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Everything posted by edwardandtubs

  1. One guy got told to ask his hotel for the printout and come back tomorrow. A woman who claimed to be staying with a friend was told to get the landlord to do the TM30 and turned away.
  2. Totally agree with this. It was my most efficient extension. Good transport link to the red line (contrary to suggestions on Google maps, it was easy to find. If you're in Laksi station, go to the walkway that connects to the second floor of IT square.)
  3. No zombie horde this afternoon. I think they all get there early in the morning "to avoid the queues" and then think to themselves "if it's this bad at 9 am, think what it'll be like at 3 pm!" In fact there are very few people there at 3 pm and it was only up to queue number 165. There are a lot of panic-stricken people on Google maps mentioning the maximum queue number of 300 but I can't see it being an issue except perhaps around long public holidays.
  4. Today everyone was required to have a printout of it, even if it had been done online.
  5. Unfortunately, most Russians believe the disinformation they're fed by their media and support the war and there are probably not that many Ukrainians in Phuket but yes it's good to see Russians who can see through the propaganda side-by-side with Ukrainians.
  6. Do they accept walk-ins to apply for a 30 day extension to a visa exempt? I see they only have online appointments for the morning. Do they accept walk-ins in the afternoon? Anyone know the last time they accept applications? Is it 1530 like at CW?
  7. Is an online appointment necessary and if not, what time do they stop accepting walk-ins? Is it 1530 like CW?
  8. Better to take public transport from Phnom Penh to Pailin, cross the Prum/Pakard land border, van to Chanthaburi then bus home.
  9. The train might have improved recently but when I took it a few years ago there were delays and a crappy van transfer between the port and train station. I wish I'd just taken the overnight bus like everyone else. The one from the southern bus terminal to Koh Phangan all-inclusive has been better for me. If you can book a few weeks in advance the fly and ride option is better and about the same price.
  10. I think the poster knows that but is pointing out that just because someone says a border is not open to foreigners, doesn't necessarily make it so.
  11. I see what you mean now. Bluport is walking distance to anywhere on the beach. I was looking at the old immigration office. Thanks, I'll just walk it.
  12. A hotel near the beach which I'll probably book at the last minute. The main Hua Hin beach probably but I don't mind walking a bit to public transport.
  13. All these anecdotal experiences are totally worthless. I was in the UK for most of last year and didn't have a symptomatic case of covid in spite of never wearing a mask through several waves of omicron and not getting a booster shot. I had three Shredded Wheat for breakfast every morning. Coincidence?
  14. The home tests only really detect symptomatic covid plus you've probably had an asymptomatic case some time over the past three years.
  15. I'm planning to combine a few days in Hua Hin with extending my visa exempt entry by 30 days. I believe I'll need to get to the immigration office at the Bluport Resort Mall, which is miles away from the beach where I'll be staying. I've heard about free shuttles but can't find any information about a specific one. It seems 5 star hotels have them but I'm not planning to stay in one. What are my options for getting there and back to the beach?
  16. Can you summarise the findings of these videos rather than just posting the links?
  17. In the UK you see kids walking around "vaping" these Chinese-made. colourful devices designed to look like packets of sweets or make-up. The surprising thing is not that Thailand doesn't allow them but that other countries are allowing a new generation of kids to become hooked on them for the profit of Chinese companies.
  18. "They" are just websites regurgitating the lies of other websites. The fake olive oil story is a myth: https://culinarylore.com/food-myths:fake-olive-oil-brands/
  19. Do you think so? I thought it was a done deal that the 45 day thing would continue for the rest of the year.
  20. You're talking about reported cases which doesn't reflect the actual number of infections. Most people in the world have been infected now. As Yong himself says in the article in the OP, "COVID-19 infection has subsided because more than 70% of population of each country has been infected." This includes Thailand: https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40024418 As for deaths, this is defined in the UK as a death within 28 days of a positive test. How is it defined in Thailand? If the definition is different then comparison is meaningless.
  21. The problem with that is that the number of cases is meaningless as it just reflects the number of tests and how likely people are to report the result. The number of deaths is also meaningless as it depends not just on the level of testing but also the definition of a covid death. The wild differences in official statistics and analyst estimates of China's true number of deaths illustrates this. And masking didn't stop covid ripping through the population of China did it? If you look at a statistic less open to interpretation - the number of patients with covid on mechanical ventilation - you'll see that the UK and Thailand are approximately the same and have been for a long time. Current number in England: 137 https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare#card-patients_in_mechanical_ventilation_beds (Note: the UK total is no longer updated but if you look at the data table "by nation" you can see the numbers for England). Number in Thailand 3 weeks ago: 179 https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-reports-30-drop-in-covid-admissions-and-deaths-last-week/
  22. You're contradicting yourself. The three reasons you mention apply just as much to Thailand as anywhere yet you ignore them and choose to follow the incoherent ramblings of the Prayuth government instead.
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