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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    Got that right.

    The Constitution of the great United States hangs in the balance and the so-called "Trumpsters" would probably vote for Joe the Plumber than Crooked Hillary. :thumbsup:


    BM I think we agree.  I said before that a three legged lesbian donkey would be a better choice for President than the current pair of losers.  The only difference is that Trump is even worse than the Clinton girl.

  2. 1 hour ago, augustwest said:

    It's time for the US to play nice with China and Russia. 3 superpowers should get along. If not the conflicts will continue and maybe a potential war that the human race will be eradicated


    Well the USA certainly needs to buddy up to the world's superpower China, especially given the staggering amount of money they owe them.  Not sure in the new world where Russia fits in but economically India is becoming a real powerhouse.

  3. It is amazing how blinkered the Trumpsters are.  They will support their guy no matter what he says.  I wonder if he was to stick his dick inside a pigs mouth whether they would all rush to follow suit?  I would suspect the answer would be yes!  Still loyalty is a good thing usually, although blind loyalty tends to show an inability of rational thinking.


    Makes it entertaining though and gives both sides something to bicker over

  4. 7 minutes ago, Usernames said:

    Would rather have two leaders who understand each other than some power mad Clinton ready to go to nuclear war with Russia over Latvia or Estonia. 


    Not sure how much Russian Trump understands or how much English Putin understands but I would like to see the two of them riding side by side topless!  I am sure the gay community would love it to bits.




  5. 2 hours ago, Linzz said:


    That's right it was you who promised to eat your hat if Trump becomes Prez. Could be interesting! Will you video that?


    There will certainly be stills if not a video.  It will be entitled man eats hat made of pancakes.  How about you?  What will you eat if Trump loses and will we see the video?  Or do you feel it is too much of a risk for you? 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    It's not rocket surgery to see that Putin is indeed a leader (albeit a thug) vs. wimpy Barry.



    You mean that Putin is a cowboy and Obama is a President?  Or maybe you think that the USA needs a thug in charge.  Nice picture though.  You can clearly see why Putin is a gay icon!

  7. 20 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

    He is a leader and will surround himself with the right people just as any good manager or CEO would do, and what he has already done


    Interesting.  Clearly you are discounting the people he has fired so far but you are happy with his choice of VP.  You are right that the President will have a team and they will be picked by their commitment to the President and his/her  mindset.  However at this point you are voting for the man and his policies (whatever they turn out to be).  You are not voting for an unknown team.  So unlike in previous elections this team it is very much the man and not the republican party who are desperately trying to distance themselves from the madness. 


    Ignoring the flip flopping, what do you think this very smart man will do if he gets elected?

  8. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

    The sentences are draconian and way too high. Frankly, all drugs should be legal. If you want to sit in your home and take coke, meth, etc go ahead. However, I would make it illegal in public .  If  it was all legal- we wouldn't need huge budgets for enforcement, courts, jails and other things associated with keeping people locked up. Drug cartels would cease to exist. The money saved could be spent on educating people about the dangers of using drugs and  providing treatment for those who are addicted. in addition, people who need to get 'high' from alcohol or drugs are suffering from a neuroses that should be treated. Governments try ad control too much of a person's private life. I am not advocating usage of drugs or alcohol- I simply wouldn't want people to be incareratd unless their usage infringed upon another person's life,



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