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Posts posted by xtof2

  1. A 27-year-old traveler from the United Kingdom has been reported missing on the island of Koh Tao.

    Lauren Hebden was last heard from on Dec. 22 when she was thought to be on the island of Koh Tao, according to reports from Missing Abroad and Missing People, two UK-based nonprofits.

    “Lauren went travelling in September 2013 and kept in touch regularly via email and Skype,” reads the information from Missing Abroad. “However, stopped in September 2014, apart from one email in December 2014.”

    According to the information, Hebden was last seen on Koh Tao but could have relocated since the time of her last contact.


    I can't believe it ! Is someone going to do something about it... or do we accept to have the Thai doing nothing and Bullsh***ing everyone all the time ?????

  2. The thing is that it's getting worst and worst.

    Being living here for 7 years now, close to Phrom Phong, and even with the recent fare increase, it's not getting better.

    Sometimes I can understand, too far, too much traffic... but when they refuse... as yesterday evening to do a mere 1 kilometer.

    When this happens, I walk away without closing their back seat door.

  3. Imagine if French law had allowed its citizens the basic human right of armed self defense.

    The organization that suffered the attack was in fact quite a despicable one, nihilistic far left wingers who held in utter contempt the most cherished beliefs of Christian and Moslem alike. But however squalid their aims and methods, by no stretch of a barbaric imaginationwere they due a violent fate, much less one not sanctioned by civil law. It was quite enough that their subscriptions had fallen to nearly a third of its peak to see justice served.

    In a world of hateful nihilists and even more hateful savages, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I can think of no object I personally find more despise than a gun, but at the end of the day, it is clear that the State can no longer defend us. When that is that case, gun control is abomination.

    Despicable : You're a moron and you don't even know what you're talking about.

    Gun control abomination : Yes, sure, better in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech... country where you probably come from or live.

    You want the list, just as a reminder:


    • Like 1
  4. It was already strange that Air Asia changed the flight's departure time to two hours earlier than the original time. I haven't seen any explanation given for that.

    Moving up two hours is very strange. Never heard of such a thing in US and fly a lot.

    My understanding is that a later flight was overbooked and that they moved pax to this earlier one... telling them your flight schedule has been changed.

  5. You care, so you're a nice guy.

    My main advice would be : don't trust her. Be - a bit - selfish because today you have no clue if is she is honest with you

    Based on what you said with : 90% chances that she doesn't give a shit about.

    Why? Many reasons?

    Living in Pattaya is a bad signal, why there? Probably sent by her parents to send money back home.

    Working in a sushi bar does not mean anything, many girls do that + free lancing.

    Why to wait for 4 months to tell you? She knew well before December she was pregnant. Why she didn't told you right away? Did she try with another naive befoie you? Maybe.

    All girls on TLL have have several relationships (unless it took you months chatting with her to hook her).

    I'm sure you understand that being a father is one thing, being an husband is another. Don't commit yourself for the later unless you're - almost - sure she do care about you. It might take years. And even if she cares about you, it will probably still be difficult for her to live in Australia.

    Trap her !

    Get in touch with her on TLL with another name, even IP ... and see what happens.

    If you can afford it, give some bucks to a guy to follow her for a week.

    It's not nice but it's the only way to figure out.

    The good point for her is that she brought you to her family. If they leave in a village, it means marriage in many cases. Since you spent 4 weeks there, you should have a pretty good idea if her family tries to get as much as possible from you (Paying local whiskey and beers all the time doesn't mean that !).

    This last point is very important. In most cases, just be aware that you never marry a Thai girl, you marry her family. In other words, her mother say will always be more important than what you say.

    As said by many others, don't bring her to Oz.

    Good luck... and keep in mind it's your life first and you're only 30 !

    • Like 2
  6. If there's one thing you can rely on, it's Greenpeace to blow the impact of a minor spill out of all proportion.

    "...damage to tourism industries and local fisheries..." Is there evidence that ANY has occurred?

    BTW let's get the lawyers on the case, though there's nothing to indicate the company has not acted expeditiously to stop the leak and minimise any effects.

    Aaaaahhh...yes: the ever so popular "blame the whistleblower"!

    What bloody whistleblower? It was publicly announced, and then GP jumped on the bandwagon for a bit of free publicity while exaggerating the damage.

    BTW GP is one of the worst purveyors of pseudo-science to the uneducated, constantly making idiotic statements exaggerating benefits and ignoring the downside of anything that takes their fancy, meanwhile raising millions of unaccountable dollars.

    Sure, water is crystal clear. Go for a swim.

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