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Posts posted by alyx

  1. Hi there, i'm french, have been with my gf for more than a year, and i'd like to go live in my country with her.

    I'm wondering if there are any other option except marrying her?

    If I have to marry/fiancee her to get her a visa (i'm not quite a believer in marriage, although i consider my gf to be my wife already), is it easy under thai laws to avoid splitting of wealth in case of divorce? It's called a "prenup" in english I think?

    I'm going to my embassy next week to discuss this, and may have to consult a lawyer who knows about France, any advice about this?


    Just to let you know: even if you were to opt for marriage that wouldn't mean automatic visa for your partner

    Even if you were able to get the visa and then decide to stay or go to live in France your partner would have to take a sort of exam to check how skillfull she is in French

    But as you said you'd better go to the French Consulate (not the Embassy) to get straight and correct answers

  2. Hey

    I am supposed to go to the immigration on December the 23rd to register for the 90 day period

    I have checked their website and it is not clear to me when to send the request via mail before the stamped date

    If I were to go there it is clear that it can be done 'within 7 days prior or after the date'

    If I send it 'Send the mail before the renewal date 7 days to ....address'

    Does that mean that if i send it tomorrow (17th) it will be too late?



  3. Yep, I'm with the others, he got what he deserved.

    Is it true, however, that Vietnamese stall vendors tell you to <deleted> yourself if you don't buy anything? :o

    Well that is true in any part of the world

    But this is not specific to Vietnamese, on the contrary I have always met nice people over there

    Sure they insist a lot to sell but I have never seen anyone agressive nor using foul language (unless one is being rude to them I guess) and they smile

  4. My two:

    Chawla Travel in Bangkok

    All Seasons Pattaya

    You must be kidding me

    I don't know about All seasons but one thing is sure Chawla is far from being cheap

    I entered the office last week and asked about a Bkk Paris first on one airline and business on another one

    Results: each fare was 8 to 10,000 more expensive than the one given by saveflights . com (advertising at the top of this page) and another office (now I can't remmber the name) located next door to Chawla

    The first agency is quite efficient and quick to respond any query and get you the best deals

    The second one is ok if you walk in

  5. too important to fly economy, to cheap to fly 1st class with a 1st class airline ... rofl.

    Ooops just noticed you call yourself 'kash' as in 'Cash??' It might explain it then

    And, Kash, you should focus on your own assets (if existing) instead of posting your unwanted unthought comments

    By the way I think you meant 'too' as in 'too cheap' but you are too busy reading other people's posts instead of checking your own, I guess

    Nonetheless, I take it that you are the type 'Money talks, the rest walks' well keep walking then

    Having said that I will not bother adressing you in the future

  6. too important to fly economy, to cheap to fly 1st class with a 1st class airline ... rofl.

    Are you talking to me? about me?

    Well my english is not that good so would you care to explain?

    In any case read my first post : do not post any unrelated answer

  7. I wonder whether anyone has recently flown Gulf air first class fromm Bkk to Europe

    I would like some feedback on it (not the usual 'well it is cheaper so go for it' or 'this or that airline is better' lacking supportive argument)

    I am also aware of the airline having trouble keeping on schedule (or am I mistaken?) but I am more interested in the chzck in , boarding , in flight, lounges in Bkk and Paris

    I'd appreciate your comments

    Yes - I use them just about everytime I go to London - at least once every 2 or 3 months - the cheapest 1st class tickets you can get in Thailand (and you probabaly know that - thats why you;re asking isn't it?) ... well worth it, in my opinon - especially if you a big lad.

    Its a 2 sector flight and often the Bangkok/Dubai or Muscat sector has an older plane on the route - which means you won't get a lay flat chair - but still, its huge 1st class chair and it none-the-less goes back to about 20 degrees from the horzontal - with full leg and foot rest extension (you'll sleep fine). Leg room is excellent excellent - as good as all the other first class services with other airlines. The food and silver service is just as good, the wine list is just as good. For the 2nd sector from Muscat or Dubai onwards to Europe I've always got a lay flat chair.

    Go for it - absolutely worth the money - especially if youre a big lad.

    Thanks a lot

    No we are not big but I would like to go for a decent flat bed (as i said they are only on some flights from bkk-bah-bkk)

    Do you have any experiences about lounges (in bkk no pb I know it is Louis Tavern: I ve never been there as I do usually fly TG; is it any goof?)

    Bahrain: they said it is completely refurbished???

    Paris: ??

    Is there a dedicated counter for first class travellers?

    Regrading fastrack immigration I do not really care for it

    In any case your advice has been quite helpful along with the other one kind enough to answer

    I have been roaming internet for days and I can only find bad reports about the airline (withstanding the food) but they date back to 2005 or before

    Please continue


  8. :o And by flying on an Arab airline you are risking what??????? That has to be the sort of comment that comes from a racist mind.So please explain Ricardo :D

    I guess Ricardo will explain but honestly I do not preceive it the same way as Ricardo was saying that there was no danger in that but maybe I am mistaken

  9. Thanks

    I have checked the schedule and the planes (seats are different depending on the day of departure) They are saying they have full flat beds (on some flghts) so I ll make sure to get the right flight if book with them

    I am a bit worried about ' the first come first serve basis ' they seem to apply at check in and boarding

    Food is being heavily advertised on the First (as well as the fltabed)

    Any feed back on First?

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