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Posts posted by colinneil

  1. Just now, Lacessit said:

    Colin, Colin. Just have your missus sit in your lap. Works for me.

    Silly a==e, what use would that be ?

    No feeling below my chest, if she sat on my lap nothing would happen, not worked now for over 7 years.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    I'll agree with that one. The weather is just great for my morning walk right now. Crisp clean air and a cool breeze, straight from the mountains of SW China (sans viruses I hope) to blow the cobwebs away.

    Lucky you, weather just great for your morning walk.

    Think about folk like me, who cannot move, sitting here in my chair freezing my nuts off.

    Thermal socks, sweater, jacket with hood, and blanket wrapped around me, still perishing with cold.

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