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Posts posted by koto

  1. I really suggest everyone in Thailand planning to use a bus or minivan to first double check all tires!

    Not knowing or saying this is the case, but way to many people drive with "one hand" on the steering wheel, blowouts can happen with new or old, tires, due to weight, speed, potholes, rocks and other items, one hand on the wheel and a blow out, can jerk ones mode of transportation be it, motorcycle, car, truck, bus for a split second and at high speeds, that's all it takes to lose control and crash.

    So very sad.

    Much stricter driving rules, more education, heavy fines, need to be in place.

  2. Come on Tommo... thats such a broad generalisation. I would be devastated if I were not able to trust my kids.tongue.png

    I once believed I could trust my (former) wife and (former) kids ...... now I know better.

    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

    Judging ones present, by ones past, is using yesterdays history, to guide tomorrows mystery, settling in ones past (learning from it) engaging in the now, making sure ones past, diplomas, of the good, bad and ugly, make one chose wiser paths, to trek on, it is never to late to change ones ways, If they cause people to lose love, respect or desire to share a life together, not saying that was ones case, but something to run through the canyons of ones mind.

    I used to cast the blame on others, then I looked in the mirror, quit drugs, drinking, smoking, bitching and these past 30+ years have been priceless, of course I've killed my dragons and a clean and sober life attracts a different type of people..Hey what do I know, I'm just the garbageman, adding my 25 satong...It is not a bad idea to have a forgotten stash, that you remember in case of a rainy day.

  3. Not to worry, he probably eats out of bins, so has a healthier diet than most Thais.

    From what I have seen in the past 12 years, most Thai's eat much healthier food then Farangs, unless they are eating Farang food at McDonald's or other fast junk food chains, from Farang country's.

    We brought the junk, coke, plastic, Styrofoam and other things that have made Thailand a dumping ground of junk foods and non-biodegradable products, without the education on how to control it. mirror mirror on the wall...Thai's were doing fine before the Farang and their bad habits changed it all.

  4. Personally, I have no problem with it at all and think it should be supported. BUT, unfortunately I doubt its a good marketing ploy.

    There are way too many Western men who dislike gays and/or trans-sexuals. The Western world is (generally) far less tolerant than Thailand.

    This airline only flies to Asian locations at the moment. They attract mostly curiosity with Asians, just look at all the Chinese tour buses in front of the various transgender cabaret shows, so I don't think it will be a problem. This could be a good business decision.

    They could have some nasty incidents flying to certain countries though

    What about layovers? Airlines typically room crew together. Where do you put such confusiion? Whose rights take precedence? What about public restrooms? The civilized world has laws.

    Who ever said the civilized world was correct........about anything. We have made many mistakes as civilized people and we keep making them so to become hard line about something we don't understand is pure stupidity we can see that throughout history.. The other day American Airlines had a female flight attendent go nuts on a plane.... Have you ever seen the flight attendents in America....they can't fire them because of there age......then to hear about this lady.......this is the first time I have ever heard that they cannot fire someone because they have mental problems....<deleted> What kind of law is that.....is this the level the level of intellegance that the Western worlds consider conducive to a safe enviroment for everyone. What about the rights of 300 ppl on the plane that are supposed to be entrusting this lady's wisdom.....I liked when they said....everything is ok.....she just forgot to take her medicine. This is not good judgement by the Western policy which tells you that they don't know or understand everything.....and this is just one example....out millions. Hitstory tells us that we are habitual F*(% UP's and we seem to find the weakest people to take it out on.

    Now that's what I'm talkin about, Kapun Kup, Mahalo Nui Loa, Thank You Very Much, cha,cha,cha.

  5. Definition of the word tolerance:

    The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

    I know the definition, thanks.

    You did not answer to my question. WHY must I respect their practices at the first place - prior to my own ones? Sorry, I dare not.

    Your right! You must respect yourself first, sadly though some never do.

    • Like 1
  6. Definition of the word tolerance:

    The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

    I know the definition, thanks.

    You did not answer to my question. WHY must I respect their practices at the first place - prior to my own ones? Sorry, I dare not.

    Having respect for self, others, being fully responsible for all of ones actions. I'm finding way to many farangs over here are just little boys in older bodies, incapable of a normal relationship and being judge and jury on others, deciding how someone else should live, be, act.

    Wanna-be is OK and up to that person, get over yourselves and direct your own lives, this Macho stuff, is getting old.

    Live and let live, judge ones self, before judging others, mirror, mirror on the wall, I realize there are many farangs out there that are understanding adults, but on these post, they are far and few between, most sounds like having a major lack of understanding, grumpy old men.

    Don't get me wrong, there are a few of you mature understanding people out there that live and let live, not trying to be a God, leading the flock down their narrow path, that you can't be a girl in a boys body or visa-verse, we are "all" different, some more then others, grow up and live with it.

    • Like 2
  7. Extract from http://grist.org dated 2011-02-16:

    "When you think of "caramel," you probably imagine cooking sugar until it turns brown. But that's not quite what soda manufacturers do to blacken carbonated water for cola. According to CSPI, here's what they do:

    Caramel Color IV (synonyms: ammonia sulfite process caramel, sulfite ammonia caramel, sulfite ammonia process caramel, acid-proof caramel, beverage caramel, and soft-drink caramel) is prepared by the controlled heat treatment of carbohydrates with ammonium-containing and sulfite-containing compounds.

    So, they take carbohydrates and cook them up with ammonia-based chemicals. In addition to dark color, the process also yields a carcinogenic chemical called 4-methylimidazole, or 4-MI for short. CSPI points to studies on both rats and mice fed 4-MI showing significant carcinogenic effects.

    Evidence of 4-MI's cancer-causing power is so strong, CSPI points out, that just last month, the state of California added [PDF] the substance to its list of "chemicals known to the state to cause cancer." "California has determined that [4-MI] levels above 16 micrograms per day pose a significant risk," CSPI reports. How much is in a can of cola? According to CSPI, 130 micrograms — eight times higher than California's danger threshold. Drink two cans per day, and you're ingesting 16 times the level deemed dangerous by California."

    BTW: When reacted with sulfites, caramel color retains traces of sulfite after processing. Further, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies and regulates caramel color in Title 21 CFR 73.85 as a generally recognized as safe (GRAS) color additive EXEMPT FROM CERTIFICATION.

    As for the claim that Coca-cola never changed their receipt in 125 year, that is pure commercial talk. The coca disappeared from the regular formula; phosphoric acid (as indicated on the can) replaced another one I cannot remember; in most western countries, natural caramel was replaced with an industrial substitute (which legislation allowed to be called caramel!); the cheaper high-fructose corn syrup has replaced the natural sugar (some of my Californian acquaintances claim to taste the difference between a US regular Coke with HFCS and a Mexican Coke with sugar from cane);….

    Thank You

    For setting it straight, so many people don't realize this, due to false advertising, the tremendous harm it does to their children, you hit the nail on the head, Mahalo.

  8. never to old for stupid decisions....

    Thanks, I resemble that remark, thought I learned all the answers and then they changed all the questions, I used to say the nicest thing about growing up, Is that you don't have to, boy, have I been wrong for way to many years, waking up and smelling the geritol has it's merits, cha,cha,cha.

  9. quote / What I was wondering is, should I move to Bangkok, or is there somewhere else better for me to live. / end quote.

    An old peoples home......your obviously losing your marbles. I smell troll too.

    Advice from a older wiser dog, stay on the porch, most, not all, (MOST) are looking for an old lonely lost soul with an ongoing ATM card, If you have endless coin, enjoy the ride, otherwise you can be broke in a New York minute.

    Stash most of the cash for the next wonderful "Young" Girl that loves you to much to much, don't, above all don't let your little head, that has been dormant for years, wake up and start directing your movie, remember Harding of the arteries has no con-sense, these beautiful, priceless well trained, with large family backup, will most-likely, until you get a lot smarter, take you on the ride of your life.

    Don't get me wrong, there are maybe 10 out of 100 and I could be off, that work out great until the old fart dies and he had a wonderful tail-end of his life, for-filling all of his dreams, maybe 5 out of 100.

    I've had 5 wives and over 30 live-ins, I'm still learning the endless movie, of what I love most, the opposite sex.

    By the way, I'm flat broke now from, trying to keep them and their family's happy, thought if I played it right, I could die of natural causes, before I was broke (NOT) Learning curves of life, I Love It.

  10. I've been drinking Coca Cola over 70 years and have not developed cancer yet. What a waste of time and money this exercise will be.

    And some people smoke and don't get cancer. That doesn't mean that cigarettes don't cause cancer. Maybe you are just lucky or maybe you have cancer but you aren't yet aware of it. Coke is extremely bad for health, so why anyone drinks it I've no idea.

    "So true" Amongst many other things, a friend of mine was getting, migraines for years, doctor told her to stop Coke, problem solved, "extremely" bad for children, cant understand other then all the false advertising, why people put their body's through this stuff, known facts, all sodas are not good for you, especially Coke and Pepsi, It's like the Junk-food places, great commercials, cheap food, mostly sick and over weight people, patronize these places for all or, most of their meals.

    Ones diet, outlook, exercise and common sense is the path to a healthy, happy, longer life.

  11. You might fail the test if you have Elephantiasis, one of the blocks to check on the ridiculous form, but it's doubtful the Doctors would recognize it! Of course there's the STD's which have absolutely nothing to do with your ability to teach in a classroom.

    No way is that on the form

    Well, it is. In the past, the doc looked at me and asked: "Are you feeling alright?" and then signed it. Last time, I never even saw the doc, only his secretary. So, it's a mere formality, don't worry too much about it.

    Things have sure changed, I used to go to a clinic, give them 100 baht and walk out with a passing grade.

  12. So silly and what a waste of police tiem with so much real crime still to solve. Prohibition NEVER works hasn't history shown us that. If your religion says you should not drink and it is important to you then simply do not drink but why involve others who do nto follow you faith in such rulings. Hardly freedom or logical or sensible/ Oh well I suppose TIT.

    Or perhaps you could try observance out of respect. After all, it's not your country. No doubt you would be pissed off with foreigners in your own country carrying on as though your own sacred days meant nothing. Just a suggestion.

    Im sure the locals will drink too. Anyway i am not religious so if a foreigner would do something on my sacred days i would not care one bit. Religion is not a good thing when its forced upon others. You have to follow a religion out of free will

    As long as one has respect for self, others, is fully responsible for ones actions, it doesn't matter who, or what, one prays to, also have respect for Mother Earth and the Voiceless, Children, Wildlife, Waterways and Soil. We are all in this neighborhood together.

    If there "Happens" to be another place, after this Heaven and Hell, one will get a key.

    You can take that to the bank, No! Not the bank, put it under your mattress.

    • Like 1
  13. Aloha

    Many wise, well thought out remarks and I agree. But one other thing that always seems to bother, The Pollution Solution Group, is that way to many people, Thai's and Farang's, either think Storm Drains are Sewers or they just don't care or know better, many use them as garbage disposals or Throw Their Trash on the Highways, Roads, Streets, If the trash isn't dumped directly into the Storm Drain, With Wind or Rain, all of these things, Plastic, Styrofoam, Toxic Cigarette Butts, Bottle-Caps, Cooking and Motor-Oil, Camera-Batteries, Old-Spoiled-Unsold-Food, Disposable-Lighters and what ever else one can imagine, Diapers, the list goes on, It all will end up in the Storm Drains, that should only carry our Life's Blood (Water) Into our Ocean, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Creeks.

    Two things happen here, due to the lack of the pumping out the Toxic Waste, much of it ends up in our waterways, be it Fresh or Salt, Drinking, Seafood , then when the big rains come, many of the Storm Drains, Plug-up and Back-up Spewing Toxic-Waste, Onto Our Streets, Into Our Homes, causing, Contamination, Bacteria, Infections.

    We admit Flooding is Hell, but Toxic-Waste coming into ones Home is Living Hell, this can and should be Avoided.

    Education, Education, Education, Stencil Storm Drains in heavy traffic areas, Thai, English Russian, with a Picture so All understand, Impose Fines. When we are not backing up and flooding our homes, this Toxic waste is Killing, Fish, Turtles, Crabs, Dolphins, Sea-Birds, all Sea-Creatures.

    We "all" need to take an active part in making a difference, Appear, Call or Write your City Hall, News Papers, Radio, TV Stations, lets Nip it in the Butt, before we "Play It Again Sam" We are all in this neighborhood together.

    Settle in the Past, Engage in the Present, so if tomorrow happens, we will have covered our back-side.

    • Like 1
  14. Considering what some folks on this forum think,... we ARE white trash. Live with it or leave. I don't CARE what idiots think. Why should you? We will never be Thais so why should we worry about it.

    Speak for yourself, Farang or Falong just means your from someplace else like Haole in Hawaii also means from someplace else, keep in mind it does not matter where one comes from, it does not matter where ones at, what matters is where one is coming from on the inside, if one was white trash where they came from and brought themselves with them, then they are white trash here.

    By the way, all Farang's, Falong's are not white, just from someplace else, I'm 100% Farang or Falong and I have never been nor will ever be white trash, you should care what others think, after all we are all in this neighborhood together Farang or Falong, better to not post and people won't know how not nice you are, opposed to posting and letting us all know.

    Have a great day, try smiling, shaking a hand and giving back to Mother Earth, I'm sure your attitude will change.

    I didn't mean what the Thais call us. They can call us anything they want either fair or foul. I meant what the mods and other members on this forum think of us. That is why so many get their knickers in a knot.

    I stand corrected, sorry about that, cha,cha,cha.

  15. After living here for a number of years what Thai's say or do does not bother me...trust me life is a lot easier that way....

    Well said, all these Farang's or Falong's keep trying to start stink, they need to get over themselves, Thai's are Thai's, Farang's or Falong's are from someplace other then Thailand, the only problem is the Farang or Falong, keep trying to correct or change, whem in Rome, cha,cha,cha.

    • Like 1
  16. Considering what some folks on this forum think,... we ARE white trash. Live with it or leave. I don't CARE what idiots think. Why should you? We will never be Thais so why should we worry about it.

    Speak for yourself, Farang or Falong just means your from someplace else like Haole in Hawaii also means from someplace else, keep in mind it does not matter where one comes from, it does not matter where ones at, what matters is where one is coming from on the inside, if one was white trash where they came from and brought themselves with them, then they are white trash here.

    By the way, all Farang's, Falong's are not white, just from someplace else, I'm 100% Farang or Falong and I have never been nor will ever be white trash, you should care what others think, after all we are all in this neighborhood together Farang or Falong, better to not post and people won't know how not nice you are, opposed to posting and letting us all know.

    Have a great day, try smiling, shaking a hand and giving back to Mother Earth, I'm sure your attitude will change.

    • Like 1
  17. Maybe this is why Thais let foreigners buy condos here. Does not sound like suicide to me. Where else do you hear of people falling from a condo to end it all. Something wrong but the police have their excuse not to bother to investigate I guess. All nice and cleanly wrapped up!!!!!!!

    I don't understand what relationship there is between a foreigner buying a condo and suicide. What are you implying?

    If someone jumps from his balcony, what is so difficult to understand?


    Many of these condos guard rails are to low and if one more rail isn't added, a tall person can and do fall over them, usually drunk or drugged, in this gentlemens case, fear, anger, pain he could have jumped. I find at 73 with Hep-C and living on the 17TH floor, when I start to get to sick to keep on truckin and can't find some morphine to OD on, I might take the plunge, back side, so not seen by anyone except guard and I probably will be wearing my best, if I'm not to lost with-in.

    I find many men come here to fill their dreams with a young lady and to die.

    When the pain outweighs the pleasure, it might be time to end our movie.

  18. They have mange...,most "soi dogs" get this condition. It's their lot in life...there is nothing you can do about it except add a little wafarin to their food. Don't sweat it...the lifespan of soi dog is only 3-4 years before re-incarnation so they don't suffer for long.

    I mix sulfur and cooking oil, put it on them often, many cure, I have sulfur 089-8977816

  19. a breath tester moulded in the door panel!!! over the limit, it locks the engine and doors. would save many lives.

    Yes it would, 80% of drivers, would be locked out of their cars, trucks, buses, tuk, tuks, baht buses, taxis, no traffic jams, open highways, also needed, to start a motorcycle.

    I could be off on the percentage, lets say 50%, there are some educated drivers out there, I seldom see them, but I hear they are out there.

    They don't travel on major holidays, they take their trips, before or after the holidays, if they have jobs they offer to work on the holidays so they can take a brake, during the safer times.

  20. Jesus, have you heard what some of you sound like? Despite the floods there are plenty of flights out of here if you feel this is such an unworthy place to live. Hard done by farangs versus cheating Thais is the attitude that unfortunately pervades too many of the posts on this site. It's as if you had invites to live here. Don't pollute what can be interesting and informative forums. And no, I'm not a newbie to Thailand - 15 years in and loving it. Thank you.

    11 years in and agreeing with you, Mahalo Nui Loa

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