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Posts posted by PattayaParent

  1. The law isn't against drinking, it is against selling. You find (up here anyway) that if you bring your own bottle the restaurant can sell you mixers and ice.

    Going back to the 2 - 5PM closing times, I could never understand the misinterpretation of this. This ban on selling was directed against retail outlets only. Licenced premises can still serve during this time. It was apparently aimed at stopped school kids (who should have been in class during this period anyway) from having access to alcohol. This in a country where everyone has to carry ID at all times. Would it not have been simpler to ask the customer for their ID instead of the hassle this has caused?

    Why hotels and restaurants (if properly licenced) stop selling during these periods still baffles me.

    I (rather the wife) have run a bar in Thailand for 13 years and never once have been questioned when open during these times.

    You don't need to ask for an ID as they are in their school uniform.

    • Like 1
  2. ZZZ is correct.

    I don't think so. The only ones you cannot turn left at have a sign stating you cannot.

    If he were right, then please explain why they have put up new signs at many intersections stating you cannot turn on red.

    What I find very annoying is that cars which turn left on red often don't bother to give way to through traffic.

    Many of the junctions where you CAN turn left have a sign saying you can.

  3. Last week True cut my signal without any warning. After a call, they sent a "technician" to install two Humax HD STB, no recording capabilities. The technician did not know how to attach an external HD, but the manual said, an eSATA hard disk must be attached. They even recommend 3 different HD, fom WD, Seagate and Hitachi. None of these 3 models are available, neither in Panthip Plaza nor on the respective websites.

    So I bought an external Green Caviar HD from WD, a box and a eSATA cable and connected it to the Humax box. But all I got is an error message. Repeated calls to Truevisions have yielded to strictly nothing, they promise to send a technician but when this technician calls and gets explained (again!) what is my problem, all he says is that he has no clue and will call again. Of course he doesn't.

    Did anyone out there make this Humax box from Truevision work with an external hard disk? What disk did you use?

    I have tried an external HD with a USB port, but no success.


  4. I can't remember the name, but I think it's Phayun Beach. Restaurant with tables right on the beach, great place for the kids to play. Go to Ban Chang and turn at the light. Work your way down from there. Maybe somebody more technical can help with the directions? We love it there and the food is great.

    Bang Saray is pretty nice also. Tables right on the beach.

    Somprason Beach in Ban Amphur is also fun. Lots of umbrellas and chairs to sit on the beach, a playground for the kids. It's also called Post Office beach.


  5. "Dirty old men"

    "Sad <deleted>"

    I wonder what sort of psychologically damaging experience has led you to be so unnecessarily abusive.

    He goes to Bangkok with his wife.

    It was the wife that did it actually; makes me believe you knew her lol

    A lot of normal people do, and they live here with their wife as well. Bangkok is not only a knocking shop for those who can not get any or afford the hookers in their own country ya know.

    True, but there's no need to be jealous of the guys that are there enjoying themselves.

  6. second question first...no you dont surrender your foreign license

    To get the Thai DL, you will need some sort of residence letter or cerificate...not sure exactly what the doc is as never needed one as I am on a WP.

    Regarding the IDP some licenses offices want it, some dont...so depends on which office you use. As you are talking about a "nanny state" lets assume this is the UK, therefore your license is in English and from what i have read in the Pattaya office will accept this without an IDP

    You also need a medical cert as well

    Sometimes, I had to do the driving test as I didn't have an IDP.

    Also on my encounters Pattaya will not give you a license unless you are on a non immigrant visa, although again, I have read on these pages that sometimes they will give you one on a tourist visa.

  7. I used to not understand why western women wear mini skirts and always keep pulling them down- an annoying habit, so I asked a woman at work why they did that, and was informed that they do it to draw attention to the fact that they are wearing a short skirt. In other words an attention getting ploy.

    I'd imagine that the pillow is much the same, for drawing attention to the fact that they have nice legs.

    I doubt it's to cover up anything private, as they all seem to wear short shorts under short dresses.

    We have a girl in the office that wears short skirts and then ties a jacket round her waist to cover her legs up.

    Maybe she's just run out of clean trousers?

  8. Do what I do and order 18 pints of lager at 1.55pm......lovely jubbly


    never experienced going to a resturant that sold alcohol where the "no alcohol between these hours has been enforced though"

    You've been lucky. Try some food courts at Tesco or Big C.

    It's hit and miss though. e.g. Big C (extra) Pattaya no, Big C Nakhon Sawan, no problem.

    why would anyone feel the need to drink at tesco or big c?

    What else would you do while the missus is shopping for the weekly couple of cases of beer?

  9. Hi there, I had exactly the same thing (£5 short from halifax bank to BKBank) I got a print out and the £5

    was taken by loyds bank so you pay 3 banks for swift transfer. Pete..

    Possibly because Halifax are not a clearing bank and they need to use one of the clearing banks to process external transfers?

    An interesting reply P.P. I do SWIFT transfers to my Bangkok Bank account from Nationwide International, their charge is 20 pounds. Apart from the B.B. charge ther are no add ons.

    Nationwide are owned by RBS who also own NatWest who are a clearing bank.

  10. This month should see the UK Govt publication of its response to its consultation on the introduction of a statutory residence test. This will give us the first look at the shape of the legislation on this and, the rules that will then apply from 4/13. This should bring some welcome clarity incl to many of the issues raised on this thread.

    Statutory Residence Test - the next stage

    HM Treasury have finally released their response to the consultation into implementing a statutory residence test from April 2013.

    The document outlines a summary of the responses received and also highlights any refinements to the original proposals that have been made. There is some much welcome clarification on certain definitions within the proposed test, although invariably some question marks will remain.

    It is a three-tier test, broken down into those who are conclusively non-resident, conclusively resident or if they do not apply, the connections an individual has with the UK and the number of days that they spend here are considered in the final test:

    • Those who are conclusively non-resident will be
      • anyone present in the UK for fewer than 46 days if they have been non-resident in all of the previous three years, or
      • present for fewer than 16 days if they have been resident in one or more of the previous three years, or
      • work full-time abroad and are present in the UK for fewer than 90 days with no more than 20 days* spent working in the UK

    * The consultation document outlines that the Government are requesting views on whether this should be increased to 25 days.

    • Those who are conclusively resident will be:
      • Anyone present for more than 183 days in the tax year, or
      • Only has one home and that home is in the UK, or
      • Works full-time in the UK

      [*]If Parts A & B do not apply, then the number of connecting factors with the UK and the amount of time spent in the UK determines the status.

    The response also contains draft legislation which runs to a staggering 62 pages! The Government believe that the outline provided is close to a final draft, however a further consultation period into the legislation, and one or two intended alterations, is to run until mid-September 2012.

    • Like 1
  11. If you are going to put the kids in St. Andrews then consider Ban Chang as it's about 12kms away, a bit more if you live down by the beach (maybe +5kms). Shinthavee Gardens on Sukhumvit has quite a few places empty at the moment.

    For Regents somewhere around Mabprachan Lake as suggested although you can also get to St. Andrews easily enough from there along the Highway 36.

  12. But for the poster who suggested that a UK citizen drive in the UK on your IDP, not a good idea even apart from the plod, insurance would also have an easy out of any responsibility in the event of an accident, equivalent to - in fact you are - illegally driving without a license at all once your local one's suspended or revoked.

    It is not "illegal" to drive a car in the UK as a British citizen on a Thai DL. I have hired a car in the UK on a Thai DL/IDP and insurance is not a problem. I am not the only person I know who has done this

    however in the case of the OP, if he is trying to aquire a Thai DL/IDP to try an circumnavigate a driving ban in the UK and he is caught out he will be in the poo, and yes insurance would be invalidated.

    I don't think he was saying that it's illegal to drive in the UK on a Thai drivers licence, but illegal to be driving on an International licence from your home country if your normal drivers licence has been suspended.

    It's just not possible to drive on an IDP from your home country IN your own country.

    The IDP is only valid for countries in which it is NOT issued.

  13. Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

    Shouldn't that read , ............... " I'm pished off with my ex wife " ? rolleyes.gif

    By the way, what did you serve, few weeks local , then a Cat D after assessment for a few weeks then on a TAG with HDC ? ( Do they still do that, HDC ?)

    Or did you do the 4.5 months banged up ?

    Cat D is great !! smile.png

    Excuse my french but did I bollacks...........

    I actually thought there there was no one left that didn't know my story..........Couldnt possibly tell all here in a few sentances as took a month of my time to write a Blog of what happened on another forum !!

    Without going into the detail in total I had 15 months (of which 9 was the Benefit Fraud crap)

    Banged me up in Exeter a "B" cat nick for the first month which was local to me (Plymouth) and did another six and a half months in Channings Wood. No Tag nothing-never even had a parking ticket in my life previously either. Channings Wood is "C" cat and I was banged up (hate that term !!) with Ex Professional footballer Luke Mc Cormick (drunk driver killed 2 kids) of Plymouth Argyle......


    But you went to jail anyway? So what was the point?

    Should have stitched up the missus and left yourself free to take care of the kid.

  14. Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

    Or before welfare created generations of miscreants living on the dole, believing they are entitled to handouts simply because they waste air.

    I don't think that was Anyron Bevan's plan though was it?

    Yes, another of the Brits inventions that has spiraled out of control, although it dates back much earlier that Anyron Bevan. Try the English Poor Laws which went into law in 1536.


    I don't hink Anyron Bevan was an advocate of the workhouse?

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