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Posts posted by colinneil

  1. 37 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



    Try the one I posted above....... you won't be disappointed.

    Take note of hotandsticky folks, while most of us eat to live, he lives to eat.????????????????????????

  2. Just now, hotandsticky said:



    So........................ everything is NOT closed - and it is NOT a lockdown.



    Makro, Big C, Lotus', Friendship, Siamsburi's et all  - all open ?



    Freedom of movement?... pretty much I would say. 


    Gyms closed?.............................• Stadiums and gyms can open until 9pm and competitions can be held without an audience.

    Reading your post, then thinking about you in the gym..... holy hell that would certainly be a laugh.????????????????????

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Poet said:

    Ah, 7 PM is very early, seems a waste. You should consider joining a five-a-side football team, great way to expend some energy in the evenings, you'll get a great sleep after that.



    I hope your post is meant as a joke !!!!!!!

    A paraplegic playing five a side, words fail me.

    7 pm is not of my choosing, but as my feet /legs swell seriously every day, more than 7 hours in my chair is not good.

    I have many problems, but sleeping is not 1 of them.

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