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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. I remember youuuuu...... (Some pommy bloke....1950s...LOL)

    REMEMBER me .........supremes

    Do ray me.... Sound of Music Julie Andrews and co.

    "ME & Bobby McGee"..............Janis Joplin

    and the "Pommy Bloke" was actually an Aussie (though born in the U.K. to Australian parents) ..Frank Ifield

    ficola.jpgFrank is often considered an Australian singer and it is true he did come from Australia to Britain in November 1959. Frank was born in Coventry, England November 30, 1937 and his Australian parents returned to Dural near Sydney shortly after the war when he was about 9 years old.


    anyway it is still :-

    "Me & Bobby McGee"..............Janis Joplin

  2. .

    I've got a funny feeling that you've posted this in the wrong place and would recommend transfering it to the "Fleshpots" Pattaya forum where you should get a bit more of a response. :o

    Now all we have to do is attract the attention of a kindly moderator to plly their magical trade.

    Hello Moderator, Come In Moderator

  3. .

    Well I made it to Perth and back, No Drama !

    The Budget a/port at Singa's is a bit of a drag as one can't get into the transit lounge area until 2 hours before flight take off - which meant I had a 3 hr wait on a crappy chair from 3:00am - 6:00am :o on my return leg.

    Tiger themselves were good friendly & easy check-in at all times, nice looking Trolley Dollies going to Oz - coming back they were just as cute but were male :D (Which is fine if you are of that persuasion)

    The aircraft was newish and took-off and landed just as it was meant to do - which I guess means the drivers in the pointy-end did all the right things at the right times.

    At about 18,000 Bt it was cheap, safe & reliable, however if you are long-legged or have a long flight you may want to consider the alternatives.

    I came back with a massive dose of the flu, so it didn't really matter, just took more drugs and got a massage when I got home.......... :D

  4. .

    I wanted to have "My Baby's Gorn Dahn the Plug'ole", but couldn't remember the singer's name. It was an Old Music Hall number in the north of England.. :o

    "Baby I'm-A Want You"............Bread

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