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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 3 hours ago, smedly said:

    Dictating to the very end, May needs to get a pair and show what she is made of - walk away, lets see how long it takes for the 27 to reach any agreement then, I suspect things will get rather more difficult when they are no longer in the driving seat


    I am honestly sick and tired of these meat heads giving orders

    Maybe the PM won't "walk away" because it would mean an 8% fall in the British economy for up to 15 years.  As the PM, May has to try to limit the negative effects of Brexit not extend them.


    As for the EU giving orders they are not.  They are saying what they have said all along.  Britain went along and asked for a transition period.  They said that they would go along with that request and for that period the UK would stay in the single market (which they wanted) as long as they abided by all the EU rules they abide by now.  Obviously, because we will have left the EU, we will have no seat at the table. None of this is rocket science and there has been no change in the EU's position.

  2. 1 hour ago, ModBellerophon said:

    Planning a holiday to Rayong after my busy season for work and the GF is keen to get a place with a big pool as among Thai's at least the beaches in Rayong are considered dangerous, she doesn't want the kids in the ocean there.


    edit: to clarify she's talking about currents etc. and folks drowning when they get in trouble.

    If he was a Chinese tourist then it would be more understandable but Aussies are usually savvy and strong enough to not get caught out.  Whatever the cause it's a life lost. RIP

  3. 3 hours ago, citybiker said:


    I’m no big fan of Boris and agree his knee jerking comments are unhelpful, he’s an intelligent man but sometimes words fail me with him, likewise I’m also aware how disliked JRM is too.

    Walking away would be an extreme last resort IMO & I don’t think either sides will go down that road, besides business lobbies from both sides will ensure both the EU & UK will form some kind of bespoke deal, even though I don’t trust Macron he says a bespoke deal can be achieved.

    Another problem is PMTM successor once Brexit negotiations are complete is another scary thought, however the primary focus is ensuring Brexit is dealt with so the future generation can benefit and some form of pragmatic working relationship between the U.K./EU can continue, I suspect & hope an original blueprint may surface but we’ll just wait and see.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Your post makes a lot of sense.  As you say the business lobbies from the UK and the EU will not let us end up with no deal.  It is whether the UK will agree to a deal in or the same as, the single market and customs agreement that will be the big factor.  If they do then it will mean the free movement of people and that is going to go down like a lead balloon with many.

  4. 6 minutes ago, citybiker said:


    In parts we’ll agree to disagree, i don’t believe it’s a mistake & a watered down Brexit is as much a possibility as a hard Brexit is, both a media driven including political point scoring from mainly the EU to deter others, and until the negotiations are complete I’ll await anything further.

    Remainer’s, including Hammond etc are still angry, annoyed and frustrated as the Brexit process isn’t a walk in the park, which leaving was never going to be easy.

    Leavers, depending on individual’s POV about why they voted to leave, however leavers must understand, and most I know do, are aware of the complexity of leaving a 40+yr arrangement, patience is key along with a level head, I do wish JRM would join DD on the Brexit team in Brussels however that’s not going to happen so DD will battle with Barnier.

    Lastly and overall, neither side are going to be completely happy and content either way, Brexit won’t be scrapped either that’s for sure.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    You may be right but only time will tell.  I also think many leave voters saw that this was going to be difficult and very complex.  What annoys me most are the people who just keep saying that we should just walk away.  Only the very naïve would think that would be an option.  You cannot afford knee jerk politicians like Johnson getting involved, way too complicated for him. I am afraid JRM is everything I hate about politicians, a self interested dinosaur in my opinion. 

  5. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Are you saying that Trump would not have then  given a formal apology, had the reporter asked him to do so ?   That is just your assumption and a guess

    That wasn't a reporter, it was Piers Morgan, an old friend of Trumps.  Any reporter worth their salt would have pushed for an apology but that was never going to happen with Morgan.  I believe the whole thing was contrived.

  6. 2 hours ago, smedly said:

    what lies ???????


    may I "again" draw your attention to the fact ............................................. We are Still in the EU, brexit hasn't happened yet........................did you actually know that or are you just ignoring the FACT

    Why would I think we are not still in the EU?   As for the lies, really?  How many times but hey! let's look at where we are.  Do you think that Brexit is going to plan?  Do you think that what the leave gang said in their campaign is coming to fruition?  Do you think that the EU are desperate to seal a trade deal with the UK as Johnson and the boys said they would?  Do you think that paying a "starting" fee of £40 billion to leave is what we were told by the Brexit campaigners, because that is certainly what Cameron said.  


    2 hours ago, citybiker said:

    Time for the anti Brexit mafia to get a grip, and be united.

    I think you will find we have got a grip and are united in the fact that Brexit is a terrible mistake.  Maybe time for the Brexiteers to accept that you are not going to get the Brexit you voted for.


    And we will keep going backwards and forwards over this for the foreseeable future.  I want to be wrong over Brexit, I really do.  I also think that a completely watered down Brexit would be a disaster too.  To end up with no meaningful change and no seat at the table would be a double whammy of failures.


    So surely the correct thing to do would be for the negotiators to agree the deal for Brexit and then put it to the house or better still, the people.  Then either go with it or scrap Brexit completely.  That is not a second referendum, just a chance for all of the people to vote on the FACTS!

  7. 3 hours ago, ckerr83 said:

    The people didn't vote out, a super majority was never achieved - a global standard in constitutional changes. It was a mere 32% of the electorate that voted to leave. A fact that brainwashed  Brexiteers all too readily choose to ignore!

    More to the point the people who voted leave did so based on lies, lies that have now been exposed but still they choose to stick with result.


    Anyway we have been here many times before and still there is no progress.  Brexit is slowly being shown to be unworkable, at least unworkable to get a positive deal for Britain.  Davis continues to soften his approach to the point of giving himself a get out clause or two.  Will it be a two year transition period or maybe three?  His speech yesterday had so many holes in it they should call it a colander!


  8. 2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

    "why would anyone else want to take up the poisoned chalice when they can let her carry the can"


    And that pretty much sums up the argument against this article.  It would take a seriously stupid Conservative politician to seek to take over from May at this point!

    That's pretty much been my view up to now but!  I am sure that JRM is having talks behind the scenes and weighing up whether a challenge is viable.  There is a possibility that a hardline pro-leave group of politicians (probably led by Rees Mogg) would want a crack now that they can see that May and Davis are backtracking on a daily basis.  The aim would be to push ahead with their little Britain mentality and end up walking away from the EU with nothing.


    So the question then would be "who would be best to be PM out of JRM or Corbyn?".  That really would be scary thought!  Given that threat I think we should hope that May keeps her role for now.

  9. I'm warming to Trump.  I think maybe we have all misjudged him in the UK.  Today he has said that he loves Britain and the British people.  He has even offered to apologise for re-tweeting those far right tweets.  Who would have thought Trump is just a lovable bundle of cuddliness.  He has said that he will be coming to Britain this year on a "working" visit and that many people in the UK like and respect him.


    Please do come Donald, we are looking forward to welcoming you in a very British way! 

  10. 7 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    But you must acknowledge a 'waitress' in London does not earn 150 (or 290) plus cab fares and drinks. A waitress in London will earn less than 7 quid an hour.

    What do you think the premium is for? Are these girls that much better at transferring a glass of whisky from a tray to the table?

    Depending on the event, waitresses at events earn more than waitresses in restaurants who do earn the minimum plus tips.  £100 to £150 per event would be realistic.  The more experienced the waitress the higher the pay.  Transport home is normally supplied. 

  11. 10 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    I am not condoning any of the behaviors here,  I have never behaved in the way criticized in the article, even in my 20's. But a point I was trying to allude to is that if you set the situation up with the right conditions, Women will also behave this way at all women's events. Especially if you bring in attractive male entertainment. Not all women of course. But a certain minority will go far beyond anything described in  the article. Of course you will not see any major headlines about that.

    You set it up right and give men or women the confidence that it is OK to let go of the PC facade and you will see some monkey business. The undercover journalism at this event is nothing short of entrapment.

    Yes but you have to compare like with like.  Women only nights fall into many categories as well and there is a lot of difference between the WI knees ups and the hen party weekends on Ibiza.  This evening was a fund raising event full of high powered businessmen and company directors, not a stag night at the local lap dancing club.


    I have been to both and believe me the stag night is far more entertaining!


    I do think that this "exposure" by the undercover journalist is way over the top but at the moment it is flavour of the month thanks to Weinsteingate.  The description of scantily clad hostesses is just plain bullsh*t.  The waitresses (because that is what they were) were dressed in short black cocktail dresses.  Far more modest than any nightclub going young raver.


    These sort of events are for the dinosaurs but surely they should be pitied rather than pilloried. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, eliotness said:

    These luvies have mega egos.  If they were really sincere they would donate some of the millions they have amassed in tax free banks.  As for me, you don't know me or all the things I have done for charities, so your intended abuse marks you as a troll.

    Just asking the question, sorry if I hit a nerve.  Don't know about the others but Elton John has given millions of his own money to his AID's foundation and works tirelessly along with other high profile people to raise awareness.  You may call them luvies  but they use their fame to do good and try to improve the lives of others.  Still, if that makes you feel sick then fair enough!

  13. 41 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    .  Needless to say all the jokes were about them but it went straight over their heads.  "What is the difference between a vag*ina and a man's golf ball?  A man will happily spent half an hour looking for a golf ball".



    Sorry I really screwed up the joke.  Should be "What is the difference between a clitor*s and a golf ball?  A man will happily spend half an hour looking for a golf ball."  Sorry:sorry:

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