also advise against NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) products as provided by the pharmaceutical industry, simply because they have a reputation for being both expensive and worse than useless.

    Which basically leaves a choice between e-cigs and snus (a Swedish tobacco product taken orally, a bit like chewing tobacco, but not so messy). I have an e-cig which I use in situations where I can't smoke ordinary cigarettes, and I think it's great. If I actually wanted to stop smoking tobacco for whatever reason, I could happily switch to vaping, which is what 'smoking' e-cigs is called. Have a look round this forum:


    There's a lot of info there which you might find interesting.

    Totally up to anyone, that wants to smoke, but The Pollution Solution Group hope that your a considerate smoker, not leaving toxic cigarette butts behind, that take up to 12 years to decompose also babies from 6 months to two years have been known to ingest them at beaches, parks, lakes, becoming quite ill, wildlife has died and waterways contaminated, doing oneself harm is a personal right, leaving their poison behind, is another story.

    Have a good day

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