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Everything posted by jojothai

  1. Nonsense. Its not the condominium act that is the problem, Its lack of enforcement of the law. Short term rentals under 30 days are illegal. Condominiums should only have to report it to the local authorities with the room numbers and they should take action. Then they could get the taxes, and fine the owners. How are they going to get the taxes if they do nothing. The condos are not going to get or pay the taxes.
  2. Will they have any zones outside 7 elevens? or are those areas only going to be allowed for locals.
  3. Many people still do not seem to be aware of the CRS. The Thai government has enacted the Royal Decree on the Common Reporting Standard, B.E. 2566 (2023) ("CRS Decree"), which came into effect on March 31, 2023 which enables Thailand to fulfill its international obligations. Thailand has joined with all the other global countries in the system to prevent tax avoidance. (The US is the most noteworthy missing, because they already have a global requirement system in place). Its a global system where its not just that Thai banks want the information. Under the CRS regulations the banks MUST get the details of Tax residence and tax ID of people with accounts here. For most Thais it is not necessary because they are considered as tax resident here. But for foreigners the banks will need to request the information. Just that they did nothing about it for nearly two years. Presumably the TRD is now kicking up a stink with them to implement what is required. TRD may benefit with potential of more taxable income information from the other countries. But only if you are resident here. When the rules started for many banks a long time ago in the west, it has since been implemented on all financial accounts in many countries including UK offshore locations, Hong Kong, Singapore , etc. The banks first requested information, then from my experience after about a year they started to threaten to freeze the accounts if you did not comply. Be warned, the issue may not simply go away.
  4. My advice is that boots are cheaper than the hospitals but still expensive compared to cheaper pharmacies. However, I also prefer to buy in person. Look for the cheaper pharmacies recommended. The cheapest i know is Siam pharmacy at Ploenchit just outside the BTS station. They have a lot of meds in stock, some that i cannot readily get elsewhere. You can telephone them to see what they have and price. The number from google is 083 792 1982
  5. So its only Foreigners? How do they deport all the Thais breaking the law.
  6. The condos do have Jurisdiction. The juristic person should act. Just that most do not enforce it. Condos have regulations and most require that they know who is staying in the condo and get the ID. One of my condos has clear and obvious signs that all people staying in the condo have to register. That short term rentals are illegal, and will be reported to the authorities. Security check people coming in and out of the condo that they do not know and will not let them enter without sufficient justification. Some condos have very poor security and that's part of the problem. Its not just something for the BIB. Immigration with TM30's, local authorities with taxation. There's more to it than just thinking nothing can be done.
  7. I see that you appear to be based in Bangkok. Sheryl has provided some excellent advice. For Bangkok, call Siam Pharmacy (Phloen Chit) 0837921982. Its outside Ploenchit BTS. Easy to find and get to. Go out the walkway south east west to the mall and down the escalator. Cheapest pharmacy i know. Very busy place. Big stock of many types of meds, some that may not be readily available elsewhere.
  8. Dr Jack is correct. The marriage visa has an advantage in this way. Far easier if you expect periodic work with work permits. I am in a situation where this is expected with a Thai employer. Otherwise the marriage visa is a lot harder. I have friends in Hua hin who stopped getting marriage visa because it is far too intrusive. Immigration at hua hin pointedly advised me that it is far easier to get a retirement visa, but understood and agreed with me that the work permit situation is an advantage.
  9. Justified comments, mine added above in italics.
  10. This new service does not state that, the post states Hua Hin -DMK , DMK- pattaya. Suvarnabhumi - Pattaya. The existing service that does hua hin to suvarnabhumi and pattaya also goes to Jomtien. https://airportpattayabus.com/
  11. This appears to be a new service and not the existing one on that website. The initial picture is from the existing service in hua h in near the airport. a later post says petkasem 96 to 96/1 where there is some bus service already. We need a booking link. Hua hin to suvarnabhumi on the existing service is ,mostly 3.5 hours except when hitting rush hour traffic when it can be an extra hour or more. (hence the 5 hours)
  12. Please also note that if you have been working in Thailand and do not have the 400,000 baht in bank deposited from overseas, then you can provide evidence of earnings in the last tax year by providing your tax certificate and tax return with copy of the receipt From TRD. You still need to have the funds required in the bank and for the periods required.
  13. All please note that DrJack 54 is correct. I have recently checked with Hua hin and Chaeng Wattana. With all the evisa changes, you would likely need to stay outside at least a week to get the non-o. It must be easier to just get the visa exempt reentry and then apply for the 90 day non-o here. Checklists attached from January. From Chaeng Wattana and Hua Hin immigration. Please note that you even if you have a Khor ror 22, with overseas marriage certificate some immigration offices may still require a foreign marriage certificate legalised in your home country and then stamped by the thai embassy in your home country. There has been a report of this recently, where the OP had been ok for years, but then suddenly they now want this on the foreign certificate. I got Chaeng Wattana to check my documents for the non-o when i was in Bangkok recently, and they said ok with the Khor ror 22 and marriage certificate not yet certified (but with a Thai translation). The hua hin list states in item 3 " certified from the embassy". I have yet not checked with them what this precisely means., but will find out when i return in a few weeks. I can get it certified on Uk trip in may if needed, so its not a problem for me if Hua Hin initially do not accept it.
  14. I agree for Ao Nang. Been to Ao Nang a few times and there is nothing I personally can recommend it for, except going out to other places on tours.🤪 Phuket has a number of other issues to consider that are not so good. In particular, check how associated costs compare elsewhere.
  15. ?? FYI. Unless the pension is for government service, state pension is taxable in Thailand if remitted. It is very clear that state pension is not covered by the UK DTA, unless it is specifically for government service article 19. There have been many posts confirming this. There is no need to ask for any references except the UK DTA. Unlike many other DTA's there is no article for "Pensions". The UK clearly did not care about pensioners who decide to live in Thailand. Just as they still do not with no consideration of annual inflation increases to pensions, as is allowed in many other countries. Social security payments are also not covered by the UK DTA. There is no mention of it.
  16. Although this does not directly relate to the situation of the initial post and is off topic, I will add some comment. Yes, True in the UK, it is not necessary to submit a tax return if your income is below the threshold and no tax is due. On the UK website there is a calculator to check if you need to submit a tax return. I have used it ok and kept screenshots. When you complete a UK tax return and it is not necessary to pay tax, Briggsy is right in that they do not expect you to submit a return the next year (and will not request it). However for clarification, the need to submit or not depends whether your circumstances have changed or not and tax may be due. If they do not send a tax return, the onus is on the individual to declare if their circumstances change and tax is due. I presume that all other countries will be thee same. There are reasons why that could happen. Best to be aware that if you have any increased income in the UK, it is your responsibility to calculate and submit the tax return if tax does become due. Penalties can multiply the longer any delay, if not submitted and inland revenue find that you should have submitted.
  17. i have read through the posts vnow, another few comments that do i do not seem to have seen Always rent and stay for a good while to get familiar with the local area and neighbourhoods. Try some different places to decide what suits you best. Its not just about safety and dogs., Noise can be an immense problem, anywhere. Even in the remote areas do not always expect peace and quiet. Me and my wife have one house in an off the main road farming area, where houses are sparse. There are local people hundreds of meters away that periodically play extremely loud thumping music that you can probabaly here kilometres away Unfortunately there seem to be a lot of Thais who seem to love blasting out music as loud as they can. We have another house in a gated village in Hua hin 3km from the main town beach and malls, in a more populated area, It is so amazingly peaceful and quiet. You mention the heat. Yes, the heat and humidity are a problem several months of the year until you get used to it. Even then its still hard to cope with it sometimes. To keep costs down you will need to get used to aircon on settings of 24 to 25 degrees. Be aware that a new inverter air conditioner is far more cost efficient than the older types. Use fans where appropriate. Its not always necessary to use aircons if you can get good circulation of air. Be careful for the orientation of the place you stay and exposure to direct sun and heat. You do not want main rooms exposed to direct sunlight too long. Internal Blinds do not do much, especially if there are metal/aluminum frames. The frames get extremely hot and pass the heat through. In my house in the province, i built it double block with cavity on the main exposed walls - helps great. And the bedrooms at the back end of the house facing south east have large mango trees that were there originally and shade well from the sun. Best of luck on your travels.
  18. For Hua Hin you can look at some comments on the following thread. It depends what you want, considering some topics, such as. Cost of living, rent and food. Comfortable and easy access to shopping. Living out in country areas away from too many people Living near the sea. Clean atmosphere. Health facilities. Reasonably good expat community. And whether older or younger. Safe environment. Some nightlife?
  19. Thanks, but not sure i would take everything as accurate on the page. They say: In Thailand, residents are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-residents are taxed on only Thai-source As far as i am aware, there is not tax on worldwide income. Not yet anyway. Lets hope it stays that way.
  20. You still don't try to understand why what they are stating is nonsense. If I buy a car for my wife, from your "Legal precise Advice" I would need to declare it and it then it will be taxable. - Despite the fact that I earnt the money and it has been taxed already? I can do what i want with that money. Why would it be declarable and taxable again. I can understand that the law does however put a limit on what can be gifted. Have you not seriously considered that the "Legal precise advice" implies that I have the same problem for everything that I give to my wife? On the same basis, when anybody gives money to their wife as a monthly allowance, then surely your officer would need it treated as a gift and taxable. Any monthly allowance given to the wife can be considered as giving benefit. There would be plenty of people livid if they thought Thailand RD wanted to do that, including Thais.
  21. Its wrong to use the word wrong, when it may not be correct. Hearsay or opinions is not fact. Can you refer to the legal facts and not opinion? Why would i waste time going into an RD office to get opinion.
  22. What i said isn't guesswork. If you have a car and a car is purchased for her. Its hers to do as she pleases. The earrings can be used by both, or even sold, so where is the logic . The argument made by the officer is an erroneous opinion IMHO that may have no basis for comparison. So as I said before, its down to the officer attending and what they need to make a decision. I have been to different immigration offices (justified by my situation) a number of times in the past two weeks checking what to do when a work permit expires and been told three different opinions. Its up to you if you believe what you are told by an officer. The rules only state the gift limits ,etc and clarification is not for your own benefit. From what I read on some posts it is not required to be declared on a tax return if it is exempt. With respect, did you ask if it needs to be declared on your tax return even if it is exempt? What did the officer say?
  23. She can sell valuable ear rings for cash. Especially if they are worth a lot if you really want to give a credible gift. Otherwise, why buy earrings? My wife would tell me where to go if i said i will gift her ear rings unless they were gold at least a few baht. Then if the ear rings can be sold is it not also tax evasion? The case stated does not IMHO have any different grounds than a car, because i have my own car and the other car is therefore additional for her. Just like immigration and visas, it will all be down to what the attending officer thinks, or needs to make a decision
  24. Further clarification today, because i am still being told that Immigration should do the 7 day extension for after work permit expiry when the original extension is cancelled. My visa extension was done through the company at one stop service. They will not do a personal extension for the 7 days. That's what they told the company representative and I have confirmed directly with them through their LINE account. They are only doing the visas / extensions for company / business. I now understand that if it was cancelled at Chaeng Wattana they would do the 7 day extension straight afterwards. I am not going to be doing that, so I cannot verify to confirm.
  25. Yes, this has been reported in topics before but some things are not yet clear, and whether a gift has to be declared in your tax return. The gift must be for use by the wife and not for your benefit. You can obviously directly transfer money here to the wife's account. If you have the money in your bank account. From the posts I have read and legal advice sites, then I believe a gift is tax exempt. But I am not sure if you have to declare it on your tax return as tax exempt. I would be grateful for anybody else to clarify this. Most of the discussion i have seen concerns gifting money to the wife when you have funds from overseas. If you transmit the money into your account here, it will be considered taxable irrelevant if you then gift it. What has been stated is that if you gift it directly from overseas to your wife's account as a gift, then it should not be taxable. I have seen posts that contradict this but most seem to indicate it is correct. I stand to be corrected if somebody has researched this and can confirm whether it is not taxable or clarify why it is still taxable, even though it is a gift.
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